%withn personality of everyone-? .t a meeting of the Plans and Con- tract . conimittee "Monday evening stèps w"ere taken to imtnediately furtheî- thé plans for the new church building.. Ant announcernent of Interest to every mern- ber of the cangregation wfli be made at the Sulnday nîorning serylce. The Sunînier Golf tournament for, the nintf the chireh.and their fri'end.q wi11 be héld Thursday, June 26, at the Coun- tiyside, Golf club, two m1iIes. West of '%lundelein. Arranigement aebe made. ta have the ladies of the. eongre- .gation, and their- friends as guests for lunicheon and dinner at the club houc;e. Pull i nformnation Is being mailed and tele.phoned to captains fthe Poursomes and those invlted t participate Intb tournamenit. Oui- suilnier conmmunifon and 1reception <lt new niemibers will be, held SundfaSr .lune 29), at Il A. M., When the Sacra- mnins of the Iord!'s Suppjer and Baptism will be observed. There is yet tim~e for you to arrange with the minlster. for your réception into the churcli at thjis Coi- munion service. Spoke No,)ý 7 of the Womian's eociety N,111 hold its meeting at the. homne of 'Mrs.~ Stanley M terson, 231 Seventeenth. street, Julie 24. .The.young- Peopfles Christian Endeavor,, sctyWill ho)ld' its meeting at the homne Of 31188 Bettyv Edmundîson, 129 9th street, lit 6:' .M. Snnday. Misls Vinnie'. ýGronidai ývill be the leader on" the triple. *'Whv There Has; Been Sn-callled Rex'ol.* (If Youti."- This will 1)e thle third. of a Otre f allen forumn discussion.s for theý yaung people. T~he iChuýreh sehool begine its sùmmer prograin this Sùnday. Th!,%. titue oai mee- ing is changed ta il o'clacçk. .-The l3egin- ners,- Primùary, and- JuniÔr -depàrtinents- mneet. ln their own raamns.- .Meinbers:of ail other departments are. asked. ta nieet wjhthe ,uorigi'egation !Ji the ëcuîich., the the1 Bath Thg someé order and, An ef fui hi ta seý Sunday scýhoo i meet.s at 9:30 ln fIveDr * departments for the study of Ood's -'%finis Wor)ld. )'()i are lnvited ta find your place clhure l n the Chur-ch school of Christlin Educa- le"yân tion foi' there is a class- for every age. on th, * Bsal Farts of Chrlstlanity"ar- (2) lated in the Ciospel of Mlark. will be the (3) Pray-t*i meeting study on Wedniesday, (4) June 95. ai 8 P. M.%. We bave reached the (5) 45 mark, iniattendance. at Prayver meet- (6) iing. Let Us continue this9 whoiesomie '.r- (7) terest .in the study , af thé e Sripturesà. (8) * Bible students are lnv-,ited.! .You are awy welIconie at the seYrvices nif the PrlesbNyterian eurh., t iq oui, * desire ýto niake. the chuî'ch, a pla ce c f Cor. ( wOrk and Wor.ship) that wvIll Inspire the * ~-hue o lu tward the- nobles gals. Mui 1 wogi'ani foi' Sunday, J' 22T'he Prelude (Opus 28, 'No, 13ý) . Chopin the ri * Anthem, "Rise Crowned Nvith Lighit" .. O'cîocî ............. Harling ai thc Antheni rhe King ai Love Mý%y Shep- suîîerîr herd 1s' . . . . ý.1. . .. Shelley Wilil .Offertory Solo "How Lovely Me.Thy hlr Dwefljnirs" .e ....itid Mostînd Julia Keith Kinsel Sund "Otud Juhilate Deo" Silver church Miss Eerrn' Rounds, Org.1nist and Di- massi farniW. service is the Ide-t. back af sumnmer programn. Ail meknbers af family may corne at the same hour. hthe sehool and church service wvill îat 11 and close at 12 a'ckck. àe, wrtship service wili -benmdified éwhat ta meet suiner conditions. Thi-- eof service. iili -be slightly changed the iength of the >sermon shartened. rfort will be made to have this a help- auùr for ail, young and aid. sitors who have not yet bad a chance ee the beautiful new sanctuary wiii ordiaily weicopied. .Smith attended the summer schools sterliTraining of the MNethodit eh, June 10 ta 19, at Missouri Wes- ýcollege, Caineron, MIo. Hee iectured ie foilowing subjects: Judging sa Se*'mon, The Cangregation and the Pulpit Coninion Mistakes ini Preachlng Preparation for Preaching Where Sermons Came Froin Worship and Sermon The Supremnacy of Jesus Books on Preaching Englislz Lutheranw Greenleaf avenue and' Seventh street Carl I. Emipson, jastor ren's ich. sermon: Model of Augsburg Confession a MEETINGS Friday June 21,.at 7:45. Junior Waltheiý- league, Satu rlay June 22: Sunday school. plcnlc at Forest Preserve Mlonday June 24.- 7:45. p. m.; Choi ,r re- hearsal. The Confessions or Symbols of the en-- tire Christian Church or of the various denominations ,withln it 'owe their orig'in to the desire of Chrlstendom 'at'lage or of a denomination to set forth their falth, usually In regard ta Borne point'or points over whilh a'cantroversy had arisen* ,Most ,of the. Creeds and Confessions originated in that wyay.. The same is true af the' oldest of al denominational Cnesor the .Auksburg Confession, whlch D'Aulbi- gne sy wl ever remýai n one *f the Mà$iterpleces of the human mind, eni- Illghtened by the Spirit of God."-No otheî, Protestant Confession bas such.a hlstory Wq this one, and -none Is so ffiàklly and lintlrnately .related to the RÎeformation as thls .one. Since June 25 -marks the 400th. nnnier ro the présentation of th!.; Çonfession ln the dlty >0f Augsburg, 'thei ,event;, wll beý api)ropJriatelîv celebrated ýb3 a service ofcomméemoration. Everyone iterested ls very ..coeddlly lnvited ta heal the sermon on, this - Confession, Sunday morning at 11 o'dock. The Lyric Octetýcomposqe« 0f young miqi taklng their academie preparatorystudiesý - for the ministiiy at Concordia collegé,1 Milw1vaukee, wiling.at the. serivices at1 St. John's'on Sunday, morning. OnÙWednesday" next the Norther .n 1111- nas gisrc t Convention of the Lutherant church (M CNI. Synod) will hegin its se,-;- sions at. Concordia Teachers' coliegýe, River Forest, 111. These sessions Nvill oce,- cupy the greater part of the morning and> Dfternoon until Tuesday, June 30. Thel forenoon. sesSio'ns will be given over to the presentation of an essay on thet Augsburg Conîfession. The afternoon ses- sions wilI be devoted to business mnatters of the church, committee reports etc. T- huridred, congregations wli be repre- ,sùnted each by a pa-stor and one' lay dele- gate. Mr. Edwin .Froin,.m is the delegate representing St. John's and, Theodore Puenger Is the, alterniate. The, annual Sunday achioi picnlc of' St. John's wiil be heid niext.Saturday after- noon, June 22, at the Gien View Forest Preserve on'Harmé Road. The place oi the picnie wiii be directiy Wes t of theë gold club bouse at the extreme souith end. of the picnic, grounds. Reireshinents mna.y be had -on the grounds. Sunday school'eblîdrenl wiill be p1rovided with free ticket-, for re- frshmentet c 1% A ..U. ý-- Next Sunday morning Dr. William R. lCedzle willi occupy the pulpit. The foi- lowing musical program wiii be given!~ Prelude to the Blessed Damosel .Debusy Solo, '"Blow Ye theTrumpet" . .Andrews Ethel Helde Offértoriy, Berceuse........ Dickinson Solo, Blest are, the Pure in Heart"l ..t..l...e......uh Postiude, Allegro'from Flfth Symphony,. ... . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . For the convnence and beneit. of the boyýs and girls whÔ willlbe in Wlnîtte. during' the summne, the Clhrch- shol will operate under a speclal *rrogtaîn iIn .three deprtments, metlg at 10 oclok each Sunday.' The Primary andBegiii.- ners', departtent Wili. be' directed in'a sumr ~prc>gray by -Miss' Bertha C. *WheBelock. The 'Junior department, -undr. the -d - rtinof '. J.. C. -Mead, will becomet acuaintëd with "Our Foreign 'Neighbdrs..", -The Intermediate department, under 'the direetion of 'Miss Elizabeth B. Webster,' iill make a study of Palestine during *Womnan's. Guiid ofticers, for the 3-car 1930-31 were elected at the nnual busi- ness Meeting of the Guild held- last Fi!- day afterînoon. They are: President, Mrs. J. W. Fisher, Jr.;: finst viee-president (program .ehairm.tr,) 1r,;. C. A.' Eldridge-, second vice-president (education ebaîrman),iMrs. F.,A.,Cushing Smith; third vice-president(,sociial chair- man), Mm,~ F. R. .Kilner; fourth 0iee-, j*yesident (misslonary chairmani>, M1rQ. E. L. Scheidenhielm; treasufer,' I. IG. . Brooks; recording secretary, MrÈs. Eiict-ii« Steo-il; Corresp)onding secretary, Mrs. A B. Tueker. Swedisk Mission Parish *Iowse, Oak street Juda ohn Be..... .....,1pastaoni Pu.aySevceool..............10:30 a. wals 1.0eri7 OCheorymteetng. aP.t'LInd Mr.lS 107 erry istreetand.5Pea.M Mr.. ngsueYc wi....... .g a .. 8pa. Nf Reven ndvle..............8 P. M. freve. rdand Mr sp. ir'Msioare fromS. Afri.. wisprfea t.t te ueday1- . P. Mdumî eta beh, 1-8 edsh ericP.8 M. M Friday Prayer 'Meeting,, 8 P..M Thursday, June 26, Ladies Aid at: homne of MTr. HIa-gund, 18171l~vo avenue, imette. AT ALPHA PHI CONVENTION Miss jane Wilson, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira J. Wilson, 325 Ridge ave - nue, Winnetka, and Ruth I-ilichiliff datighter. of Mrs. Alice Hinchliff. 504 On Wednesday evenlng, June 25 at The SundaY sehool will o'clack, there willl. be another ai "our In- lng thé manths ai July ai spirational rnld-week meetings wlth Its ever, the regular church 'ýhallenging message by the pastor. observed throughout the Mrs. H. W. Bettinghaus, 1231 Ash- land avenue,, bas been entertaining, her sister, Miss Anne Knox of Springfield, who left Iast MoInday following a two, wveeks' visit.r I - ~