Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jun 1930, p. 49

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* Miss Mary Mumford, who attended her sister as xnaid of honor, wore a. dress of flowered net over blue and car- ried a sheaf of. pink roses. The brides- maids, Miss Elizabeth DeBerard and Miss, Dorothy Fuller of Wilmette,I 'Miss Marjorie Wilson and Miss Mary Funkc of Urbana, and Miss.Eeaiîor Parînalee of Detroit, Mich. wore flow- ered net dresses over pale pink and car- ried delphinium. The best man was Clem, Phipps. The ushers were David Dinsdale, Robert Kins- man, Hlerbert Mumford, brother of the, bride, Raymond Kimbell, Jr., the bride- groom's brother, a'd Harold Wegner. The ceremony was perfornied at: the Trinity Methodist church, Urbana, and was followed.,by a wedding reception at the Mumford *home. * Mr. and Mrs. Kimbell will motor for a rnonth before, returning te Chicago where they have taken -an apartment at 2744 T.ockwood avenue. GIVE DANCE Agroup of the eîghth. grade girlsof *the Joseph Sear s school gave a dance at the Kenilworth club last Friday ev_- ning af'ter graduation. The.hostesses of the evening were Frances Bluthardtf, VignaJohnston, Nancy Wilde. and' Prudence Johnson. The New Trier orchestra urnished the music. *Miss Katherine Dudley, daughter of * Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 'Dudlev 441,4. N%1arwvick road, Kenilworth, is plannng to spend the summer abroad. Mrs. Dudley and her daughter left Kenil- Nvorth Wednesday for the East wlîere tbe%- ilI visit relatives for à %week or. ten davs prior to Miss Dudley's sail. ing.. Mrs. Dudley m-ill acconipanyv Katherine to Montreal, Canada, f roin Nihlere she .will sail. Mrs. D)udley ivili return to Kenilworth ivithin a. week or teiî days. , Miss Virginia Healy, daughter c I r. and* Mrs. Williami HealY',-205,M el- rose avenue,. Kenilworth,. bas returned * f roin Manhaîtanville college,Ne * York. -te spend iber suminier.racgtioli %vitth ber family. Miss Janet Healy, Who graduated from NeW Trier Higil school this month, will enter Manhat- tanville 'nexct fail. We. have had the pleasure ,ýý7uiworrn, as reurnleu tron"a Chanipaigwhre' she went for h1ec class retinion at the University of Illh- lîois. Willard Bent left this wveek for Mfanitowishi camip, Wisconsin, where 'lie will act as junior counselor this ~unîmier. 'Miss Marion Bent lias re- tUrned froni Deniýson. uuiversity and will leave sooný for Stone Hill. camp .lu tlîe Wisconsin' woods. ME CHICAGO STC CHICAGO. BOJ Miss Georgianna Fowler, d;tuglter I ASSOCIA of Ifr. and Mrs. R. L. Fowler, 16 War- NIEW YORK.C( Wick avenue. Kenilworth, lias gone to lier cousin, Mkis o phneLenadCON SERVATI V who bas just announced. lier en gage-ý ment, to Ailan Plumbllev *:of Minne- apolis., Miss 1,eoniard lia s visited* inPATRONIZ Kenilworth imanv times.. R NI T rOCK BXCRÎANGD' )ARD 0DETRADE URB EXCHANGE %E MEMBERS ,UIS EXCHANGE customer's room bas been furnisbhed for women. VE MARGIN ACCOUNTS SOLICITED I -0UR ADVERTISERS r - .1 Inthe Long Run the best is. usually the cheapest. *Oit Burners aren't like automobiles. The.. average owner drives- his car for about a year and a haîf and then trades it in for. a new model. Oit Burners are dif- f erent. Once. installed, they should remain installed-ýthey must render-, a lifetime, of service.. *Sueh, is the sýtory, of Quiet MAY, Each Quiet MAY Automatic Oil..Burner is assembled f rom a collection of the .vepry finest parts obtainable. Each part in tujrn is designed and nianufactured to give a lifetime of flawless service.. But aside from its extreme durability- Quiet MAY will heat your home Besides this Quiet MAY uses n o gas pilot light, and consequently there are no gas bills to'be paid. Another foi-m of Quiet MAYeconomy. Inthe Quiet MAY, ignition of the oil is affected by an elcctriç spark, which automatically'turns off as soon as the. burner is in full opera- tion. Needless to say' the . amount of. electricity consumed is negligible. If yýou install a Quiet MAY in your home now, you'l have no heating problèms to cope with' next winiter.. A Phone call to' University*5453 will place at your.service a welI informed Quiet MAY Representa- tive who will give you the complete story of a Quiet MAY Installation for your own home. 'OF COURSE OUR EXCLUSIVE, UNUSUAL BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN 15 AVAILABLE .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .......... . DYSART &KuH Slavd of Tende Sldg. CHICAGO 't e e e e 'i 1522 AVENUE EAFP 0816

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