103 Green.af Phone 2764 parts eè counitr JU.NE SPECIALS* at the PUBIuC -SERVICE STORE A Bargain in ýý"MatclîeciIrons" * *Hammond EI.ctric Clocles for the. kitchen, witI wite porcelain Bnish, don't hav, to b. wound.> Year in and ot, they'II k..pa Iiusy household running on timi.. Only 5$9.75.- Other Hammond. docks fbrth. living room mantal and the. bedroom. Two For the Price of Onel *A six-pounid Simplex ibon For, doing the. he.vy pieçes quickly and .exp.vdy and àathree-poùnd, Simplex iron for ligl* materlals, ruffI*s, litti. odds end endi Together -sp.cialIy. pric.d (cuigJune only) 55.95ý. Electric Clocls aliens across the border. Inspectoi Zerambo had to his credit six planes seized in this nefarious traf- fic, and had -been watehing for some time a seventb plane said to bave op- erated for six weeks on regular sched- nie flying aliens fromn Canada to.'Ameni- can. .soit. .After several attempts to seize the planie, its pilot and> illegal cargo hadt failed, Inspector Zerambo was scouti"g along the Detroit river front shortly. af- ter ýsunrisej,on June 1, when lie spotted the pla'ne -heading f romu Canada toward an open field just 'beyond the Detroit city line. Speeding to the spot Inspec- tor.Zerambo swung into the field in. his Chevroletjqst as the'planle Ianded, and *drove directiy.-into its patb to shut off retreat. When the pilot saw the officiai car in front of hin,-,lhe sought to ward off capture by speeding the' notor up in a deçperate effort to take off: again.' Inspector Zerambo, i-ft-the spiit second. availabie. to. make a décision. weigbied the ruggedness of the car aga inst*the strengtb of the plane, and'drove'head- Io oi htô the whlirring- propelIôr. Resuit: Another seized plane added to Inspector Zera.mbo's impressive rec-ý ord-a disabled plane witb a shattered propellor and a danaged wing; twVo alien prisoners; an escaped pilot-, Insp. Zerambo Islightiy shaken lup an.id bruised; and a car with a damaged1 right front door, fender, radiator and1 GOLDEN DAYS Drawn for Wîlmnette Coal the poisonous plant to 10110w, al- though many innocent- plants *will fait *into this category, the bureau stated in a bulletin.' "Poison ivy grows both as a trailing vine and as a shrub," the bulletin con-, tinued. ."Poisoning:,nîay resuit .f ron touching the plants, or articles that l'-ave corne in contact ivith tbhe"foliagè. After exposure, the hands shouid bc thoroughly washed'several times, pref- erabiy with Icitchen or laundry sea'.. Tf the poisoning becomes malighant, ~ physician should 1bc sumnionèd. ,If pn1one is a .albe 5 percent solutioni of potassiunm permanganate. applied' iocaliy is. a gkood remedy. One or twvo teaspoons. of baking 'soda or Epsom, sait may be.mixed ina cuýful of water aîid the solution applied., Change dress- i ngs. freque-ntly, -and leave -the. skin exposed.at night to thie air. .IIvy, poisoning may reveal itself within a few hours, or may not appeai for'five or- more days after, infection. the radiator cap -picked off by the prop~ellor. ,Despite the damage to the Chèvrolet it came out a ýdecided victor -in the crash, for wbile the plane was totaillv disabled, Insvector Zerambo was able tïo backthe c ar out of the, wreckage and drive it under. its, own, power, -with bis p'risoners. safelyaboard, to ýDetroit lhcadquarters. By E VANS & Material Yard I Titere are mauy problems sp)rlngiuîg up eaeh day. But the questlin of wlieire to get thorofglghy dependable fuel IM easlly solved by tele- plionlng Wllmette 4200 for ]Poca.Ikntase oal farco coai or Koppers eeke. G> Joseph W. Kehos, Manager 1 141 Central Ave,, Wimtte Phone WiIm.f. 2899 'I 4200