beach. Two classes will be held daily, under thec supervision ot two members of the recreation staff, a mian and a woman, At 2 o'clock the beginining -pupilswill, begin an hour's lesson and wil ,be fol-' lQwed at 3 o'clock by a*class of advaniced swimniers who will work on perfection of strokes and simple divinig. From 4 o 'clock to 5 o'clock there will -be:an heur for giving tests and for work on Junior Ufe Saving examinations. The tests ln- volve different skills connected. with swimming aildpoints are givenl for illas- tering each skill, in gradation witli thecir difficulty. At the end of the season, every child who bas earned 500-ormore points will be awarded, a Igoid medal.- Thhurf rom te 5 o'clock vi.,li aise bie devýoted tô> work on Junior Lif e Sav- * ing. Points are awarded for winning a badge. in Lif e Saving and-last year five contestants succeeded ln, passing the test. .Dudley C. Stonie, who bas recently been granted a Red Cross Life. Savers . Ex- aniners' certificate, Will, bc in charge of the Junior Lif e Savinig ork, and :he and Miss' Joe Skidrnôre, of the rècrea- tien staff, will conduct the classes. Flaming Arrow WiII Talk at Playgroundi Wednesday Flaming Arrow, a Pueblo Indin Boy, will be a special attraction. for tlie il- mette play.ground children next Vdn- -day morning at 10 o'cloek ai Vattman park. He is lecturing the Chicago 'vicinit.y this week in the iiterests cf the Tuiber- culosis society and is appearing in ii I- mette uncler the joint. sponsorship of the Chicago Tubercuiosis institute and the Playground and Recreation board. Mrs. Hattye K. Palmer, R. N., superGisor. of nurses at the Chicago instilute, is di- recting bis appearance lu Cook coutty and Mrs. Inez C. Bliss, community niurse and local representative cf the Chicago * instittute. is lii. charge, cf hI Wilmtteý Flaming Arrow ill:give an illustrated health talke. >11e Will draw pictures, sing Iuîcian songs, tell Indiaii lcgends,- and dance- the tribal dances of the New- Mexico Puieblo tribes. He aIse has, a small exhibit with hlm wiib ill, he displayed at flue .park next Weduiesday 1 1 ftRay 8 idge Cari C Arthur Voun Mue 1De Hiarvey ntoySchiuiler Wendell Phlllps Peter 1Bohnen Earl Mlller Ed Phillips lue ..Hoffuuan Ray loffnîan Hubert Naekel Fr;auk Fiegan MIton Grey Joe Lymalîs (1) Ed Bieser, Lawrence Wiess Joe IloffmaLfl Leroy .seizer Ilubert Marquette Walter Schintzer Jue Lymian Rlobert Braun Ed Seyler Deanlenjuark Electrie. Leroy Steiner Walter Steffeuis Raid May Clarence Johnsou PeterShîe Herbert May, Berniard Johnson 'Tom Brady F'rank Stein Bertelle J ohnson ldge ,Conteetfonery Victor Deinlein Ray 1Hoffruan Joe Hoffrman *WeudalI t'hillips Ed Phillips Peterk Bohunen Frank Fiegen Bliptlst (là) Martin OIson E arl Carlsén George Willianis AI Heere.ns AI Gruhn Paul Willianms William Scott Walter Hzas 'William. Meyers. Ma Bhis (2) Paul Joke-S Russell Quigley Winfteld Rogers Cletude 11111 Carl Nordberg lirvin Breinnir Jack Iar.ilsoit Vernon Wyle Harvey Klunder Jue MoQdy llairy Sieret.' Joe Mý.tshtll Arthur UoLJw AI .Crarner George te Bob Sinîtlr Hierbert Mîitad (1) lirimuins M Paul J 4e wintivit; logel-s I iarrvey liJlider Car Nrdberg B ynIrémnner AI Bows..3 Art. HilI Martin Sensendorf Mbeur's Gynm Clabs9 waltcr i)&bwec Matthew 1Heinzen William Haigh George Ei.senbraum if Ray Waluquist Mlier 1tlwkerj Art Austin williani trilr Rto.hcrt'BlZtsdell State Ituk (1) Harry Sieren 'WilliainîMarshall *Charles. Lauer Lawrelieu Roth .Robeilft Sniftî Rialph Vitsett r% Bootery VIllage leserEa Village Greenl. 7:15 p. mu. Men's horseshoe leagute. Village Green. Wedpêm4lay, <une 25 10:00 a. ru. Lecture, " .FlamiIlK Ar- row." Vattruaripark., 7 :15 p. mu. Men's playgroufld bail leag>e.. Village Green. Tjhitriday, <lune 26 3 :00 p. rm. woren's fiee0,swiimifl, class. Wilmette beach. 7:151 p. ni. Grammar sehool gils playg.roufld bail, league. Vattruan. nark. 7 :15 p,. rm. Men's horseshoe league. Village .Green. FriIay,. lune 27 7-:15 'p. ru. Men's. playgrounçd bil. Village Green. WILMETTE PLAYG9OUND CAL-ý END49 Moibdii.y, <lune 23 2 :00 p. riii.Free sWjnniig*lessofls for, beginflers.',Wilmnette beaich. 2.:00 1). m. Kickball gaine. VIttm-all park vs. Village CGréen. Village Gtreen.. 3:00 p. ni. .dacdswiîniifg les- sons. Wilmiette beach. Tuet;dày, Junse 24 2 :00 p. m. Free -swin imiflg lemsons for '.2 beginuers. Wilnette beach. :00 v. in. First -pJaygroind bal ga .nie, for boys. Vattn f 1ark vs. Village Green. Village Grêen. :00 p. ni. Adlvanfced swinTrflh!g les- auons. Wilniette' beacli.. Wedflcsdfy, juRe gi 2 :00 p. ni. Fvee swinmnfg lessons foi, beëginniers. Wilmette beàch. 2 :00 P. ni. Kickball gaine for girls. Central playground vs.. Vattinîaf Park. Vattruan park.. ; 00 1). ni. Advaneed swimrming les- sons. WNilrunette beach. 4 :00 p. mi. $winiming tests. juior. Life Saviug. Willmette beach. Tiursday, <lune 26 begluners. Wilruiette beach. 2:00 p. ni. Playgr.ou.nd bail gamie for boys. Central playground vs. Vat', man Park. Vattruanl park.." 3:00 Advaneed swiimng lessons. Wilmette beach. .4 :00 Swimrping tests. J-unior Life Saving. Wilrniette beachi. Frlday, juRe 2"d .2:00 p. mu. Free swlmnîing lessons for beginners. Wiiniette beach. 3:0p. ni. Adlvanced swining leb- sons. Wilmette beach. .4 :00 p. mu. Swinming tests. JuniOr Life Savring. Wilmette beaeh.. CIa rence Steffens lienry *Miler Anthony }iermnes Scluneider's flootery 1Bob Keeler Carl Schwail Harry Sehuitz, Sebultz £Nordl on the fnrsr cray ot opération, iist on day. This registration is a slight in- crease over that of last year's opening day, despite the f act that Monday was a disagreeable day, and pracically ev- ery activity started by. the instructors throughouit the entire f orenoon terrupted by, ramn. However the fewý warm *days toward the end of the ,veek hclped nmaterially inu increasing. the en- rolîment and the total'enrollment for the: thre playgrounds h ad .alrnost re.achcd the ý 700 mark - by yesterday a fternoon. The first week of opération was de- voted" to 'organizatien. easwere f ormcd te, represent each ground lui- .an inter-pl ayground league of kièkball for girls and playground ball for boys. These lausbegfin nekt week and 'intensive prcic as occupicd thee at, each playgreund. Parades to advertise the ,grounids wcre held in thé latter part of. the week. 'flic Village Greeni parade wvas hcld yesterday: niorning- ith. 175 -childrcn participaeting and was f ollowed by a picnic lunch, o1 the grounds. The picnic Wvas the first of wàýeekiv picilics thc groutnds. will hold on. Tlhur;da-ys--tbro»ghquii the sunmer. Mr,, Gertrude Fanckboner is in charge of the Village Green playgrounld and is effectilng the preliminary -organization program until Miss Bessie 'Carol Bierer, the permanent instructor for the, grounds, is released f rom lier duties as" ph ysical education teache'r in the'Chicago school- A dress parade with the children wear- ing old costuimesresurrected f rom attics. or old trunks, çvas the innovation itro-,* duced by Miss Gertrude Jacobs, the ln- structor at Central playground, for lier parade on Thursday mcrning. Eiglity children participated in the event. The, Vattman parade took place on Wedniesday inorning with Mrs. Alta B. Caldwell, the playgrounid instructor, iin charge. Onee hundred seventy-five cliil- dren marchied around l-the neighborhood of the. park, advertising the activities sponsored.,at -their Park. Next we ek's. programi calîs for pet each grôund, prelimninaries, to determine each -parkc's, representative at th e, village-wide O'Leary contest for Lgirls te be held on the followinig %veek. The irter-playground kickball and play - grounpd bal schedules start and also poster making in preparation for the villa2e-wide poster contest to be held payable at any time at th office, or may be paid at ti irug cf the class next Tuesdý Th'le class will be for tg if there is sufficient demand recreation frst meet- for advanced pupils who were in the mor ning. classes last year will be organized. In- inners but struction nii strokes and position wîll b iother class a ffordcd at the first class meeting. ler's Bootcry.... Cleaners .......... [otor Service. . ,man's Texacos ank............... Gym Class.... nark Electrie Co. ........y......... kLutheran.... U BruineI l ................... 0 VA ý S chu ltz & Nord........O2 ~ Advanedç Horseshoe League, Teaxiiî 0 Standti s:' 0 W. ]L. l'et.. 0 1.0. O F i . .......... 3 0 500ý 0 M n's Gym I ..........2 01 ,000