nfue t 4 io'clOck in the afttrnooln, Miss Jones was attended by her sis. ter. Miss 'Mary Elizabeth Jones, he maid of h0nor, who wore blue georg. ette with lippers and hose to matcf and car rîed spring flowers in bIne an( pink made into an old-fashioined hou quet. The bride wore an ýorchid ýtulle froci made in the princess style, wi'ih puffef s eeves and wore lavender slppjers ani( hoçe. Sue'* carrieà lavender sweet, peas and tea roses. The home. of theé bride, wbe rel ceremiony was performed by Ithe Rev. Francis J. Tromp of Chicago, was dec- orat-ed with peonies,. pa nis and ferns. the altar. was' improvised, with peonies, paims and various kinds of flowers. The bride was given aw.av by her uncle, D.E. W. Edlund of Maywood.. The groom was attended hy Robert tL. Farnsworth of Chicago. After a motor tnÎp through northern Michigan, Mr. Babcock -and lits bride will live jn Chadron, Neb. 'Miss' Jones attended Northwesteri university and is a 'member of Delta Zeta sorority, while Mr. Babcock at- tended the University of Nebraska -and. is a member of Sigmna Nu-fraternity.- The marriage of Miss 'Martha Hall,ý daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Normait H. Hall, 705 Gregory avenu e, to James Huis Moore, 1l, son of Mrs. John James Moore, 440 Sheridan road, Glen- coe, took place on Wednesdav evening, June 18, at the Rogers Park Congre,- gation4l chqr.jb with the ,Rev. Allain A. Stocdale'ofiliatinig. Miss Hall was atteÜded by Mrs. Kart' D. King, Jr., of *Evanstoh, as ber niatron of honor, whe wore a light shade of tea -rose chiffon gownl with slippers and hose to match, and old fashioned mits. She carried a shower bouiquet of spring flowers. The bridegmaids who attended, Miss Hall were Miss Emily Hoffman of Winnetka,' Miss Marjorie Hall' of' Ci- cga cousin of the -bride; Mrs. * Clemen sStrchof Chicago and Mise Helen Lemke of' Wausau', Wis., who were ail attired in chiffon gowns. two, in a danken shade of tea rose, an.Id two in French coral, with 'shoes and hose to harmonize. I'hey ail wore mits and ca'rried shower bouquets 'of spring flow-' 1. (Paul Stone-IRaYmor Photo), Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Whitsett, 81) Oakwood avenue, Wiimette, announcý.ý the engagement of their daughter. Coraiee, to John' Rohert'Murray, soli of Mr..and Mrs. James C. Murray of 433 Cumnor road, Kenilworth. Miss. WVhitsett graduated *from North westenni - unliversity this June where she was a. iieiubtr, of. Kappa Kappa Gamma sor- ority. Mr. Murray was graduated froîi Princeton university in the class of 1928. The wedding. wili take place ini the fall. Denm»an-Schaddeiee Wedâdinpr Taking Place This Euening Among the nlam, parties given 11 honor of Miss *Dorothy Dec Dennin. wVho will be married tonight to Huibert Richard Schaddelee, was a dinner dance Tuesday at the Edgewater Beach hot.,- at. which the -ushers, Lawrence -Den- mian. Jackc Schravesande of Grand Rapids, Mich.. Robert Stoddarci of~ Wil- mette and -Sidney Butz, of WilmeCttù. wvere hosts. XVednesday evening Mr. anmi Mrs. Burt Dennian 'of '21 Lincfen avenue, I)aren'ts of.. the' bride-to-be gave the bridai dinner ,ài Shiawnee Couitr*y club. 'The dinuer was followved bv the, rehearsal for the %weddîing. Mrs G eorge D. 'Dayton,' il, of Minneapolis, sister oi: Miss Denmian, gave a 'huncheov' and kitchen shower yesterclay afternoon at Westinoreland Countrv clubi. The ceremony wilI 'be »erfornied al, (Photo by CarIoe-;) At a ZSindial evenling tea givenl for a sniill grotup of friends ut. their homne J'une 15, Mr. and 'Mrs. Burt Allin Crowe of 234 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, announced the engagement of, their older daughter, Bethany Jane, to Law- reliée Thompsoîî Knott of New York City. Miss Crowe has just graduated f rom Mrs. Dow's school at Briarciiff Manor, New York. Mr.' Knott af- tended Boston i'university. Mr. Kinot'. is attending ani advertising convention at the Drake and is the guest of Mr. anîd Mrs. Crowe during his stay. Tomtrgow Is Wedding Day *Saturday, June 21, Miss Elizabeth Burns, daughiter. of Mr. and Mrs. Wil'- Iiamn Marsh Burns of 727 Laurel ave- 'tue, wili beconie the bride of Frederic Remington Borgfeldt. The cereimôny will take place at the Wilmi1ette Bap- 'tust church at 4:30 in the afternoomî. Mliss Jeani Burns,. sister of the bride- to-be bas- beeni 'added to tule list of lbridaI atten-dants. *Somne of the pre-nuptial affairs in1 Ionor of Miss Burns' include a party tt aq yive n lnug clu, hnciq lu tneiongineadow Hunt paddock on Hibbard road, and stnusually fine weather was enjoyeci. bv riders and onlookers that day. Thiý vear's affair was more.extensive' than iorevious shows, occupying the entire dlay and iincluding many events for adult riders as well'as jihe usual ones for the rhildren. The winiinrsin the order in. which 1heywon the various events were: l-IJîcIsy WeId, Robert W. Crawford *lack Octigan.,- 2-Joan Ketcham, Jean Ericson, Joàii Bersbach. .3-Warren V. Crawford, Jr., Eni- initt Fallon, Dicky. Weld. 4-Joa7n Ketchaîni,'Priscilla Aider, Blackett, Natalie Bell, Peggy Ward. 5-Frances Stevrens, Evelyn Calkioni Abbott Nelson, Emnuiiitt Faflon. 6-Maàrjorie Shumau, Marv Woods. Margot Webbe, Ann Byron., *7-Bowen Blair., Donald McPherso, Jr... Ellis, Ballard, Marshall Forrest, Jir. 7-A'- Jane Darling, Gwendçolyn Bowen, Fanny McPhersôn, Boweri Blair. 8-Jane Mcl ntosh on Inverness Lad, Jan.e Darling on Wild Irish Rose, Mrs Williami B. McIlvaine. Jr., on Deerfocit.. Eleanor Berger 'on 'Kathleen. 9-Col. A. E.- Peirce on Topweigh:t, Eleanor Berger on Golden Prince, De-, borah Butler on Fleetfoot, Dônald Me- Pherson on. Belle. ; 1l1 lO--Eleanor Berger on Golden Prince, Deborah Butler 'on Fleetfoot, Frank Ketchani on Roustabout, W. B. Mcllvaine, Jr., on Dolly Varden. 11-Marshall Forrest on Big Boy, Ira C,.,Darling on Meteor, Frankc W. Ketchani ou Champagne. I2'--Evelyn Shunan on Lady Jane. Deborah Butler on 'Fleetfoot; in. the boys' division,.'Donald McPherson, Jr., on Golden, Prince, Ellis Ballard on. Desert Gold. : 1 - -, - 13-Willia 'i B. Mcllvaine, Jr., On Mary Jane,'R.,Ward ,Starrett on' Bal- sami W.* Pont ius 'on Playbov, Frank W. Ketcham on.Roustabout. l4-LeslieGriffin on Ming Tov,Tony- Kreisant on Cody, Merwyn Griffin on Fleetfoot, A. Moore on Gatwick. 15-Major Roy Nordheimer on Golden Prince, Deborah Butler on Fleetfoot. R. W. Starrett on. Balsani, W. Pontius on 'Plâvbov versity.: guests 'W, sons of1 bride's t Akron,( of West earsal. .Mrs. 'Christopher J. Cunnan, 415 Gregory 'avenue, entertained 'twelve friends front Chicago at luncheon andý bridge Tuesday. at the She isa music at of the ore the of the rn uni-