The thirci annual edgewater Beach Hotel regatta will be. held o1 June 28 * off the hotel's board walk. Classes for racing have been,' designated as dis- placement "B". and "C"; hydroplanP! "B"and "";anýd-agrand tfree-f6r-ali. place, wdlmchndise for psecond and *Prizanýes ilcnsiis fc for ecod at third. This race is flot to be cônfuscd. with the-Annual Edgewater Beach He- tel MidsummÙer Water carnival, ýwhich will be.,held in'Augu.,t. 'The public is invited to. al events. ýCIub, Vista de1 Lago has also sched- tîled the drivers of the North Shore club for races on the afteërnoon of thec F ourth of July. The -races wil] start at 4:15, being a part of the full days entertainment- for club menîbers, and %xrill consist of two heats for "B7" and "«C" and a grand free-for-all "Ban, and go back"' race. Both trophies and cups will be awarded.. Precedfing the Vista del Lago. meer, the. Rogers Park pogt of the Aniericati Legion is -holding its annual race for outboards under the auspices of the North Shore club. This race will start i t 1:30 P. M. Entry blanks.aldýfull particulars on any of the three rac'es, may be secured froni Karl Yost at 1016 Greenwood avenue. There are at present approximately - twenty-five racing :outfits in the club, w', now boasts forty-five meniberq. A third section of lockers ýis going 1.1 this week to take, care, of the increased deniand, and a flood ight and pier wilI also be èrected .within the next few days to complete the facilities on the * club's beach property. Taking winds and waves as they came, Randaîl Cook, 17, of 2131 Orring- ton avenue, Evanston, a member of tl-e North Shore Outboard Motor club, fought his wav froni MiIwýatukqee to ,,Chie-ago lest. Sunday In the. Daily .Times Outhoard marathon and tô.ok- third-place in the racé for "B" niotor;. Cook was one of sei en starters i, his particular clas.s. O'hly three of these flnished' under the tirne liniit. Fie left the Milwaukee barbor at 8:30 A. M., - and wound up at the Navy Pier about 12:-45 P. M. He reported that the only mishaps he experienced %vere. severai brknpropeller shear pins, caused hy hittiing floating obstructions, and run- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Andrews an'd E= their daughter, Natncy. ill arriveE June 28, to visit Mrs. Atidreiýs' palr- Clits, Mr. and Mfrs. M. ..P Barrett of m 533 Frs avelitie, for- a nmonth. aou THECi Center Si Winnetkm 3470 ............ uI H Ever SQ O f ten!. Every so often you have a burnt dinne b.'. cause some friend keeps you talking on the telephone. Your telephone is hiable to. ring at.Qiny moment. It may ring wh.n yqu've, just placed a..nce batch o biscuits, in the oven. If you have tol go to the "front oF the house"" to answer the cail, you may forget the. biscuits i An extension teIephone in the kitchen wiII encubi. you te talk and stili keep your eye on the, temp.rature in >d second and third respectî'vely in tle Class "D" race for four cylinder nio- tors. Both drove Johnsons on Century hulis. Mr. and Mrs. J. C., Baker of 347 Maple. avenue have just -returned from a motor tri.p to the Ozark, mountains. ,ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. hi ~ I f f Il Il, I i~ fI i.