Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jun 1930, p. 38

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NEW VACATION BOOKS FOR CHILDREN The Book of Airpilanes Lieus. Comm. J. W. seme . n d. Oxford University Press .. Flying High. Edited bU. Franklin K. Ma t hrws Chief Scout Librarian Boy Scouts of Anscrica A book of aviation, stories,,and, model airplanus Grosset .1 Dunlap...... Hitting the. Trail, Edited bu FranklinoX. Mat hi et v A book of.outdoor stories-and caÈnpctaft for boys. Grosset 8 Dunlap. .........$1 The Bit Va cation Bo o catoliWJI Dale Snedeker Augte aHuieli Seiman Marguerite Clement and othera Doubleday, Dorai Ï6 Co.... .$2 Green Eyes Roy J. Snel A mystery story for girls RtiIly 14 Lte Co ..........S $1 The Arrow cf Fire Roy J. Snel1 A anyscery story for boys Reilly fS LeCo ........... $1 Tbe Girl Reporter Cedl H. Claudy Little'roW. 14Co. 52 The Yellow Knigbt cf .02 Ruth plumIy Thompion Founded on a nd - continuing te famous Oz stories by.L. Frank Bwumi Ril %Lee. Goi........$Z7 Raggedy Ann in the, Deep, Deep Woods Johnny Gsuelle The p. F. Volland G.. 1. *2 5 jel." Dates and annotations appear in the former, together with more profuse quotations from the' writings of the .poet than there' were ini "Ariel," bis biograpby of Shelley. Happy. indeed is> Maurois iii the rasator, ýHamish M% iles, wbo lbas pre- served a lightness of tot.ch i lus free translation- of the book. One is stili able tofeel the diffcrence of sentiment. between Shelley, Disraeli, and Byron in M. M)aurois', tbree outstandiuîg hi-. ographies. In re-readiing Ariel for'pur- posegs of comparisoi onie feels the.need of a more definite chroinology, -.Ariel" is. treated more as. a "romanice7' tlough' one finds a tinge of hero-worship ini Maurois' attitude toward Byron. 1Tbe seise of coiict iii By7rons character, a conflict erccognized by Byron and, some of bis -associates, makes him - an intensely -interestinig psychological study. As a cliild.witb a lame foot aid. a -igb-temipered nuother wbo sometimes screan1uped sbrewisbly at hîm and sameiniies spoiled him. bé was the victimn of anl obsession that hie was predestiuied to soune horrible fate. The Calvinistic doctrine later made him a' religious skeptic aid lbe spent many hours conuiing the Bible wbich 'Iis sister Augusta gave binu. trying to settle questions witlh himself.* He always, wanted to be a maii of action, a soldier, a dipfloinat. aniytlii g ,other thani the "Don Juati" but tlhe public, after several amoristic adveil- Eyes that have we, toaay, - grunningly tcdu a-4 oj mate," but lie was quite serious about it. He wanted so;meone who wôuld uin- derstand and paniper his spiritual ileeds. His wife understood but took 1dmn too seriously and her attempts at reformation rubbed :Byron the wrofig way. The Countess Guiccioli, who held his interest over a greater 'lengtb of timeè than any other womnan, spoke no. English'and noyer read a .great deal of, bis. poetry. What she did reaci of Don Juan she disapproved of and, interrutpt- ed the work on the poemn 'for a great lengtlh, of time by extra cting a . prom iseý from Byrpu flot to write any more of it. As a great deal, of Byron's poetry is autobiographical ijt will be of in-. estimfable advaptage.'to. the *lover. of'i literature to read this book. Tbhough lie-may disapprôve-of Byvron's life and- see. ini im tbe prototype> of .present day."literati" he Will certaiînly uiider- stand Byron, the Man. Thougb Mau.- rois, accused of not having added any,- tbing to the knowlredge of Byron may' uiot have donc so,, at least hie was ad- ed to the undcrstandine of the cbarac- ter, inspirations; and ideals of one of the greatest potts. UNCLE SAM- lus t. Eyez of His Farnuly By -John, Erskine. Bobbs- *M errili. . r11- .1ý . Uncle Sain is one *of the best.,cbuckle- books of tbe spring and one wbicli nlay be recommiended for the vacation suit-case. It is nearer the excellence of "Galabad" and "Helen of Troy" and inust* of course; be read slowly witb a look behind the lines for the satire iii the 5itiiatbons. I This man .wbo lbas studied andi worked abroad as welI as at bhome,] hiolds mianî bonorary as weIl as ac%-I demnic degrees for educational r ini different countries. 'rbrougli his travels bie lias acquired a broad back- ground on Which bie drew wben Writ- ing. Througb it aIl .one recogÉnizesbi fundamental love of country and bis dealing with its faults witb a twinkle iii bis eye. There seeins to *)e a wide diversity of opinion about Erskine's books. Readers wbo take im too seriou-sly THE SAINTS, THE DEVIL AND -THE KING. By M. L. Mabie. Bobbs- Merrili. Those who enjoyed D. B. -Wyndham- Lewis'-, recent "',King Spider" should spend Lan evening with "The Saintis,, the Devil, and the. King." Here we' have Louis- XI' put' into an .excellent novel in which history ii treateci as respe ctfu1ly as* history, lu tbis case, merits and Loniis as brilliantly as ont could wish. Louis was aso'eai there ever -,was nad Mr.Mai mrakes no effort to. picture him -as a s.ilk purse. 'But even a sowps .ear -cai be the Most. interesting tbing ini a sty. THE FORGOTTEN, CLUE.- By H. Ashton-Wolfe. Hîoughton, Mifflin., Mr. H. Ashton;-Wolfe, disciple of the greatBertillon, bas discussed in "The Forgottenl Clue" the detective. of crirre, in évery conceivable phase. The Paris Sûireté ôffers, with good reason, nîost of the illustrativeL cases. 'For the expert criminiologist - as welli asthat. portion of the public which regards the whàle police system as troubled witb fiat feet this book should be fascinating en- ligbtenment.,, Christian Science., Churches -Cod the Prçserver of Mail" as thé subject of the lesson-sermon ini ,ail Chlirches of Christ, Scientist, on 1Sunday, june 15. - The golden text was,. "Let integrity and uprightness preserve, me; for I wait on th.ee. Redeem, Israel, O God, .oUt of ajilbis troubles" (Psalmns 25:21,; 22). Among the citations wbich comprised the lesson-sermon was- the followig from.the Bible: "The- Lord is the por- ton . ofMine inheritance and of nmy cup. i..Tou wilt -shèw me.the path. of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right baud there are pl*eas- ures fqr evermore" (Psalms, 16:5,11)i The lesson-sermion also inclucled.: *Lord'a--Firat Fluor magt Inaide the. We.t Davis Street 'Door yqÇIIt iuture. waiI be general, incIuding antliroPo- - logical, botanical, geological and zo- NEW TRANSLATIONS ological exhibits.. Tours are conducted "The Immoralist," by Anidre. Giàle by staf lecturers. Parties assemble (Knopf) has been trarnslated from the inside the north entrance of the mu- French bv Dorothy Bussy. It is a seum.

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