Virgilio Lazzari. Ravina patrons wilI he glad to hear the fine spun voice of this great sopra no so sooh in 'the sea- son. New scenery bas been made for the opera. * On Wednesday nlight, june -25, Makdamie,.Boriwill appear in one of her famocus roles, tiJat . f 'Maîon" in» Mas- * seciiet's. opera..of, that name. Mario 01aixilee will again be the Chevalier (les iýrieusx,,,and Desire Defere and Leon Rothier will also be ini the .cast. This srintillating Frenchi work' has long held a place of honor in te Ravinia reper- "')ire, for Madame Bori is one of the woid's foremost 'exponents of the titie noie. ,Vivacious, luihg, innocent as a dov e iy as a serpent- Manon, t ushes along the selfisif path she lias chosen for herseif, only to fal.ithteý encî as a victim of lier own, sôphistica- ion. The score, althoughi ofanl older clolof French opera, is freshi and as bright- as, anc of the very modern 'vork>s. lu "L1Anîore dei Tre Re," w}ich Mrae oi is to sinig on Stinda', the îatnîost of vocal anîd draniatic art are rietanded of ' the four' principals, a tid * iartict.arIy of the. soprano. Thie mutsic lias the dignity of. the classics, andj it, tlsastony, that is a, draiii'atic poe.m fulil of liglits and shadows of finil'. Madanie Bon will, 'of course, have the principal role ini Puccini, charming Opera, "La Roninite," with which slie captivatcd A i harts and ears last year.- Sh Vill: sing again as ,NIiiii i."LIa 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 (4 Corneli University Has First Chair of Musicology \Vhen Dr. Otto Kinkeldev. w'as.a- poinitcd professûr of Miusico1ogAy at hue Univensitvy of Cneli nccentlvi wvas regarded. as-a step of exceptio'îal nii.ortaliece to the ftiturc <of music in1 thec United States. Connel utliv*'crsitv is thîe -first Atiieric'ai univicrsitx- -b estal)lish a. separate .Chair o'f IMusic- *igv'an< undoul)tcdIv othen univr the special stud'Y of the criticisin, the, histonv, 'the plîvsics, .st and !U( pilosophy of nmusic iaS .assumec(! larger proportion s, and studetîts ii- .P to folloiv tiis line Mwill be able to Ilo *s more tlioroughlv. 1) r. K nkeldev is at present lîead of !lie miusic dîi Ist of nthe New York !-'tblic..I lrary. He spetit four years ýIIth uni versitv, front 1923 to 1927. 41dl lii 'return is .a signiificant step ap- hdd iiilscacr Olin Dow~nesiiîn sic critic of Ulic Se Y~ ork Tunies, av, tue nivcr- sitY is the îdeal place for thie 4uffiof mnusîcology, as the nui school or c01îscrvatorv are, for the production ot %vjrtuosos, coip osers, and cther urac- tical nmusician.s; M'fsicology lias heei> the last brandi of sc study to ne- ceive serjous attention In tlîis cOunII trv.....lit Amenica we have miusic (lepartnments an(l Chiair's of Msibut these departients concerti tjienîscves ~4~4~*qp4~44*4f 4ze 40 Y Group and Private» CÂN YUINSTR UCTION for Boys and Girls 4 yarsofage ana up ô eo New TrierHi SlIoo> fleginuers ar-e taugbt Itoirto swli Swlpmers beone btter swlînmers DivàInt -lw aght to ai! For informnation cati. ~'. ..;Mr. Jackson W.innetka 2400 daily Evenings, University, 6448 I IIM~ i. o o o', -- 000< M EALS AI scenery ,Isianc,,1 Visit -This year take a ýdifferent vacation ..educationa1 ... restful ... çnjoy- THm able ... cruise 2000 miles amid lake breezes aind constantly changing interesting, famous places: Mackinac >und (Canada), the picturesque Islands of 1- CHII.DREN'S 1608 CHICAGO el 1'ra SHOE $PECIALISTS AVENUE +EVANSTON 'lu, mi ~ i For the foot of each grow- ing chilci, there is but ONE shoo-fiffing that is heaIth- i ttttttttt Phoe.Ro.. 2960