ft's Camping Time for Boy Scouts of. N. S. A rea Council Some facts ýabout Ma-Ka-JaL-Wani, North Shore Area Scout camp.: fol- The purpôse of the camp: I your scout. camp,,your, boy re- reives- 1.A character training founided u'pon bis scout,ôoath and la*.. 2.Aprogram especially designed'for a boy of bhis age anid interest. 3., A recrea tion program that appeals and îterests without overdoing. 4. A practical, education in worth- while subjects under, the stimulus of -the Boy Scout svstem of tests and mnent badges. 5.An association -vith other boys thât means dlean conipanionship, wholesomie conipetition, and lead- ership training. 6. - contact with mien who are *spending thieir tinie throughout *the year lelping by :Mnof expenience and, proven moral character. 7. A training that teaches respon- sibiljty, neatness, co-operation, and Qbedience. 8. Prompt attention b)v the residenit, physician in case. of illness and every safeguard.,to prevent acci- dent. He-,iàs safer at ,camp than at home. 9. Constant supervision. The .oficèrs know wvhere -he is ani what, le. is doing,,every minute of thetime he is in cnmp. 10. A ph3 sical, mental, and. moral de- velopment in keeping wvith bis scout Oath and law. Scout Schooner a Prize Winner Last Meeting of Season HeId by Wilmette Troops Wediiesday, June Il;' Troop 4 held its 'finiil meeting pf the season at.!St Angustine's church, Wilnfiettc. ,WcV ft-rnied .ranks, although i 'nislpect ion was eliinated for- most* of 'the 'Scouts wvere. prepared to: pl.ay basebaîl,. with Mr.ý Lake, commiiitteêiman, as rfre Noonbeams g.beat> the --Starlcts: (Scort!' not to lie pub)lished.), Following tl[.e, meeti'ng, Patrol Leaders Lowell Coùiee. Bob Werden., Çrieg. "Stoddàr.d,.dIXI Xilis wet to the .-honicý of 0,ur* sick séoutma.sterý and prescfltc(l bini with ai: "H-iwkeye"' Kodakout'fit. to show the troop's appr.eciaition for the hielp tIîle received f rom hint Althodugli the trop dishands for 'the- suniuner, ýthe Scouting Spirit is al ways with us.-E(lîitor-iil- ChIieÉ*Billille,,Wilnettu. % W ~ Vednesd.ay, Jufle 11, 'rool) 12",' (i its final îtîeeting of the -seasoù iat. tlî- beac-Il - tenderfoot pin xvas awardecl to Dli Roger>, a miert badge to 6rinýt certificate to John CGazlcy., As 'lr; i-isi leaving: for NcW York, wqe tlien hiad a en roast. XV e sang fCaITU) songs and had a harmonica solcý by Mr. Minor of the troop commtiitte., L ~Da-vid .Wienstocký won', first place in. se!iing ticket, for the hobby shov:. Trhe presentation -%vas mnade bv -.\r Antrni of the troop comnmittee. \Vé had closinig speechl 1w Bob) Vilkiis.- Rùporter Ed. Joyce, Troop 12, XVil- ~~lnette. ~ ~ ~ ~scouts are always sclected for the con- tribution they have made to the troop. the camp, and for their exemnplifica- An ocean thoroughbred is this schooner recenitly*lpresenited by a Winnetkan tioxns of, scout ideals. George Bersch, to Sea. Scouts of the North Shore rea Boy Scout counicil. Certainl.y _she Troop, 4, Wilmette,: is president of th e had "a bone in hier teeth" eea îhri ws, h a trigù oMa-Ka-ýJa-Wani chapter. take third place in the Mcîa rc atyer e hm otis Gréat Lakes l)ut slîe will also use Wilmrette harbor, part of the time.Heeupmni-SE SCU LADR cldst) ut f sa ils, an auxiliary engîne, din gy and avigation instruments. MEET ATr GREAT LýAKES Thee rebeth fo fvean aconpltey qupped* galley. "Sixteen Sea Scout leaders attended a meeting held on board the new events in the various ,,,atercraft ac- guards assures the uùinost safety. council boat at Great Lakes Naval tivities and the most outstanding .iillj There are two regular 30-minuite Training station Sunday afternoon. be the Sea Scout Sailinoe Race and swiniming oeriods. at il1:15 in thie The meeting was c alled to give thie .. - ~ ~~ ~ is me14w oy'me camp. v ~Baker, Jr., Ralph *M. Jaeger, ThoMas Rly saprofti etInteSWIMMING PERIODS N. Lothrop, John F. Roos, Robert J. Rely'isa ar o ths ee. n heUNDER SUPERVISION, SCOUTS ELECTED TO Wilkins, Myron C., Ryboit, Phillip B. accompanying illustration you see a Swinmming is pe rmitted onfly during ORDER 0F THE ARROW Masslich, Carl, F. McManus. Mr. picture of the 1929 Camp Champions reguiar swimmning periods under proper Fromn amon- the scouts in camp, Bronson of aeFrs a iio (team on the right) in the glorioiîs supervision. Swimiming in pair§ ac - each troop, is given the privilege of and Lieutenant Pieper of the Chicago canoe illing contest. cording to the "Buddy System" in electing. certain of their numbers to counicil gave a few suggestions for This vear .wihl bring mnany new restricted areas under -conipetent life . membership in the honor ordér. These aeypeatos