Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jun 1930, p. 34

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Tlhe càsts liave. been announced for the first %veek of opera at Raviniia by Louis, C. E-'cksteini, begitîiing ith the o pening performeance, "La Campana Somtucirsa," this Satunday . evening, Junelc 21. In the Respighi opena,' Elisa- betl ethberg will have the n'oIe of Rautenideleini, 'hi Giovanni Marti- * nelli is cast as Heinrich, the bell casten. This -w'nnk made a, tremietdous impres- *sion, when it was introduced last sea- son, tnt only. because. it is an out- *standing example of the ultra-modemi Itaianisclhool. but aiso l)ecause it offers *sucli unutsual.opporttîuiities for Madame Ret hlerg. Martiimelli, J ulia Claussen, Mario Basiola, Lazzari and othiens of Oie Ravinia coterie. t is unusuai in tîxeme, anîd treatmiett, anîd vet its story is famiilian, for it ishased upon Ger-, lant Hauptnîan's 'celebnated dnamatic poemi. one (if thie'classics of literaturè. Lola Afoiti-Gor*sè-v ill have the'role of ' Magda, the bell -casten's wife, Madame Claussen wiil be the witch,' Philitie Falco, the ileighibon; Margerv ' Maxwell. the irst eîf;- Madame MoNôiti- CGorseY tie second cif; Ada Paggi, the third eîf; lkasiola, the old matn of tliî! Nel tanek,indhchn.iii the fauni; Vin- gihio Lazzarie, the pjastor; LouiseD- Angelo, the schoolmaster;an Lodoti- Co Obviiearo, the barber. Papiwill coni- duct. 'On Sunday' aftcrtiooin, June 22, at 3 * o clock .ftiere w'ill le an onccstra pro- * *grain wilJoseph V ito, liarpist, as so- *loist. anid Eric DeLamnarten as conduc- ton. The prograin will conlsist of Web- er's overture to, "Freiscliutz;" Dvorak's * sympbiony, "Fromi the New WVorld.;" Schuecken's "Mlazurka ;'> Deb)ussy's "Arabesqtué, No. 2;" Vito's "Scherzo," Giitika's oveture to - "Russian and and Ludmiilla ;" L.iszt-Stock's "Liebes- traumi;" Schumanni's -Dance of the Nympbs and Satyrs :" atxd Tschaikow- sky's waltz, ."The Thonrrse," On Sundav eveniing, diL'am oie dei Tre Re" will be given,9with Luicrezia Bori in thenoIe, of Fiora, Whicl. has. gainied ber world-wide populanity';. Edwaàrd Johnson as Avito, a noie for whicb be is splendidly endowed, Giuseppe 'Danise as Manfredo; Virgilio Lazzanm as. Archibaldo, the blind kiing. on Mo~ndai4r ,,iht-lun 23"TU....,,...P' Since opera was auned t th Raviniia repertoire, the opening perfornmances at Ravinja have. been as follows: In 1918 , "Aida" withi Muzio. lu 1919, "L'Oiracolo" withi Scotti. lu 1920, "Tosca" with Scotti., lu 1921,. "The Barber of Seville" with Stracciari. 111 1922,, Boris Godounoif" with I)idur. lu 192.3, "La Traviata" withi Sclii:' pal. I 1924, "Pagliàcci" with Bori, Martinelli.- Cavalleria, Rusticana" witkhEaston, Volpi, Danise, Ju 1925, "T'Amore dei Tre Re" with Boni, Martiinelli. lu 1920, 'Maniou Lescat" with In 1927, "Anîdrea Clieuier'~ with !Rethblerg. Martîiielli.,,)anise. 1 In. 1928, "Pagliacci" with M\ario, .Marinelli.-ýCavalleria Rusticania"ý with Easton, Chianilee. jlfi1929,' "Maiioti Leýéaut". witn Bori, Martinel I. For 1930, "La Campana Sommner- sa" withl Retliberg', Martinelli. internussion thene will .1)e a dog and pony. circus. 0On Thursday evenling "Ai- (la" Will.be given with Rethberg ini the titie noie,. and Martitjelli as Radameès: Danise will be Amnonasno, and Bours- kaya wiIl be Aineris, Lazzarie is to lie Ramnfis and D'Angelo will be the king. Papi ivili conduct. "Louise" is sclhed- uled for Friday niglit, june 27, withi Gall in the titie role and Edward John- son as juli1en. Madamie Clauissemi and Rothiier hiave imp~ortant parts. Ruth Page heads the ballet, and Hasselnians conducts. Ou Saturday, june 28,. "Il Trovatore" will be given withi Rethberg as Leonona, Martinelli as Manrico, Clauissen as Azucena, Danise as Count di. Luniaý, and Papi.coniducting. The orchestra prograjni for Sunday afternoon, Junie. ?9, brings John Wei- cher. 'violinigt, as. soloist. 'Goldmank's -The Countny Weddiing." Pugnanînti-. *Kreisler's ",Preludium, and Allegr o," Sarasate'.s "Spanish Dancre No. 7," fLor Aulfin's "Vaagsang," \Wieniiawski'sq ,.Valse Caprice,," fBerlioz' "Çanneval Ro- *maîne." Glazouniow's LÏThe' Spfring." Si- company hiave been advised to mn-ace reservations for, season seats wjthouti ~flirbçr dl _gj4,,void àisappointment later, as ail sections are ii great de-, piand for every subscription pe.rfor- malice. For the first timie in its his- tory, the. Chi cago, >Civic Opera com-, pany is selling boxes for the Saturday îiiglit series on sul)scniption, as wel as for the Sunday'matinees. The company offers seven subscrip- tioiIn senies, with: tickets' at pnices whiclî catil)e afforded by ail: The five sentes at reg ulan prices. are on. Mon- (Id;Tus(aV Wediiesday and Thurs- day niglhts and Satunday inatitîee. The Satiirday' nighit polpulan lrice penfor- 1 1 anice is also sold on subscniption and proves each year. more popular with Chicago nusic loyers, for*ôn that night nianv 'of theè old favorites are sched- tled. The îcSutidaàvnatiîîces .have' heen chinstenied "suburbati special," atnd hayel) had -a wide ..appeal to suburlban resi- (lents, as tbey cati attend ttîis per- forniance every Suinday w,,ithioüt the usuial difficulty in securitig late trains liack tô thieir homnes.. Thiene is a spe- cial rencUe(i rate for these perform- ances. Musical Standards of U. S. Astonish Most Europeans "Europe's nealization of musical standards in this country is stili cuiri- ously unabreast of the mes and charactenizéd by thiat point of view whichi conceives of Indians and cow- boys on. Broadway," says Q lin Downes, nmusic critic for the New York Times, in a rececut issue. "The q.ualitv of miu- sical performances in this country, the standards insistèd 1upon by public and press, are perpetually astonisliing and often. untiervig to 'celebrated Euro;- pean musicians who visit us for the fir-sttm. "Thiey ude discover a public very. exige nt,ý somewhat impulsive, ut extnemeiy curious and open-m e and capable of unlimited entbusiasm for what is good, regardiess of its previous or foreign source. Under these conditions,. thé, fittest musicians ,who., Eigbt German 'workçs aresceui for production by the ChicagoCi Opera company during the 1930-,',l~ son, .and. several important addi]ttiim have been made to the. artistic persoit nel, especially for thée German o~r- *Artists reengaged for the Gùrin;tr répertoire îindcude' Egon Poliak, coi: ductor; Fnida Leider, sopraiio; fa~ Olszewska, contralto; Theodore Sri tenor; Alexander Kipnis, hasso. ýAn1iL, thée new artists iii the. Geri-atn wmIn-I, will be Lotte Le.hmantn,. vrico-spiiit, soprano. Who has' heen a leading prano. at Covent Gardetn, Lotndon, fi five year s, and w ho has. sung for- long- er periods atthe Berlin 'National Optir., ai dý 'tlîe' Bayr.euth, festival. M\aý-i, Raj'. ly ric soptýano, is also addedl Others are 'Sonia. Shartiova. Ivadin-- contralto, who was bor i i C!ica-guý, ) and who wilI sing French .atîd .. ili7*1n >oes as well as Germnani; Rudolf !)ocký elmatîti, leading baritone of the ilfain hurg Opera, and Fduardý Hal>icliî chanacter banitone of the BerlinRo ai Opera and. other companies. Anng the operas contemnplete(l -for the Gérman repertoire: are erl nùovelties. .,".Di*e Meiste rsin egen." h v4ý XVagner;. "The EBrtered B.ride." Ibv Smetana: a d- the standard wonks Wagtner, "L.ohieng.rin," "Taitihaeulser.." "Tristan and Isolde," and "Die \VaI-' kuere." Beetthovei's., "Fidelio" atîdI Strauss' "Der Rosenkavalier" willa given. The development of the GermaIII repertoirè is in Iine. wit'. a policy w- stituted in 1928, whien Frida -Leider and Maria Olszewska camne to the è onmpany. At that time the questioni of Gèrman opera was put squitarely 1w)- fore thé public of Chicago, which'i was,. asked- to decide by its paltronage wbetben or not. it desined an incneased German .répertoire. The. results werc gratifving, and last vear another Get - man artist1, Theodore Strack, was add- ed to the Icompany to form,. with'Mes- dames Leider and Olszewska an& Mn.. Kipnis the nucleus for an outstand- ing German wing. The management be- lièves that these artists and those add- - - - - 11- ---- . .,y . - ýL-- t -l -.It -LI ***lai ,-m day afternoon at 3 o'clock, when the inme of Edgardo Prence. . partly as a - result of traditions and M4aestro C orchestra, under Fric DeLamarter, will . time-honored custom, partly as a re- director oft play the overture ta "The Secrets of TO OPEN IN OCTOBER ýsuit of local spirit and special local company, wi Suzanne ;" Gounod's "March of the FrtLebraibsShksaen support, are disgruntled and confirm- Cavent Gard( Marionettes ;" Grainger's "Shepherd' Frt ebradhsSacsera tbe skeptical and untraveled European two eéirfornw Hey ;" . Moussorgsky's "Ballet of. the compan.y will begin an eigbt weeks' in bis estimate of the iaw order leas et. Melif Cbickens in-Their She lîs ;" and Elgar's season on October 27. at the Chicago of artisic intelligence sbaown by the the greiatest ,"Pomp and 'Circumsàtance." After: the Civié theater, it is, announced. Amnican pbi. o iPolacco, musical icago Civic Opera Sconductar at the ra this tnanth fon f Debussy's "Pel- ýHe is considered, authority on this,

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