Sal! en 's Pajamas The Famous Faultless No-Béelt A particu la riy fortunate purchiase makes it possible for us to ofter these popular .pajanias ai sucb a low. price. Values ta 6.50. Silky lingettes, Englisb prints, ýbroadclotbs and sateens with' coniven- tional designs, dots, stripes and floral effects. Somne witb frogs, an occasional Cossak model and plenty of the favorite pullovers. Sizes A, B, C and D. Lord's-Main Floot Polo Shïrts f orSMen Short Sleeves Long Sleeves .$2.30 0f allwool zephyr yarn. Soft And firm knit.' In blue,. green or tan.......... Lord's-Main Floot ' Wornen's Polo Shirts Well tailored, three buttons ai neck. Short or long sleeves. A pebble weave ini white, bisse, pink, green and gold.1 Sizes 34 tO 42 ........ $2e95 Lord's-Second Floor Housewares values Ice Cream -. Freezers Ac89c A gearless allimetal freezer wbich produces smooth velvety ice crean i wth five, minutes of as tuning. CoffeetMa kers~ Clear Drip $125 Extuts ail the true coffée flavor and' leaves the' bitter, undesirable elements in the groundsý Pudding Wear Ruer $I.o0 Two-quart.size. Will cook an attractively shaped pudding.ý Speciaàlly priced at $1i. Dutcl, Ovens * Very *Special $3.95 With tighr fittingcoe an exclusive self-basting featute. 0f Wagner. <ast aluminuni. Si rro Rinig lou Id Sets Seven ç l an M1en's 2-pc. Suits, $4-75 i\(0Jun W bité tops and blue tuanks of pure woarsted. Lord'--Main Floor .00 t Rooin. Main Floor, Il ,zt7z 1 ------------------------------ -