Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jun 1930, p. 28

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sumimer session, reports, A few tional registrations are expected. school opened Mônday of this and willconitinue for ight weeks. faculty is composed of about members. of the regular New vaddi- root i a acat nus 1The avenue and Cuninor: ;week wvorking for the Muti :s The comîpany, whichi was thirty nîodeling the house. Trier fractured vertebra, six roaL. Gau wa:; andi Alleu Stuart. At present Mrs. ual. Construction Kerr and Heleni are quarantined for engage(I. iii re- nieaslés at the home of Mrs. Kerr's He suffered a mnother, Mrs. Carl. R. Lathami of 1118 broken rihs and Sheridan road, Evanston. p. ONLY v 0- at- Soldier Field, junie 21 to 29. Anti- aircraft a r t iie ry, smoke screens, blirnps, balloons and.zooming pursuit and bonmbinig planes wiIl cover the heavens at Soldier Field, in the most realistic ba ttie preséntation. ever given in. these localities. Each day duiriing this, nîammoth show the :skies will be darkenled by 50 of the latest model pursuit and bonîbing planes ini battie -formnation, swoôpîing down f rom great heights.. perfoarmiing aIl the latest tactical aerial maneuvers- kn'iowil to mankind. 'Different davs of the show these mnighty deféense mion-ý arclis of the aiîr ill be heard dron iig Over the ýcitv-anid suburbs. The- demionstrations at thc show hv the Arniy Air service will bie one of the, greatest exhibitioDns ever- preseîîte< to the public. Planes will attack and., (rop boi-bls, on an imaginary townl, while anti-aircraft artillery andl other cefelsive units will deiimonstrate iii couinter att acks.' *Friendly alircraft wiIl strive 'to pro- tect the field hy Iaying siiioke scrcens. an(] drivîng the enemy from the- air. Onie of the greatest aids to attack froqm th*e skies %vill be emiploYed 'in this de-, f ensc-th at-aircraft 'guns.. Search- lights w111 -detect attackingz planes, and aliti-aircràft àst3",ery whý.Iich iniyvarfare uses thîle, Aatest one ain d one-hiaif inch auitonîlatic guli firing a projectile whiclî explodes on touching the fabric of. an. airpiane., wing will be called into ac- tion. Sound locators and fire control . equipmnent used by the Aniti7aircraft corps against air attack will swing their motorized apparattus into sizrvice. List- tening posts, the telephone and radio coviniunication nets wbich keep 1 the. an i-aircraft artillery ini constant coin- niuniçation with the Amy vbhmnp and observation balloon xvhich fly overliead %viil be, other attractions. One of the important duties of thec, Air service i tine'of war is that of , hotographing . encrny positions'. The. latest- development in tlus Ifield; of ac,- tiiyta fphlotography at iligit b1w .means_of nmagnesium flares ill . be shown i an exhibit in the stadium -a t Soldier Field. Miniature reproduction *of types of aircraft used. during the Iast war, which mray be cotnnarcd with AUTHORIZED HOO VER 1515 Sherman Ave., Evanston ýrg's) SERVICE Greenleaf-6424ý trai avenue, Wilmette, was graciuateu- from Monticello Seminary TuesdaY, June 10, and. will atend the University of Wisconsi,next fali. Mr. anid Mr,;. Branson and Miss Florence Branson drove to Oodfrey to be present at the exercises. Mrs. Branson; and Miss- flranson, are alsù graduateseof the sein- inary. ÇYeNiaOOVERS LO Un sua OFer on.the Sens atio-na1 New 'Hoovers This is- your opportunilty to get

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