about tflrty Wflo are teaching in the New Trier sumnier school, hiave* scat- tered to widely separated sections of this coutmtrv1 and a few are rilainiig , travel abroad this suminer,. Following is a summary of the summer, plans of tbo!e who expect to 1e at summier camnps, abroad, or ini distant parts of the United States: Supt. Frederick*.E. Clerk is on bis way to Bustin's Island, Maine. ýwherc he wilI spenid the summner. He is niiak- ing the trip hy motor. Miss E.lizabeth E. Packer wiIl da considerable traveling this summier,.di- vi*dite er time betwcen Washingtoni. Ù.C. Upper M&oitclair, N. J., lir home,, and Brewster, Mass. 1 OU Luropean Tour F. D. Frisbie, history teacher. ill conduct a *party of New Trier boirs on a summer tour of #,urop)e. The: groupy wili saifttfom Montreal1 next week.,- . .Miss Elizabeth Hadden, of. the comn- inrerce department 'also plans to spe.nd part of tlie summner abroad. Her ad- dress after .jâne .26 \will be Paris~, France. W., L. ("Duke') Childs. director of athietics, will be at bis camp., Campj Owako.nze, iii Ontario. Canada. Rewo n to Engiand ti have.taught in the 'social- science (le- partment at 14kw Trier dning thevast vécar. K. S. Binnie and MissKaithenl 1,ockley, will spetid sonie time ini this countrv before returning to England. Mr. Binniie wilI be with Gordon Van- Kirk of the New Trier English depant- ment at the latter's home in Pomona. Cal. Miss Locklev bas accornpanied Miss 'May Fogg. director of zirls' pliv- *sical education. anîd Mis-, Lillian Fogg Englishi teacher, to their homne at Free- *port, Me. Miss Elizabeth Stanwood, head of the dramatic department, will be at Connecticut college, New, London. Con., until July 1i.anid.at 1-avde. Colo.. after that.date. DH. Head for camps DH.Showley. wbo is iin chlarg-e of bosintramutral activities, will bc at Showley park on Lake Bruice, Ke- wanna, tn4. .Miss josephine Altnai of the f or- Bethel No. 44, Order of job's Daugh- ters, will. hoid a public installation of~ officers at 8 o'clock Monday evening. Dorothy Kuelzow, datughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J: Kueizow of 611 (,reei-.- leaf avenue, -will entertain her bridge club tonightat her home. James, Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. ýj. C. Baker of 347 Maple,:avenue leftt Wedncsdav for Boston where he. will embfark . with ;one hundred Northwest- eru and oue *undred -arvard.studentSý on the U. 'S. S. Wyonming for a croise which will last' until the middle of july -%ith the niaval R. 0. T. C. Mr. aiMr.E. T'I'urelot of- Rogers Park arid their 'two small 'daughter.-, Betty and Joanne, moved earlv ini Junet into the F. R. Kilner bouse at 523 Washington 'avenue. yo u secure merchandisei 515 Davis Street It is a - WHEN the Winfi.ld r'p takes down wbatever pr i c e barriers *there are between the bost : mechundise and the vr : 4e purme, it is done in no *uncertamn manner. SA discount. of, 209%' meanm you buy at one-fifthle- 50%o.means eactly one-haif. the réguler price. In fact, of distinction at a great sacrifice. Evanston,l11 Dresses, $.5- not over $2.25 eign 1language department iul ui at Foothili cabin, E-dgertoii.Wis. Quje of the teachers, Miss Aveline Kent of the En'iglist i epartment m'as inarried thïs week at the home of lier m6then iin Chagrin Falls. Ohio. She îs now Mrs. James S. Butler.-« Other, members, of the Newý Trier. f.aculty Who. will spend. the summen in Main Office e~ Plant-WAUKEGAN FJ WEBSTERkAVES., Phone Higbland"Park 3710 Greenleaf 3710 HIGHWOOD, ILL. This i S No0t- aDepartmentStore Clearance Sale or, Drug Store. One Cent Sale DRY CLEANING -SERVICE, SALE. which means you receiverthe saine service that bas won_ so much favor on the North Shore ~ at these reduced prices (for an indfiniteeio) fSuits, Cleaned and Pressed ."$1.oo '11<