WIEID Ju two weeks remfain o -buy that -dist inctive gif t.for ýtbe June Bride. Speciàl .P aw ter Lathp, asgortment-c o m p 1 e t e from 5$4.00 upward. B eautiful Iaînp units fde s i gne d iii ontown studios-15.00 upwaid. A neW complet. ssort- ment of p ewt er just arrived.. Pottery fror the 'South Carohiinamountgineer, in exotic colorns A variety of art objects iont Gift Shop. ALAN GOODRICH STUDIO__ 1522 SHERMAN AVENUE EVANSTON GREENLEAF 0816 Golf Motoring Hiking DEMAND A Comfortable Sport Shoe. Abeautiful sports oxford iade on the famous Cantim- lever Iasts which are scien- tifically , designed to niake "Coîptovt for te UmUre W.mlIy"ý 1627 Sherman Ave., Evanston open saturdaty Eveninigs Until 9 il ~ (laln. nvacungironi oi, A.t Ua.<wren1ce, v-Iiette..o4wer row-i JUNE GOLF AT IILDEEft It he better nine of eighteen holes with Mrs. A. H. Vosburgh of 924 Eûmwood one half handicap. A driving contest avenue, Wilnette, is chairman of the wili be held. at 2 in the afternoort. J uile Golf evenits for women at Kildeet Last Tuesday a fou~r bail foursome, CouI nrý-clib".vhch ulinae jne24.1 was planned for the mrigwt ls Conimencing, at 9:30 o'clock Tuesday A ,players:inviting Partners Irom Clasi nlorning ptav wiII b for'the scoft on- B -golfers, for- medal play with full 've1yn Laurirsen of wencoe. handicap. Approachlng and. pUýttV1l9 took place in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lee have tmOvI. f rom Hfyde Park to 813 Michiganl ave- nue. M. Lee, is at presntj kh homna but will. returfi shortly. .1 I