Mir.' and 'Mrs. Lansing B. Warner 0f Hubbard Woods spent last we ek -end at the Lawsonia Country club, Green Lake, Wis. greater part ofthte summrer man, 4,5. ni a farm of .Mr. and Mrs. while Mr'. enter in the Blue Ridge throught the former i-is on a busïr -st. Mrs. Br Shipman. . (IIX Keep -Cool!.. Yet be Smartly Dressed in. tiese Tropical Worsted Sil-k Trimmed SUITS HENRY CLYTTON &SONIS State and lacicuon Orrington and Church CHICAGO - EVANSTON Evantton Sho> Open Tuçsday hrsda adSaturday, Erenings' t h technical or cultural courses.. The readi- rrPip ig chinic which will bec.con(lùcted bv is Miss Agnes Adams will be welcomed bYI teachers 'who f romi time to:' tiine are. conf rotited with diffcultics i the teachl- *iiig of rcading. Another phase of edluc.t-. tinwhich .is recciving spécial, empha,&d<s * is th*at 'of, the nursery scËool. Coufsüc, uv ,lursery, school education vill heý. givieil *this' sunîniier by Miss Brul5aker; ~ with théc assistance of Miss Thelina. DaN, is dirëctiiig,.Uthenursery school 4)f -. the, college demonstration. school, .- An exceIIent course in iintcriortdcl,:cri- tion is offéreà by MÉs. Marguerite Tay- * kw -an.d Mrs,.'Caroline -Crawford Mè- L~n~iIl rc 'athée-courses onthe *.developtùient- of the ar-ts, afid the. arts. Ii child education, *,which 'erc vcry__pojp1- Iàr last year. -lreiet -Edua Dean Makervilg& a. course - ii."ýModcr-n . Trends in -E duca- ôf.. character éducation, trainjnîg for .cit- ieîiship, preparat*o for wholësQme use, olisure Uiec and other phases~ of lifè of whieh' modern ed&ucation is takiing I;tccoutiii Ail students i the sumrnn~ss sion hIave the. opportunity of observin * inite*eitrto school. Issue Invitations for White-Poiritt* Weddin Mr.. ail Mrs. Charles White ýof Glencoc hiave issuied inmitations to the in arrÉage of thecir, daugiter, Pauli4ce Jeanniettc« to Dr. Homtrer P)W Porritt. son .of Mri. and Mrs; Edi Porritt m Pontiac, Mch,\Vedniesdlaýr afternoo9n. :Juie 25. The . Weddiivilitae place at thie Cliiurcli of St. Elisabcth at 4:30 o'cloc1,. The Rèv. Jolin K; Coolidge wîlil rçad thç service. A reception -wi1 Il foow. the cere:iîoniy at the ho e cof the bride*s parents,. Mi *-Muriel E. elih,àasisterote I)flde, ýwill be iiiai. of' honor. Mrs. Charles Floyd WVhite, the bride.'s* sis- ter-iin-Iaw, wilI1 be matron of. honior.. Miss Alice . Woodworth of. Evans toi and' Mfiss Margaret Hut tof Sprinig- field are the bridesmaids.. Chiarles Porrittopf Pontiac NviIl serve his brother asl)est miai. Charles' ýMrs. Il. G. Bersie en'tertained TJiur-tz day afternioon in lier home, 1619 Green- wood avenupe, at a luncheon for Mrs. L. L. Lodwick, Jr., of Youngstown, Ohio ,who is visiting hler father, D. -H. Nicholes of 816 Forest avenue. Mrs. Donald Sinîmnons of Evanstôn is a1s0" mngthose entertaining. * I &