Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jun 1930, p. 14

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OWAKONZE D.uke Childs' Camp ini Canada 91 Address W.. L. CHILDS Oak Avenue, Evanston, 111. Phone Univer sity 3084 A camp that holds thie interest of boys of ail ages. Not a so-cailed camp in a sumumer resort district but real camping in .Anmcrica's, finest camùping .ctbuntry.* An opportunity to explore country untouchéed by civilizatio n, fish ini unfished waters, study wild life in its native hiaunts. This life builds alert, resourceful, heaithy, haLppy, manly boys., Three camps, ages 9 to 119. Sleeping cabins, real beds, best of food. Evaniston Highi School cooks, University of Wisconsin physician, Newý Trier High S chôoo nurse 1, strong staff, ail sports nio lhay fever, Ill season, local references. 8 weeks. Julv .5 to August 30. university and %vas one ofth~te tell most prominent wonien to receive an in-. vitation to the sîxth.annual Matrik ban- quet given. by TheXa Sigina Phi; %womi'- en's journalistic- organization, duriiig .kaly week. She w-as chosen in recognli- tion of herscholarship and, campus ac- tivities. Mliss Charlotte Corneli of, Glencoe and .Miss Elizabeth Sweet were other north- shore girls vho were. hopored. Mr. and *Mrs. Carl Marshall H-uck. *with their.five daughiters, of 6U5 Essex: road,- Kenilîvorth, left Kenlilwortth for. the sunmmer school vacation and have opened 'their, sunimer homie, Huckle- hberry Cabinî, on, Big" Trout [ake, fif- tèeet' miles. north of Woodruff, Wis. The .Richard, Flemings of Chicago- are ini the Huck home during their, al)ece A ep-yourel f cookiejr s't depend on bak- ingday any mnpre. in her'family ..,.Orco Sandyich are 80.good4 she can scarcely.fi the jar often enough to keep, up ~ with everybody's: appetite., Says the ULneeda Boy. means they're of the hest! Sold by thie Pound and ini packages. INATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY"Ied su' TI*.1 tea will b)e and intimate party Mr' * and Mrs. J. Bjorkiund of Kan- sas City, Mo.ýi have inoved into tbe F. E. Munson house at 507 Wasbing- ton avenue. They have two daughters, Allie June and Daphne.- 1588 r , . -11 , .1 E dward V. i.iaey. The chutrch was decorated with large basiçets of white peonies on eacli" .end of the aisies'; while the center altar was covered-with deep pink roses ., ferns anid palmis. The two side altars hld dark red peovies'and, f.erts. The spaces betwe en were -dé .coated,,.witi higli baskets containing tal . spring. flowérs, white delphinium,- gladio>li, peonies and roses.. Many candeàwçvre buriiig, inaking the, set .tingý one* of un uisual beauty. *The bride was preceded downithe aisie 1w six . bride snaids ,anid aý maid of hionor.- The xnaid of honlor, sister, of thie bride, MigssEdna Seng, w-%ore, wta loig sca grqeni lace and chiffon (iress, andi a large horse-hair bat to1 match thie gownvi. Sh e carried ;an ai bouquet of j oa ii-ýlilrosesanid niixed sprinig (garden) fiowvers. l'ie six .1ri(Ieslaids wore' rai nbow shades, piuk, p)eaclh,* beige, bine, orchid and yello, with the blorse-hiair ,hlats to match. The. dresses were Ailverv long aiîd one of the outstandiug fêa-- turcs.wc-re the lonig velvet rîbbon l)owS >tand:streamners exten'dinig froru the nieck to, the grounid. Lah vore long kid gloves, and shocs. and. lose :.thïe,,exictly .mnatched tlw shalde of lier* go n, and aridau arm boûùquet Of' spMe, gfiowers. 'Miss, Senig's- bridesrnaids included M iss Kathryn Kelly, Miss Mairjorie. Nichoal-' son MIrs. Marshall. C. Cortns, Miss. M\iriatiiHollenbacl,Miss Mary Janc Seng, atid Miss Agiies lichi. T"le lbridie cai m downtheaislec o tlie arni of lier <atl)er. XVvîdclin 1P. Seng. 401 Lake aveue, Wiltnctte. IThe; 1Lridal gown vr\-as of pure white -wed- ding riing satin inade princess style mithi a loig,t.fail and long tighit fittinig slecvc.s. lHer. tuie veil ivas li1 'pl )aýce h by a mwide ,lband' Ofpeari l- h.roid-ery ùrith. sprays of :orangebos soins ove r each car., 0n theeçie o lier veil \Vàs aàlband of. silver lace Iiln- sertion. lier veil ivas worn .to, covcir lier face and was tbirown back as sluc left the altar and came clown the :a ish oni the.amn of lber lbusb aiîd. Th1le bridai boqjuet %vas of roses, va1llv hîhies and1 garlands of sweetpeas. Mr. Fiollenhacli wvas attended by. iS 'lrotlier, Louis, and the ushers mere Frank «M\fri-hoti, Edwin :DemipseY, Howardl Keller, Arthur Scl itt anid

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