Joseph W. Harrison, presiderit of the class of 1930, made the presentaltion speech, and th response was givenl by Tomi Hildebrandt, representing the *class of 1931. Moiney for the class gift was raised byý the graduates theinselves, nmuch. o1 ii having been made by the,,presenta- tion of the class play, "A Midsunimer Nïght's Dream." Members of the class, also. so]d Eskimo pies at the annual *Kenilworth Field day, anld*colleeéteýl sonie addition*al, money thrdugh. the sale. of the sc.hool yearhook,"en- worthKolumn1s," at the annual schio-! ecXhibit held. recently. Thirtv-nine Kenilworth boys and girls. were, graduated from thé joseph* Sears school this year.. The diplomias w ere presented to the graduates by Arý- thurý T. McIntosh, presideitý of the Kenifixorth board of education. WINS HONQR AT ROCKFORD M' VirginiaDickinsoà ' daughter of -Mrs. 'Joel W. Dickinson of 637 ýAh- l)tSfr road,' Kenilworth, was grad'a- *ated Monday froni Rockfor-d coliegf. She was accorded the highiest scholastic honor àt Rockford college in ber élec- tion to the Socratic honor society.. .\r,. and Mrs. James. Cost'ello of .5002 North Mansfield street, 'Chicago, an- nouince the birth of a daughter, Dor- othea Mfande, Monday at St. Anne's hospital.. Mrs. Costelio is the daugh- * ter of Mr. and MIrs. George E. Tarniow of 126 Fourth street. Quality (and e cipal iNL GIy i into f avenl1 ore Spectacular Values, Than Ëvr s- hb1~s5 $.95 A. C. PEARSON, Pn Fr. Deliveiry -Servi Ridge Avenue, Wilhw Phones W~imette 2Mf. I f7Mary, Ann Frocks S.St Jobns Ave. . Ex clusive BauNot Expenaive H'g and Park, III. . lAoi Wilrnette Ave. Wi1,ne~te, Iii. I.