w Tea GRANDMOTHER'S GREEN JAPAN BASKE~T FIRED 'Vb4 tin, 5c ,. .titi 29c- ORANGE.PEKOE INEIA CEILON:% I4 b. tîn.19 , ~ ~~Y2lbtn35 GUNPOWDER 4- lb., ti 5 PuffedWh.ea't *AMERI4CAN Daisy Cheese POST'S WHOLE BRAN OR Bren.Flakesý pkgli 1b. *~~ *pgloc- LIBBYS TINY KERNEL Fancy Corn PINK ALASKA SalImon. 3NO2 3 e a.. 9 *3 Tans 40c e e * ...Northern Tissue 4 ro0 25Zc LiiF - ~ ~ v-t---- --u roi. u iasi -)atrdayId>, wnInfl ise, pic-, tures were taken.. In -the upper picture Frances 'Stevens, 330 Abbpttsford road,, Kenilworth, is holding the cup she was awarded for winning first place in the novice saddle class for chulcren who had flot ridden prior to januiaryl , 1930. The lower picture shocws sonie of the childven riding before th-e-judges.. GIVE BON VOYAGE PARTIES. months. She will. attend thel Passioti 'Miss- Dorothy Diettricli of Glencoe Play at Oberamîmergau . lias been entertaitied at several bon voyage parties ini the past .two weeks Miss Harriet Nye o f Springfield,- Amlong the affairs was one givenl by Mass., W'ill arrive.Saturday to visit a't Miss ýAlice Kennedy of Chicago and the ho;me'of Mr. and Mrs. Dwimht occasions 521 MAN ST.WILMETTE 32 N. B.CI ATLANTIC & PACIFIC 521 MAIN ST.