t ~ ~ -~ 1jtmist e 460t.,o -. ihe 6-6-t ts+< 1~~~~~6 -ý, i 8 -, I N6iÉî S'o nie s tiliiý 110-W a stu-en at -the Art ins- - 6- -Mr sot&l illiierç;. Sr Regnàl Ch~uicago irs on of th -infeso i- stxttt I Poe- Pàg ako - Gerg Crme -cot nte er 98 .Mr. Mortimier ... a-r Gamerol 1<enilworth,- bas returned to his homne engsUivrty48 ________________after. a two weeks' busiiness,,trp teo sai froin~4v- Moiltrea oen J'dn* 27, fr tîýn -day wek-n \V*th' WIiite Wlu-, ~~~ _0f -~6 ~~r]~- -r - - 6 66 fo i.6-tle boNs rr n the no t 6- fN w o h le .Y 1 toý acnp n F. D. Frsbe a.6 -- -. - il 6- of he fau1t o N w rier6- Hih M s 6n-e -1 Ee od school5 on a- tri to EuoefrtoKeiwrh nerandas 6-th an a - l 6-f The 6)o -6 witl oi 6-6-6s at th isa der-gcu 36i!taplbl-ecnil!i n S traug t i oo - 4erý f- 6- in a-6 priat -car.~~6 The 6-6-l 6-i froni -i se g'esr 6L-is 6-6-6-6- 6-r0 6-,6-, 6-6.6-L Ha re France 6 on the 6-6-rri ship.--6 Kansa City.666 .-6--66-- --6 - ~j6 ~ 6--6-6-6-6- 6- 6-r--. nID. D ,,&IrO FLOWERS A- rra l'O 6 6 6- 6-6- 6-W FOrorGautio Flra Qu6kdlvr - l'ie fPtttno con Anthr- 6 6-66- -6- 6-6- - o Dutls Chiag reu6rnns We -il gal arrng 6-6-6-66 Cosaes Co m- -- S a Coke 6-Yin 6-66--6-6l. blooms. r 6-6-6 6- - 6-6-6à 6- r - 6- 6- 6- - - - - . 6 6-6 6-- 6 -à 7 6 -- - 66666