M "M à,> e~4 Prw bi ( thé partsm ,li b-ges tQgedie oft th tt i 1rd spa+ty Sh 1 dJn- a Mrs. ý 1 1iit Wiliamë The p1e nin rs phr of tht.ii-ep ofMsCr&J-.Wll~s14 Fr-1, .W d i-Iil sch o trete the grsa Joh s iedjs-l s CalWler short KpIort}m, '.A e i, gie v TeNrhShr lma hp t4,~~ Ritag Webe an Pliabth Faber,~~~w~u~ ~ 1ventnI< A. vith, ye ie~ ts regla 11tth*heui meetin floger E. Wiiams ,rng AsuPrveue ineta The,*tî of fnegfs It-frs. i Z e m ekt - - - - - - - - JohR. Wilson Morrial Teors framee sht tod to eo 4Wilson S.t lief L<.gi*er Metch. \ ~ ç -~r~4 ton tissml 328e Oecln Mr.ise nd Me~e rZO s. itvn* Tiher Wilsn it GVn b a en nue a uolfice vilh\üa clubr bouse gust f o t oobil accident.y NIn r. s.e laragiw e y~eason he WilmtteNhmiloriatos toy you tOk@ oç ae f Bou- forik thou legu Jeaers andl H r-i and M rs.-uÈl'o.ffiit o W. y,. from)tle Fvhson Nex Wedninthes-itlis daNr WVilett e výeoia 111.,uk toit nlei trë et A. A. nQrer~-d Other palrings fo thg. i*:ffi Beirneil adly#r, r.- ,,-sl455l5.sg J., 'sOte M r r n .N s n,7 3 u nitg R.544 W.- Wotha avenue -èiwot be son jak- an FU s 'so P,'Vs'S", WrgÉ M s s~4s~:~ W ., 0. Belt, 20 'nd n a-- F lyIsrd replku - eleya gfrfe t u (!.'W Wrie nu-e'~<"- ~, Ken-4-5,4- retrn' reenl --s -"'55-4 'j", ,AL W I ME T 133 goo tate an - - ud, 5- W .~-s 5 k.s-, -àés th i ,h ne afe a -s e ra we s so Î O sc K -êta 4'ýin a ro n.AhvleN . et esugetta