- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L ý7~Yf$. 9~ -f4. Tf~l e. . if-ff ~~~~\~~~~~ff.~,mW q i mefff 1 - f. t ~ qQ~'- 5 S V f V ~ ~ --f~f .ff .f .-~~~fff.~ f~f~-f5 f~f ff f{ ff-f-f f,~ -fSff~~tff.f f5 fff~.f.fMOI j5 5 .ff~~f.~. f- ~ -fff-f4f ~fY ie îf ~ St ~ 5f.Stf~ft f f-.W- A Mff P4~f V41t- f , -f-f-Stý WMf-- pol»*Iar und UmÉrifier %vfl rna o- 20egiae seyit s bel eai yeio lihed teIt as the Univevdty Y. M. c. A. an Y. W. C. A., under directon off f a student Crcus bopard. -Ge s -f5 f f fhi -Itff f e r' ýfffff~j ffffff.nv ...f..l feaft-urf f fSff f f f5- IUon ith the 14IIisioi dé-bi'u, tradtionl waer ircu, auo shivf parade, . teInt shws an fmf tdfff.-f da-Se Viflsd icuocüii pefomace fof4 fhc ffll begi fn Notwetr gynlifif tempo at.Cmeiiefraent an ff f rity stu*nts aé the major im on thi f prga »w4V.#I f lhso feaures a parade,f flw bal*ho Conc1udin the, t4Vw f . fa' par ora will be thé* Maigrfff fscc 'a fetr ff th twoda carnival been entered in this conipetition and Nvill be given television tests, when a committee of judges will award tEe first titie of 'Television girl. Reçon»dfiation TourfTHTE EP OE IoStd Radi.caism "'Types of Radical-,: Anarchists, lB(ýhenian.S, Ath5ekts. Bolsllevik'" Will be ob.serv5ei on the Reconciliation TripC OPN eomtiucted by Dr, Franik 0. fleck ofC OPN E~a-nstofl Sattlrday afternoon April 26. Starting at 2 o'clock at Olivet Jnst[- tute, 1441 Cleveland avenue, Chicago, the nenbers of this groupf wil hecar a .- statement of "kRadicalism:, Pros -and, C-ius of the Caq' 4>reSe¶1tfe) b\y Evertf ff--fs iis fsitn stt' atore an-fe n tc tan h n e f) f Coo -finy an Dr5Nr-fBar illi5 t er ff Olve f f5 - -f45Thi wil f5ffeff- folloff fy a ývalf Ilif..tifgff "Littlef. fe] an f ispfffcrr c i n ha h u d b f5 ~ ~ te of th Fil n5-fdü -f-f5-f-4-fS4-ffs-ff4-f Atffff 5-.f ~ --.fff < f4 0,000 4b ftgff.ffS.fff-uf4f5 ..l 'assemble-.t~f fffaf4t 54~ S4f~~U the, -fe V f - ff. f St - f. -f -f