~~~~~~~4-444~~~~~~~~~l ý44444- 444-4" 4 --414,--.Y: I- ~ --4--.- -4----, ~-44444, 4t4~'4 -4->'~4~'4- -44 *' -4-'- '-r ~4'-444'4-~"--, 44 - - 4-,.44 ~ "-- 4-, >4 ~ 444 4 4* ' ~ - à "~'- 4444444 4aring- 4-ô the:- f4-ià, -idc * iset by thfe W]I'nette Ptaygroundan~~fd, the wieek begiing p1h i4-. SudaA R'vjetat flic forar Siii dav Julie 1,~tt 'ands wrh- ie% 4 th 27 - ii14 be - '$aby' Week, an that, 'The bainquet is lield anu lfly in3 coI- noi1iete i rnis hti1 lfi '1 àtbd- vrsluo fte nection %Viti, fiic mleeting of the ath- will bc an epocha.l eve-ut il ocal churcli dIi~ Ht~ 'usi9f e'34 ofI~ lei olcl(ffl orad hist4ory. 1Rep>esntatives andc by proclamationi 1tjks CÔýç tbat vvi b ax4d dn the 4' eti forth~v~it fWidl the13 lof . Presiden Hoove-at4 ]-)aivis, -dire*ctur oî i-ccreatioti, an-- onrue adu-a intt genla and> parents - o >1%4t flQIt41 ~~~ ~teri6:e -a tri-t 4,)~11 i 1 g i »t4 Si itb i 1 -beý1sI4,, 11A 4.es 44: 1 wi44 th- pa tcilr to-nie.t e e ih i and~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -4iJ 44ttï eic(tlSaes hl n114idrtea5 y !~-~4 ~ 4icû (4e 11- ~tiIntWfant \,4e-ty nf Cheic i0 board ans ~ o si ofe fl~i c 'v - II'tl(;N Oê fil ch rh an ý_dca of~~I~ ~ f~p îr b ih, . ' ali fein 1 tcàgI4L S'ie t n the obsrvnc I11i]g 0144-y lte tin on lime4 111 of flic~ pta1mIs4t Cwp w-l ýi-~- 1 --4 ~ 4 bo rd«4u 44-jI jI Il CÉJl-t l \ I) ti lila ll-1b s )2 (li n m l a d ia i i- -lit ch n4r1-4),rýj. 1 1ý \' K R ))i:oi it rda o c u C ia o I tl e d ri sc - - - Ulif n t e Beiwl Aware~ -$~bt~<t~ d ýtS4sy an 4 Eshe Stolie ofi~ ic fli Iniate 1 oie ý < o Çhyica heo boardi u\rit» on sdy aflic- de-o1- pl2 a ococ. o- Bsc ss~ and f1i e, Busine a-n Prheso al - t-paii stti s file-d p ûlvy of -bc thî4erlo atp' a 'lçk haccord-o alter oF ple )1arL hear .Mr.e Flan- , ha,;e& -c-tu atess Wil ee Cha-- ch tas 1114 -lvik ab lve- hei -'the -)uî vI lecutdat tIc cat eel iliprsna apperanc ý-illiiýi li pipua rîgt 'ar in Pf e or Disteriac!tosto I-Ioward~~~~dnt ofoo groundstt ano ou;-ý apaort in. -Wntt ilgîeayf;isufl manhItvoo! ani'tic Ionhicago iiigu p111ty bu te il Xalt r~ FL dri f. oran ls op ofî -eo -oli i-vitat-oicf to mset i drenwiWpyticiate 11th F1. t .Orii I- -Thes organ-li uplao-,hc N 1-tgie aw il i e4l4 ,wI bexten4cIed t flic Wilet - or.-Svjtei4- br.ae e-e Hiantôft amtits ater Pgg M.iii 1,itesi -it-i ai weeli undet caurc pen ho8s andI 9w hècial s afo.Wfe -e etrcasrsdn coilThe(IIN flie-chc chikirenm antd 1,- iî r-geiiand aeue :ppr'irnaitely t,,iilave s i o negbor-g 6'feo It Max 3 aing'so4 tl v-et=thlS of -Ccant ! snbirb t!era hn b ad IiJrn - will b afteow o ahttde i Pt5 st bemntei ut ahllbutea î ) ome aprld 7 vat M4 F'land Toii sod -y th Buins -n Pffo are cin-ts "station, fiae te otk. sb clubr sahoo the 2iiet oChaon- Ate Wnetof' cevne baf tbes .an k ein 2o 30i o'Grlk th ft socond thîcrd- ad <ora ope have Er _a1o. Flan- Vonel angto buletinfri flicre bo ed re r peax A a e rvcswsl aebod ero mre baselmsseain flaic soiets i-l aopnd t ofin hmncn the gradett vllb cnuce avil t. i> elude vv ey i D e rse Speain rili stat c i lf t otin unader strn lease4 g0bnttrnds d~ onaj- in LasTiIirnt Gzlg gi. K.an of~e asI 1hîla ~ttsn. hwg rery T~~îhile chlde of 4îte firt INV-aE TOt1 "SEA usef niahrv and w&rs F Pior-r not shr fredsa pprytMN the~~~: puli a'$(l parc)-t~4 1-- 1 à ftesatoshsasafo four- grde Of4- v~ -4--4 A-n- in iato t4 il-444e4- the Chia scool, icludng re-cllol ciil icr iiiifirt hand Higlan Pak ctv hlljus 'cnl- octrs nd urse to cary o th d ft44- will pariiaeintehnwh4 T eogn pnw il lewl ly 4(td'\,a xe"à tofi im tt oL vnee4o h- 'acete is 4-,o4 bc4,4~ co d ce n t o dvso s l hrem n a igno h a-4 -llgebadls ted- ilt ,T eo npr u p re \go p design. It Âs a-~4 wel roned hr- edb ofcal 4oi\vire iitebetrcls e4d Hunt4 Starts at~44 2 Pi-4 M.- -p n ouev4-bc Vie pr-sh-4 cilren an 4jj org44 an lia 44ro -natel ù%ev - i -egibrn cit on ay 3 an 4 a eto so hiao a ds4u