.r~~r91 ~~r~~~r~~~r 710 4rrrrr~rrr- ~,rrrr ~ r~ ~ rr ,r' ~di l r- rr,,~ r~~r~r~r !,r ~rr' fr.r~rr~ IF ~r'~rr ra, SONC ~ * Ok-Ci1 Th ro-ar lif of a prm don penheimn. AT THÉ VILLA RtOSE - Masoi. A god dictetdv str. CA'fCOSSpaô1ç. r SEVER WOOS--Rikert TH 'DOORrr 'Rinhatt KRMRGIL-tckw eg t b e MrM 'O -r-Ieýrilt WANDER*$WS AN HOME OF 4141VS R 6TS-4j m we GRE STCIGS1lsm beco m-e BLU RHN AND BLC FR r-r.- r rermreyrr. -r -r~ r r'~~FRANCE -Siegfried.-~rr -rr~ r r' ,"-~rr r LASN DUEO VCLA r"on r- r'cii tii boo r r', --r rr FIV rEEAIN-Aiitoi. rIE R 1 rIE R ror w ..... .,r rr r- ' ~OU ç#an serve fresher, veatables- anmd CoY-Bloch. A forceful French or ~.u~es~sstac~b- " inovel with two thetnes-the raciai fore when you bave one of the niew k* :' probt1rm of the Jew and the absorp-i tio*I of the iiidividual by the business Fiiarsi orkthn oegmaioido Ther rSimlers forced out' ~: Asacve, settle i Vendreuzve, ~ ~ * Fraiice, in~ 1870. rand establisli their cloth mili in un alien environrne;ît. * ytte s.a ~ 4 Thev grow into a powerful, respected storIifl 1ttuit, parsIy, celery tomatOe5, lasa~crificing, ever rthing- to. thnG~- ~ ~ hs~4go~ i 4 d4..~.I business, uintil it beconies a mfonlster.r --- v.~yg that devQ1Irs them. - r r -OCTOER' CHILD-Josepl. lui his put~ th.an in, the liydrtor keps th0 soutliernl home Lucius Deeriig, as lie it oyunIyuw» îai Mde '« - growsf up, has for companions his htwyuilo antemIfhy inot1ier, bis dissipated yourig uicle gr dry anid wilited, the Hydrti restc>ws r- -aid the N egro serva ns . His adm i a r r r'>rrrr<gr-nd i r - lŽatthe:to heio i r~ryrr-'>Q'rrr forr his rroth e -r- therr-r'~ fa to t' ' rr r shapes h-r- rie idle ct cvsns nafwhus ie Iiiriii<rr~ r-rirr-rr-it alli, rrrr'rr PLA r'g)lri ri iiiisia In addition to the Hydra-r--rrrFrigidaire -ýi absorbing inN,<r-Z-r GALVOW -PCAl).;)tcr orrrrrr th far-u Cor'r r"'r'rgvi r'>rrr~rY'r~4sr the -r--~~~~ypo, <hrl-r ofr _$ixrrrr~r 'rrrrr-Sng srrtr<Vr in Vrrr r r - - 1- et' ~ rr- " r ' rr< -