-~ý - î7. 74 1bM 'dif .i ~ .~4 ïf il -t, t ,rlc 0't, t t * fid w Orn b rio~ ~sit Sh'op con tn Plr 1,an jt a wtl ltr of Mrfi. bl an tliqes an aise t hle owe's Jýrotsor, A by ý Roh e c of:r nde Av bvhe Wie4ie rgowidents. aoHer SaiJs.aohrboheA de Z ie %Veddig ,gloves~i ove a 41rdyer old wotn byteget -a rn-ly CLU TORt.L3 Nâ4P1 niohe of Mrs k.~4 4~ B.t Miler an t 1s Thét~ tourt _______ed by th san inau t oiitë of th t;scu prse er t, ta _î«twa u - tt alA to -t-en th opnn t)a j-te oi t h lcs ietoid i ril l'lsdy c1t¶Ii 22.y vvie li vst '1th hh1aeo tlsise hse11.1w m ttedig wil 4ii a nide electri jl i414 bèe gus ý(fhnr h lte un nl l.tgfed 104 tt ts ttfotlt-4-t4.t+-tt Apt4ttil 21,t~ 1930~4 t t crh y re r t t betn i!i54Ae tcP!ýt t be_________ prsn t areonn fvoi ar.wtlh ets -. He aw v illi% A at hoe-MP L P I O tDeNda evein.Imrt aint niaDugm of 6Vr aboutt a veuve. - lis silllad 1 be i oetndVu ti the oply ofwt th shopfri Ai tfl eridn bead foree theag *bs u*w i**____________ alnd Mi1hiue Mor fai Neild Good a*140. aF VOS4 7 richin whoi. wasiase forierl hib htMi sonror a~v: Mrsp Wilia FO~is Ror, Mr.nts ar., MriDoad A.es*r and a't Unifrd PO«~~ &-;hL^4.tUC opnd nth Miatg tuiling t Utatt dT x ET"orCWj - t65 Shria -oa -t t- Man's Laid -ole -o4 l auq ËX R *ANCY . t B.LUWR-«OSIE4~ ft<t< i--- -ai to be th nybat hpCRO R» Cab- Be-010*1.7