-4-. ko _,el~y f y~~~u F 4y- S -~~~~~~~C -1 "~444 ~~ 4y y-y~~~~~lV su-y.y ~ - ~~4-, -,y - 4"~-,t -~~~ýé y-.-y-ky M-'y 1,o ' bli yo e ygieni l a 'io of 91yy~~ ofl the --tui e)iig a d -tjd ire yyyyyy.y-yyaytyy th l-eliië il tinteey---- uu iie u - ofs -ad t ii i t e ani. y'c oo as' yhi yo pie th i tiit stor~ es of gây -aoilt yt ;S solela ont of -dtslieLtleTEYUN D Si Alr 13Y~- Frn -iv th Londo ofUS b'rigi yugth #or.are haveu a~S wY. of yen bore1 Iirtn Dotib DotbraQ QC oft fearhuty' bored yog~r tb ai ytteri Styyr and of pass-- T i o êlb h uho'o yyy t coc et l o n cu s a inSciie"wydmk yn ex., iMviieia gone bherond ts pioner pehp not~ to fje expecd tha ev-~ M~ackd sen1s -hi chc$âters to \i( quistt and~ thbîIgb*fuI litt* gift> state, that a hea1th'v' art cotnsc 'ousness erything fi ht should seiim freshi an-d 'torja for the boat train' they go hi for Èaster. It has a reproduc- hias t-urned. thç_ amateur awav hron new, iior that the very small section Victoria, to its peculiar 8111e11 ani yino n'ecigb Jea yun ~a~inaturis. ,?Mr. Iacgowan (otind, on of the pre-wêr world 'wybkh it. pre~- pectiliar agitations. Similarldy y - wh a 14-iil yrR fiane yy th Cà s ~ J ~ ~ ~ 0-~~ Ieint shul haequ the e i-i - yy fr Mak~y~5M. ~ iî pulse 441 Moe cka.ily~, ,ty-cyJ4 hi ýMr B. %~ ho1yyad sprcd t -$.5 ilgy Foudayo an th Atieriak portac tyty t * yidt t o-týthsn nte o fabSt yy nt r e esi en.s. y y~~y~'y$ j~~'~~I y ~~ t grn ~-, tha a 1,n seit topa i toie viewe in ~ ~ ii~ w -r h r,~o ut~~ îdban y -y , y yroiyg yStjfirt y y i4y co pes etv y ,y > k4 %M1 4y i$ This -nalil plc -c n coyn s y y- yyytisyliyyyyy y t ec m eca ieý lgll% n h iç ir yo yha -y - j l yy y ne ofM r y'yose . . .. $ .5 r yyyer asfqliigh c "ees- n l y lt rthyBe yy s n f i oe aubl.Hy The~~~~- yhito vr oa l y Study4 y ~,t inh~r by'eoM ~w. cili~àdlf and~ fVo0siy his ovv)1, F theV e. ytne Joe r* l tay hoôwe. iist of loo1<i, to lel iirnicl inteet to tlhi par'tctilar ;est, Mr. Macai is suave, intelligent. co iorha jýd ayt, evt seiiis ii~atthéý and wel bred. Hei has m' y stings y y Th Abngo yP yo thin atithors books, to begin whey file yjý1,' yb0w, andI qui4k chne of* tejnAptir, Th yolsns of yrahn AT$r ~ -r - HULHUSNit uoho U O VRYDY B g Fora these wode "'é "à -y tertr Nv#AYS. y and;y obevn. Th yy-ali t T, ReVse 'Bo ofy yom yil ye reresinl 4yiyv',to '. ylargeh an \~yyy-Ilrs - n --a gah e yo- wel il] stud trhehig1 Frenc yoni tmorea~g caefl ly sudy the re nch- forus e more me-i aund heroes, Who are, however, Smaefull sitice ihe esay toee ore t& wise men and heroes not atone to thl( 8n~aIer sze. ~ red gree oZ' Qccasionallv. -The chari -arer -Jews., for Abrahamu and Moses, -josephi - PnrP le.................. ..........50 18 compieteiy inarred hyy t-le yaw rd- anîd David, ySoiornon andc Elijal -yhelong- 1 -ess yof - the, -rhythrn,. u$cli f ornial t,) the world. Ikre w/e have- storieçs Iynodes -owe the-ir effectiveiiess. to.thie which have been ixnagined -to fil itn Oxford Bibles elegarice of their yexecutioni.- Wjnd-, "the blanlc spaces where the mritersý In b1p~~~ L~v~int $~~.oo y iii"* and *"Oisdaiti" ar-rest by a certainof-he-Bbeaeset» I-e aih s-harpess and the following cinquain ê-sterii min f rom which these i ag- y~~~Y yha - nha< xfr tbe1$e, 5UV isîilaore delicately "Aft-er-th.eJapatiese -idngs sprang h-as mnade thern glow -- - with ail the vivd details whicli are Blue Morocco .....650PAPER PROFITS. 13N Arthur Train, chara cteristic of other stories that -have y S6 50 - Liveright. --- a sitii ar background. Not infreciiert- -In this ficdonal .indictmnent of thel, v e are- reminded of those -other The Imitation of Christ tha sm>tle something -stockç specul-atton mania -which -attacl¶s easterii- wonder tales, "'The- Arahiai, yuisitey yyutfu ycahe yid lisi hyes Dont b di- in spt' reayt mor Ilea nps kltli eln irsoissnp n y ng yolç in gold ... $20.00yy corgdi oXoncr r i)ieltatta vr fpr li i aliirlnug hl epn yyulyl.y yyels yn yn trci e A~ y-n to . T esri(iiiigtie iw int f h u jcsitc. Ti yv r in yyo -e retest (N -wy-y y-q -- - -- ~ y~y:-yyyy4 - - y '-yyy-' - --y~y i y -