'e -T k-< 04-k ~- ; ~ ~ - Ž - ôf -h a oi~s Holt' ki aïf In (ott4h- Ouf onb 1ù ,, nc i t'tc,ce b a ekrc be îlon dis~c~ wesen fo oer~ q1~te ofa e~tur 1av~b~n ~ijyn~t1ir nn a e for4 1ta a tlv . God 1 f W.] al andl hafi N1itn a n Ieûie l v r spjgvctio» ci Il ek C~ -w jl an e fcj pfe-r 1rit~~e Arn- ra.11ofrsc.(SltI t1ri* t i thé Minbo i4 S d h s at tenic 1 éicê p c ~ c fth Anei- . ,4c -,~oi 1f w~s Il) it)lfàc dcc-)0> Nith -ttji c fci-Ir and aii ti rt on th ati --ri o aïs cn u c-e cuil Enjoy Vaaton Tile lesso'nfc- cin wold Hek lo oe't'h olwn asgsfohte hita ue pose cnr in- th ni- B c t lse o dy c ne txbo Sine n ccntoulaf is e h sb e le d P bi c o l piis i U'liie elh wt e o h .,crc-ke,, ~c1~ t~ cV 1t~c ccÏ2 4 ckc~ ~*c- ~ -cc ~ , --c-c-c- - ~ c~cc-c~cccc~ ~~Depkc-c-abl 0 of c- tchek clsia c cc- -0k o ' \ot - Ke ilkrh Mcllek an Glncl 1)y7~ k \Îr Ba kerEdy ',' sckcOjcý s weser fo cce a urecfaetr ae ben ejyn hir ana n eah aeýt b lsiid a a nd ias w ri teii an le tur d ai ov r s rin vac tio th s w ek , ut ill re - eff e ts - o er or. h ri t c m e o E v nst n B ak. Ai-,ic.Pcfso Scott0~)k " reund tr sh, nex kMonday morning ce'to th belf of sinc- G-c-cc--dkk ccccc 15 Sherman4 . ve u k4kkc , eek Ici a el( ce Iý ~ ccc-c- C lase -c j bec~ restinied at Ne l7-- kvr w ee n ohng a at fon res t37 lion~ ~ ~ of4 learnec ii- e r i -i s h o e t M n a l o.H ii i r r h s p w r p 7 ) aud ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ fr) aStthriletr trip,.»J>g~k No reevtoIo ikeýaeie fA the nieet4 jii A ri 24t.4Ij Th~cee~ cc- c ~ - bc~ G4 i i *t ii ii ia> hcre 1fo - Thk zeiea pu lc ci k'h cirl sh r w fie welconi cc the ~ r Zllc c cg. Gt *el Scou Work N'unsc trc-cc cc-k cc-ckccc c c S h w î-c-n Pl -cc c -c --cc -cc k- - UIjUt N . S . c~c~c k)cT hc-ec~c-c a ter, A-c c > , c - li i ii( re- p c e nt>-~ -, (l cck' (c cc c, c k - c c c c c-h G ir S c u wc-r c- ch ý iic c cc -c -- c c n-- Ti ovie ias adape r4 by fl11iCc-- 0) -and-New- York newspapers as -well as. - those of many othier eastern cities praise it very, very highly. We are Here is, great news! Moth prevention isnow con'a strity scientific basis. t-n.ulIv 'fortunate inhaving .it schown , N anefrfir;nohaefomthdmgwb c*ig.ug,- a t the Yeactro and chope thiat every -Girl N hnefrfiue ocac o ohdmg'we ltig us Scout along th nortli shore, a's Nvell drapes, furrnture, househol4 woolens, etc, are tceted witb Kpia.te. -as every- Gifr, Sc-out parent, v.ill- rts c T fe êu-piçc~, ~ att<rrIsvs-n ~>~c , serve cSatir4ay. afterxio n cor cevenling - --srn a e b sc- j t,) see cthis pit1W. It cIi notd3 nf shikg-hsn feton1f abrics except to make thenm immniie to nmoth interest to girls, but will equally thrtlatc o be i I C s the aduits.. And so, lnorth shore Girl ctac for ch years. ALoyds Cs c c - Scouts, pcass- the cword along to ail yourc ualty Company Iindemnity .Cetiiate c friendsc and. neig1Ïbors-.4nc f c toc We ~ Wil g1àd#T1.lc- - c c - rvboclv. c u nis mth- pvsiiv"l protects you for 3 years. - c c c~ c c (o- - if Don't stop with rnerely reading about- kc- GfrIAtMees t ~.it r Konate; call for estimaites and f ull infor- Numo.b t Assepihly L qsu <1t eIwc>c- if ir is-ccc(kcccc\'c-);cccc-c Nuniemrals for swimiinrg, baske41,all, -wI el cccÇg in i sta d n th l a3i i ttc-cl)t .. .Lc thecc- kc c c-clt c-(c)cc-cc youccccc c-i cil ccccccc c-a de to girc-c-k o T r ic-cli lcc-ho o a t c s p c iaclc , c - k c c- 1 O~k k c c c-c ~ cccc c j c k c o c - hasktbal -eso clse ar 4 c j kcList k -c - k(kc- ac>iidcccc Ycc-ccxvc )tit cccjcthec rc-ccceccc-c m-c4( c-c-cc n, -cof~ c-c-c-sse nex c, c c)ýc,-c cccc ûc,-4 k>-k - ccc cdkc -c-j kc c k k j $ c - c > - k t4 )-h ec ) k c c : 4 - c ( ccý- c k 0 c c c c - k c - 0 - k cc-c c ~ ckk c c-f ~$f0~-~c4'X[ cc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M Mcc c~,cc~# ~ ~ cc~- ckck4c-ck-~-ck - ,~kccc,,cc Mc-kcc M, ,cc-c~c kkcccc~-cc k'14cc*c0-