It is bing t.tîlt b b ind alathUe great m'l re( ligions. The arclut c-"t--. . L .IiIoui's Bourgeois. vwl -ci rlxain n iai I iîkut'il juu 'rire I Utpractit.'d construction detiils arc in ilwhi înds tii Fn h rît k. L Xeiell lier (lau litrjaunini Imw I l ~ and lle B. ed1knlomin cngîneeursof\ainIo.i .M. aflcc. , I.oIIi'c. Ioi Trig retai iMn.eDaniel liad charge of cQn,.trtîction of all arniv tdomc.~(uing thie fLrt seh'i ntu Oh~ icintur m, 1 50morld w.r 3and Inuit ()PC ofthe tuénndsunder thée East rivetr inii '\w York. lie t nt, VIr.Joli ..I C uicrtitord, 1 Wor1k oin i temleit i î'luipt d, &Hiie k w di nder rvapc inthe eariy, ho f ainutin \îc ttiCaiia s iiil u r. Servics art nom, hcid t acdîSimd iat 3 30 lep u ni the Imige circular sl,, SUiiap v the snrîug nd a nî "T' hall ii in thepret 1 . mto nd îtiou tiîcrt- R \ ~rt X\-ai prvt t h~11e' Laha ____s__spi_____11___1________________ Lt 12 principles%ÉM OFW MET RT ZONANi COMM4>ISION%4 ils VACATION STARTS TODAY Vt etTedyi N0r1(c4 ' '"LC \ \ i h e t t e P u b l i c s t w o l p ul p i d Xlt e t T e d y i mjN 1 ( 1 P I ( I t 1A1 -i - -*mi -- D1