60 Wlt4'4-- ME TT E~-' LIPE. Aprii4444449, ~~~~~~4 loi' m m !ýWOSt4.44.42,5ýq 14- "i',.~4,s~.s44 . 4 4 44 4 4 D444444 4 4 4~~. 44.4544 4 1 45 ~ 4444 4 44 ~ . ? 444~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~ ,.! >2< 444 4> 44444,544.,tt. , 4--..444 ,,O e t454 '4 1 4 ~4V;-4.4442 < t 444~s~4~4sss 44~ >.s<s~. jA -4>$444~.5 44424~ 4445Y.~ , , , 4' ~ 442.4444 ~4't444 4 l e44 .4.444 4444..4'4 4~4.444 4.. 444..4.45444.4444.2tee4 IN444 .44. 'I, t' g1k 'le e-in 22.4,'4. 4m" -' eu4.4g! 444554 4~44 ~ .4 4 ~ & 14, ~~~~ryhis rnes ano4mis the ija Iàdi Tnyý sÉù sai 17iNit 4 n 3 poi~n ' 1 T1 et.a 15flI9 4iflt the hai . Th seon 4Q ia:$ 10-tolj fflcTl sho e' Scia>hl ;2ad Nordf on a raix Pau joe tio t1êt OtiSil WâSm SRflýteý th Wontati'g ty \Nthe Ca'be. Tht~rhq pin tsr fo fou 400e orie 18ui~, pern< -ers dtlewo sixide an pointhýItici-ti teânit Sl I pits for4 3 gans r 8 'fd 15ti peete ,irgan iseaa'et P-c Paero -fa4liers of Jfildre in the dei I Wjstj mi k -pýnt ando ic«f1 a Wi4 d 4 424 6 40 Ard Sh lt n N r. 4 sx pons H ot 5. t 3 7 00 C a rt-M c e s nai d a d t ok - , s t o g h 4 ~ 4445 4 4 s4 4e ..4 .... 1254. NfDri4t R e r a o Board 4.4454 44. 44. ~j~4.4424 ,.~ ',4' 4 4.444 me wa ov r Th Pr s 444ri. i,4~ 4 -'-i 441444 ual stan ing, to Spo so EIaster h-44i(Iý thre in t,,Nf more44 Ind1 i, .ane Brow Elzbt 44244 n- il ~ ~ .b i 4.tIh aI o i >the ~sore dT final .44.44~~~~ F5lil~ 1TP4r WU4eMfi Hele Dwinlein~ d14~ij f~~~h4a1* ~ôidf6) ar 01aue Iilltruns eFI 1 1.0 E g H u t A pril.22 whisieý)iei'tostopthegaul attin ffiovtm Kafnal » b s i 4r 7~ 2 .3 Ji4 P.2Iii¶,Le Bur1iei. 4m ai s5 1'p0,-l Th atnul ate È ghu o Wil- Po ei .;or i'il B ww 6ICt 4 < iý 14 ~ (,jf(y Theg S~> t. -) pli4rO94 .>~h1gn * ______, . 115Spit mettee Ciit,,i 4iil r t e ffl r d j sl a e ï -to h f,, 12F *fr a,- ,s ýi- i fR -IiiSiin s üe io m i Paie, r »i , tIlo 1. 64(5 *3 tt e V lag ýe i' h a ke -s -h ,î m r, b t f i 444 hWmkl2s lIMzlý<ýg Wid a s 4 9 2aje .44 4. 1 - T.4.o distinct litint>4s Nv4ill4 tgr lieli t-o o i u sm c ud n tsn lcrs os 444.4 Wilims Jr 4 ce 2( 3 .4ý 'lfi r i4g fi g s h iiio r tp n >bM \t cluding 'f.34ren in ,i s gradeII1 kinei ltli.eam Il rr 44 liesiê t ofÏ fil .i, . ' Tes tbe.2I il. Oiharc~ n 4l[~i tc garte and; pr-cho cFil SOti, the' bc u4 Loi ed Stone th lig e,,hu.dg, vrioar: ild a 2î# ~' cçie and . th e sep'n ' vge Ii iiitt.W.2 Ed P H ll CarldNahvr (56 Ho S. t J (j 2 . 1j Doe ecare bad ' Re ece in i ~ for second uitili andL~wIIF Torti'rdd hil iCa Ht'oovr e Paule 1oda~ 'lr nie - a t4 arieffe, t2:0 'lok .1e eol. H~ryCaiI tiiIto\aAJ dult L A h ctvtver lv rE.M I»ns Ms ebr tIm 4OOaG d, filial e flrvk (hiVu .gon ha- vcgu and(lu other outdoort l eac I44lotil cad T r e M s, bc Ný')ffR.ffs(.) 4 Pahncr W i li unade athei a Nal m tiiTg, Lincoin C..vf Torrev Ys ha s Caden Msitl , . Iavis Wof aud I)nth's ece Inf1 adh'iea 1 ct itic l'a uifth . Inpcalu e Ili then croupniite. clar Hebr W(lfE Ip Ca' ak oen eciea t aion ad Toi rniuee . i hage te côm itewhDrcoro era ,1ebet Wcl oer refere ai ot-liil the-r Clanc1uvt Stffn iss naig arage tOf iE M Dimns 4Is HerbertbOrlS Ln .. ..........W MIr tio v'. Clrd tento .\I 15 'lie n la ic for -ier pay- Leach Li.c n~oln C.e orr4e, apfQus. E.aie R.eUbetNr aglIIICdi~~ an ()file or t-tof, efeoe byaik Quality lf It.un bail le. -e that i' o.frs Hr.i A. incle andn EMe eo tleticas %itù. lur the anrs naetn «ahe' :eetn teki, o >ahi sis t.es of a2 Jnior A c ia pa o tses limie heoa id on April, J. . t iIl e hlc o f thMre éIeîn s il (%) ethodst su Sherwoo Pâie NN11 blmd ka h aniale icthe. Licon . Tore î-,rg BabhaiCaresman Pul h uh~ o as ph'iamBcss e olf ad o .1 tof the sîîît. . ay ioiown ocain colixaniüý De-o k.or W i witl ti gift ofvv Bir aui banquer, of___________ fli atliij>h cotitn Aniter i msth opportw)-t t rîelton 30. TheA~ place of .ale 'lan frA L theAK lin wer made lOs~ oe i~atheltsloih atgfba ug red M'4,44,,n the coi ite wit Diet o of Recres Hebr We'd lJueneh Hardt 4- 'pe4'1l occasions 44m llitte? 111 Charge banue is m4a4t44.4 arane tion~~4' Daniel M. Davis. Ha rio S JonlleUei K'~~ »<- Morris~ I4lor#ig4ih ...44~ 74 4 4~ Grane4 of Natio Tod 4ens {4iple4e Plan for g-i the444'4 aff.i of~ th oiiteanor oet w4l bc- aillioàned ntM Nveek . , tatW in cas of ran o til by444.4 Quait of Its Play. -44etie', Tret ing th s n ob 2,\jcdaI foi-. fli \\iii r 111.$ fli var - '~4~ - 4.44d s (20 'l'li grtns of.2 a naio is4 incas he44 on April 22 445 Nvl c2'l h i -4- 444e Io' .4V L A R AD " " O I An4.ca bas th 424rýlif\T t ne ed1,-ltei p g 42v;:e.'4 li..it in fli art o4 li;" leI ,IA I N P A r n r. oetM ,elBiis a o efl ation ml 4c ellfi mi (14l" r . 44.DS e ia -4 Iýu o d e ît o t ,a e ýa1 Iii1ýf ee