-W.- h" t t ~ --~ ~ t-et z t>t atl M- et thts Meii hav tô tbt c"ale upo Io t, - - - ür- ût t Abt oýv1 l' o S - p1stN w ti i tivyidge iu thl attetoný t 4 a to or -min thed wo1>fl un~un~ il p 0. oe isear gailoter tesig s an f terefors l»O 0 ispectio I>eers t anI anma affai. à~ o sese th,, traih-ihteip cajit.uh- -ti t - i h i t.O 4t tim th Ao pn anouce it t Ip0 ol - ~t t-tt 1uùdsqn.Ei~ssex Busins ofpt d " ardig l Ithe type of' eng-4t~i'i* o At t, W.Pro el u _) r tt t. W .~f P e s n ts H itt t t h-ts a m o i l t o t t p IV&I-t~i:t-ttitc~) Par deaer Win~ th0, po4tilaro :ca- '3 hl the ~ se teto of tIS eas h ï effrt havin bee die t t-t ttt th cone tf t-a re -tt'-ted, ovad m kig te ih> 't1 éý e t-v à the<t-t~ cer -pra e the sa es m ore durable.,-t- 0ont in4 tlt ti(ei.I to buldn'i t-t 'Hetwfrn fo-ca -- Ii(l\ -othe wrml n o te dvso Y OtR -tW 'a -t-S o uu t andi~ plans' to cotinue tthe sales. ;in(] lhews in the fact4ry anto ie.en~ipôyes t=t sc'-c on H~j~ t dUA R G an E 4 ssex ca~rs at r thbat Part -of the Ifrmon platit w er -tU H A G .th an loain.te pla tp Whivc eih mo r bul Of~I b tt a ko U WEM>IU$TAN» 'and alot - nuxixtu brain é&% kh i t-trn the -es an ttý; \\Il elt$-ÎWle s c -t sency - ~ - g ntte let --t prt evctbanbe firir\ke butblne at sa --l anwhrean expet t iis sle o precision methods is npwcm o k -nô W~~~~~wk-~~~ths carsby $co y r t 4 tx-- t'jo <glicato --eï ter. tysver- <ktAge,-draug 'raticed, i the~ M barm - - tili L vi;tU of te businessand 'Prk -- in - arnio l-e are prdcd n ùthor le ona- -ID OFr Person -'t planin a , tnvotesnot onl - o the nstructons uchM Exclusive ~ ~ ~ ~~ e Officiai Servic -thye and- thrfs Hfutdistokn-- Work ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~NPETO doeb atr riedeprs et se FdeTler in Chicago Mra. Tyve doscdruhod. 'hen t -ar bs - -- - ----. mo e nAn--- s o i hia o r a w i oatie --o Highlan Par rei inm e- part o ias ar e p ins ed on Mar- -~~ - sta-tement this wçekne that men6 seprat doa. thei~ - - Çbevrolt Mouneto od.pr h~se » a 'overen it bthù tbgut kno fthe' Mechatiie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ INSECIO BIG.~e FAyCTORu > -ac - npcip ne not~bid f marn istribcaors, i he.r part r A in tne of hpay on . mua n- o \u r ply i the ~ai tfdin ad pr- - --b th-ntri aI - - d -mloe ÏrrI )ins thet-frc and f t bi no ld e hadvaen of the- - - o e t Motan coman sis ate the a gin Cat tragh-igt, Autombl th o wners a fur -Mtor pant ttw k Flint 5,162' is -aat yen -p petiodbyr.wo nwng -h - vr oo o Chpvrtor. car -o -grat hiesen 1» ppuis y kof th igh ____________ -aeil n ok asi th s yne a nd ofs th er e a b sot thes - - I The Edwin B Knudtsori~ 1-41?hest- type -ol car, cati be asred of o mpl~n4ete 9- mi tvne hav as týcrhuegiss nomto tM ri etbih et J G'At-t' Robert Bosch Spar -tug NIrs .iutsi' -t"lerli-l% a-t- *vil have bee deitae th srtr Mr. an -rs Ralp Mahesn -s"tr t-eit le(qatr - t-t-p l to t-t-in ti h t 'tei taiht r tar to e hi e an t-in tr du e itt-t- ---t-- --- t' - t -tt-A -tta-tt - itt -- -- - - - --- 't --t toi -t-tld t-f -,'td n --t---t- an -tt i 92 ,M rmntc as r -ts r.K u to 's m te ,M s o t-t---'- etx--t-;V>t4t its i-tadt-is y t--t-ta ----t tt er e -tphti --t-o baak ,W s i rdcn te id sr s on -- --t-t-t---3tt--t t- t t-t t - of5~-t-- eigbtï t-l-tt---t-'t- t t ,"A M 't-t tt--t--tt - - t -ire - t