g -ri 11 90l, re L1È ~~~~~ggg~~~~aa4ggàý '" IMMg g gg<g.WS g g ,ggp p !U, gTA ' 'gg "-g g g ~ c'Il " 43~ 11 nWfr S- 'aR çiY, -elI ÎÀ,t t 4 Oit Ir iar eiteb t ioi Ot~ cilirnp, g- se the pite 9 JaU r est oft of ily. It ws noie g -.w a jc it~il ti duetj loca a ptir agn id' M s ½aïtN Wilm rs. M'CI~ » fast .Veü'ad s ti , gIýl£TLj 4ieiso h aiisciddt_ý h 2 iý-ftrlt,ît t'i leg 'rve was tt e1sl) t th mrek-b theb Wi - ii th pr n ip l se g0 t li tg l t li . tr l ý%el co h i t ei c m r sig W Ii e t n 1 ornisof the 'ote. g It itroiz.p'viits4 iw4i~s~ti ~ î. g ~ afifily-~ e a-> l'h1t tmrnseti.i ietdt the \ W'I1 ' g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t epo1 o rt inie 1' classificaon. v K1#ii%tl gaveI ie rinajo%~4rvn-e of 0111v ô44 j 1nl ~w issi e ili~ the~ 'urretit cwit > 1Ths ghc>ntoi o the, part of theesh ve ~ ~p ginnis>ol co poed , of &ý~ê k4obert3 li the~ to4,v44sh1p .-corded lier a g- Pagiaeptasls htiý eiidY irrow iian of~re~ fav o wi '-' ibe . of ornec' as gh 'g od'ly a , ol ree k ù r.i J. NCV, g )l( g g% thali in~~ any galo eo*ites iii recti Fran-AC Hiif'an IIvý,C ANre The ~ vot tlrtg ioti th 'ède )$p of~~j' the getthéVil Wiilete isoy.Th prt pafoin aidjuiis1) R th \ a c iipraiel lg-itbu Ile o il lg bar iidcae, - nao ngh for ilbsta cehv CsJ1frctSon. the4 Villag sizue*. ofîî the 1) ot it it is -gug go l b 'g' g i l 800~ Attend Hob Shw at th ~i4v gjit< to, hev oplee bah e piç»r el<ori i' tw ct -hc al o 'he gevili of CotiePtv bd i1$tsj)ýi)l. aL~g te hiial traxie "-p g-g gewga gce ge d ge letr --g-tg g r~jo h ilg .lo)) di) -aMi hýtii*Yv( ofa* Ill th Àiri shore~ 6C r ea of lt \, frA-lw'ig0e In F>e e4y & tk wb " aiîd ~wth, ~$tern raifrod ~*idt~he (IpYliTwiig uw Ça total of he4,r<2ng.tocanidate l) -l fçkir wuld entirln on Apr1tion Chicag9, ~ joseor andir sMd'))1 aul.ce Dil,~ let' 1la tCe Coeolli-shr as2> A .#l qnatly quipe4tretdprîen omOnvtîe -e case of cng tons i pnruiiite iiil-rs races for OflWQ.' - un ' i to rlber ptofet 'comp"Iriss iiacs vli ar i)ýu vilag oficiIýs iortl h re aliidit g -\r a1ompl tipo thd e av e sti i The e gieer's est est Adopton <i ~hle Vilage uaîîaerypl-in h svek eing \Voedsa, Apri thsene ~ neesrir refý ad iil a tkrn.poith ecr o li w gof the wev arl t feverýtl(I arid ppoe d utal i r he t bi ot of t Ieli atçsg tht alot alti h big te -i. g - tescit t iiiiltr li tor cait the ia- qcsci.\ý iitherlll, th gclj%ýt -lt reports gop rtvl fc -i Oi fict Cotnbrl g i' o te letev gvo af » th oter itsig~ a gnr1 ou c'alat ch-ckiigi.4 wtîli active caiiiâteý s'i.ie ii. SO ----- reads: as'old o l g-liI g nO u if, th pro resini of muicipal improi vIiîent'.gio cohLes village,,it the tihett Healtherl tic- 'ig gc ilae i agùr pledges. Igi 'ebucten ff the± esartînent reprts gor.rnk ,7 ' lçL g rhe. rtc~~pxi~rto Car g. <ConttlidIoic arrie theg tôu- 'i- BOrd raoi fr aste g fo gh g g g nouncentiewts, Spleetîtîgr, a1 sid il ile i Ii iv, inafor ~,rceiiiu, i- i lmeitt iîs tht w -v ei tomg en CtIaiii tog thiigs j.n ohze Authrt au fo gh KbpJwoth e, Hositli,I ' Wed nthce iolin e Apri issth 4iii omission? ~ ~ ~ ~ hbbes The theetiti iriidn '.îllage adtî gilaCgre N iancr Fit tci h W.,'T~LF h oj& co ea o i teo thu villages of lette ali g' g i t h gave 111111o 2.167-a poiiitv court." îgg o-trî tli ilrt Shorie iii» «~ prscu ii>) g' iiii- voeQo82 o . 1 jý Ij dcacI ilor he lettet the e- C0at (À alrglod rds fte hcgoAcosgciii of ilg jj'çl' prjet t n May io Whic Pu, North We4tei g-groa aiid th Onlya 'h e geC sso ftesrigs aiiae ýildsls ol xieo 5 ghcao Nogt Shor a-g-ggaic ta h vt fth irh hie%\sZ100Ar eri ConagÇu Disas -g- - rg rahvy 2. -gg"g g'g-g-iit o gin ,~ -d-io ha siiiaie o h ltnae T etrIoyi hctei po gut ,' equip e tr e g e atiei gil Oil tlre ii%ý ggüý of -ota iu viie i h a srcsfrofc . g,.g i o le rjctd c m rie p persigig oi- fi--"'g i g ass . iva ,er ep re ii\Vlitt or lle it s 1 o rs,-IOfi'a lg o r xnitlv200 cesglg et ri Ad pioio teVilg igiag r1g;I te Nee-eifiggNge ie'gNApi 9 oll xe l-'g g g't.e T ecigtee',stm t T\ vo~gg oftei vee- itgecsar- ilRdg ve of gdiiisr tol scale . f, verg ggd 'lli tg:ggg reggggii ghe voe ogie iiiae, tat a ttl o W n g' ~G ad Se a aii i' gg g g',g"go' gophggigggg , g c.igi -g."e ar 1 litg ofgg gite -gggc""gg"g g gr -gl 1g)gggg~~g~ laid.,' aIý app Ove il, g)i \va e o'-g ries of ~~~ggtg, gi gghe ca e of gt fever " -.g-g gg