__Aniother group of so,1gs Nvas giveu;avsbet hc tlxarinrgly by 4rs. Risk., precedilig ~ vsbet he D)r. Davies' introductfion of the speak- and wvardrobe at c vr. D)r. Albert Paliier * re-sident -of the, Ch icago Theological seminary and and call the Shore i .ormer pastor of the First Uongrega- imniediately. * tionual cliurch of Oak Park., D 1r. Palmner proved to be an iiiterest- ig and rnusing speaker, He pomnte<t Greenkeaf (Evanston) oit that "'Art is na.ny and varionis i" Viet - .- if manifestation-,," ali that "tlhe art Wlet if livinig is perhaps the supreine art."* QIenview- 'l'lie problemr is, lie believe-s, to tuake