r4 r/,tdt4 wi,1 the m~ 1_ rOj N~~ gr~ g 0 4r '*-M. î-u -&, W N . Xtl~ YVttRfi N 1,Y4fl I144" 13 0.Bt .$1X Lë4ý W> V', Wl 1Sf t.1tii 1114 M lea1radr WTue4 1t~ii~igox on.iat~ er ~ot ~~î.8~iu n~hi tc t 4~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.9 4'44- ~ t~~ d i l ~ .rf 4 ~ fil 0 ~ j«: r.î t î t ê ~e 4I¶rU utjhtî mti 1j7tudn MI1 "0 61 ihWyri e tho ugha théh wrWgo rAmriviitI r(j1 In tIl prc ý,w of 111k Tofl bveae~~ lieId tti, wh'c 4s 444 f1.4 .4n4n l tn< 4 -V ih w al t o 11 '4J44'g, CXCIIrSt1alý >Tlctd ai, 1 , H gi P tésn ad dtp trIIC rlaeo ienrh cato1 o .w rn feüla Jt n'e 14) le\ rt ltU40s o t-ôn'llldl i t-%ry inert~r, Sh1prd b ot< 41ii - 4l ld s lc T l vj I iq uý iI v s ti ",l ltll ;lif r L e - e a rh pa«rill rI tmic ilWb e-lte bal bu ot.Sutal i lcl a eA t teaduI hw rzodrs. AýstinmI 'tng bdcus-Jm, ao clitetr i ,, 44 th4 r3 44 r"(, luyttici pofesor~ :nlcupitt es4. jmie lWelea. c jvIizatov1 uwho. do rce f'rlt ionsiltt trr ip tanrd: ScotIeta authos illstraing pasesof rnei'a t thewife se i . fo takig oitS~d~ Ciýt-irennihed Ditss tiare declineA cf omxer4i. n the Meitrpallea 1h1 1h1de tti 1~» 1n A rjIie sbse ent,.n wh of'ny. sani '~~~~~~~~~o orl aco ,irtae.h otir !UO~ bt :1Ab>ot sAnigýceItI ~u u ~ bopflr~ socil cali andos Ill.e" n bjt oritatLIpe rlitic hisor il% FErp- ~~ w 4 easou cilton fromg ru41-17, and wln ~neappeciteit. Own' unerme-life. Th'rmral n~~~edsan we stîgest.1~be O. K. USED CAR. . thevpoa ini loal ife-ience trn.satin Brog stadard Cotieneral EEP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ boç forrglrcra'hm.ator ilutrase pIhîaesiof accountýi Let the tise usel~I it for ttIb-Lowe de lin ofcm ec nthe terer1edr iterrne B44I E S and the" sube44n 444.'g4 of "f<??<: "a< <y" t the~ 444dre to an f'o scho' for trade in'ytentu E4.inso of E ur<"'44<tt A it 4 44'~'~ <' V4 shopping,<44 socia cal' an -o.,uloiaierelsi itr fE .444 "~ O4< 14 a ea ciiiainfo 11-79 hwn 444444~th 4a4.4,; lif 'of the people as44444 the j~ fore ."rçlap rcit it.4'r Fo 444"4<n, busnes rune of mo444 444 4 <5444 4 FOR~44 ' -neds 4e suggest: 44 a reibeCv4zto f.h ýasac-hn son Pou 'fstnuse sc444r disus ]R U USE th 44lrain soia lf siecean 0 . K . '4.4CA . ar of th '444'4rio 44<< 444 4 44en 444ln M wit al 4444444' 4~~~~4~oo 44 4444 4 44 booksr44444 fo 44 s ihiga bif cor 44~~E e of t1se Pr n l r4r4 44 44444< 4 -444,44444 A4 pe4444in and4 co pelesv 44e 444~o the44 situation.4444 44str of th cii 44 r 1Iids o 44ayeceln itisi 4ieIcr ail ô il exeln an n4 I hi4o ou 4qo now4al in'4'44 A'1cniin4oelIeýite-igii isah rbt to 4-4er Vig nia,'<' 44444 tr d tin ,