4. f'Q1 3 ~bb ~rrb ~r4, AA r >. »,AA» ~>Abr b '> b > < bA'A > t , > ,bAb>1rr b ~~4bbb,.,-A.~~~ rM, b ý, ,ý' , e~bb~ ý 1< r L fA# FI 'b rAs>rb_ ~'w>A bb b ' , t > 4 "; rb ,~'bb~ ,~bk b> >b> bÊ"bt ii im rýgslrAlr r ' -rrr rb-bAA4b p bbbb, W'A}r~ 4fleg îî th- gllý 0 ; Ms>~b~~b t ~ ~ b~. rb Ab ~%t ~I~ay~ ~'"* ~ ~ "- MM )u , a r(l is'n tres rele ctiii ouird$eges~t~ o r t~ko AY»Si7 ~hot( 7hOuh~)tth. i-nislng, tnd ht bas, 4ci uty Per1»I -ni etn s Ron Nur4nse is lltnd ý tqw ien onfte home, Lhui sn oe ~ T ~ ~ Vgr 1rM:e <*~ <renFrtr d gele ge cbe .o Ilir o4g laJ r ar den l>?tiie ol IlinisXfr lltWrdvel *-Qiliav whwhrtoth lias peîlv'ni thr btro ndn : fa co f r , to t et)Ie bil.1p i i et o tC i ~~~~rlt Landscupe b b r-vA-ir be 'bAtural a4%ýitte fW anai adn o h es 4 W Wbbr> Acetn -ctr, o ,drlW reaesï h ol n ihcasM jra b4~~~ hé Wbmet op>b A'rbr th \%abo h iig r ois it e iis 's 1llt ir' A»'ebýrlccli u 1ýsuN rey So k o ,A y ecito blrt,-Iýtt r--'Ie te d t ,brnnas - A n as , o k P a t Apruratî1r 8.d Ot11iplet Bir Bath Bid bo s btc e ry ahe-tttirc sil4, bit«uaiwlates b A11 l i r '(il( bsoiain and, IrN1,r-.r-,,r-r. lu r FR~ KE -rCAS F A cAl\ ad'biir s ai ' cliýiial(-B O .ic ae4h oe att be ti~~ A r-î1, r-> 11 d 1e . \\'. h a v ber it g t, , r r - ,ib b b 4r r-- IL L . I F !q a-u co thet()i Thiszap tale jevel gie ordc o eo h tckta ehdi ag uputnodrt l u il 'iji the Iaw-n. rh.ey give ie to the pie-, turc'. Wliere there is wat-er, the birds SHRUBS * PEONIES chiatter about, and surrotunding this BarberrY Thumbergii 18-24 in~. White varieties, mixed center, all nature seenis to g-at1er ini Cornus (Red Dogwood) 2-3 f t. Pink varieties mixed happ abndon.c~nswhç Forsythia (Golden Bell) 2-3 ft.Dison happ ibn te n swili pr Spre'Van Uoutei 3-4 ft. sonaily witl select, thiere seeflis to Éoie . oâ er 2-3 1 t. ironi the 'very hiea.rt of' nature, a note Dutzia. Pride of Rochester, 2-3 rit.s$.10 whiich strikes' in y'otr own peýso.uality,' a responsive 'hord. Good, impulses areRe~~n~-J~d varieiies, miied quickened and' youir better. self' is 3 013 divisions or 1 Iuà stiiinu1'ted. in such surrQtund«itig5, 'The atiwosphere of onle homne will displease, depress youi, while 'the ihoe PHLOX, 10 cliaracter of another home will charm, Eugene Danzenvillers CLIMBING OR BUSHI 'itrest you, .will relax and lupIift Mrs. Dort Mrs. Jenkins o wl orgadnpcur.,i Jeanne D'are Wanadis, ROCK GARDEN R-OSES S i -r, gad4 'Atu es if tA r bpns 'rtte o 4> ' ,àr-,' j'Ilbrr- bAr r- Ar r '>' ~ r-,r-jr Ar q M e',--AAr b' r- bA>bV ýký