-'>< -'W 01 'Course being Chidr'ns DaY,*' th are -w.M b. anyn rnibÉr of at-- <' tractive "*sp.-ciats"'. . ini the new k .Easter 9pparel and accessories for dhldren. ustq.ê a ~ b fe of thèse, a skthe n t$his pagre .. . typti1 0 f"keed rcw kî-~'kk-'~ ~-~& z Thekk hats -ketc combinek k k' thatmatc ligt Estercostmes kT e ar 4kee ttieo collection.,)y~~ k~~1 / t 2, at $5, ' - k ýG(They areaciv tweedntaiv of g -it Gihle netn sholde cape.so Sizmdd 6n Swterao 12..s 5,oe ingay Price at'- $22.510t