fi i m h 3 i'3"3 - , -,- -33---'-0 'M ]. 3 3> l ~n tt of ~ o àh 1affai rs'ide %vliclt li 3 ' l'lie chÔ l ) 1 fl c alt cl se rn t s fi t c i l A il~ order Cc o fC II e9lif iri a i ci ~t e1e4 1) mette Mttodist ]E tweopal cIilirehi Wit aitage vrtoul of' fi aîled of trw cer't by the Siiigers-,cliii of Ohio AWes- fha~ h ~ or -the t-aking of bid-; o~pen Ttisday cve'irn«e 22,r at 'u1ki udç t'e ~ ~ niversity, - h ~S 't't w~e~~VI 3y 0:3 o'loyk flic vàs stori WaterwI~l lt ~Vi l as b aeed 3 ~ e n q et li wh .c 'llieO .h aîl ~ o i < j h ç- ttend ai e at file S mi d a1 , ' ,- ilr'is w-i11e pvesnt aouis Upa Vl rhis ce1imln )p oiflti3flenlt of ing dhb prograitus ihis seLsoni havc. l'i proposed for the' areà 0 -' "'~~ at thprscrnit \ hiclh ý%a a-uthorizccl by 'fli Village "0ot beenm a's large as iii prev'ious yeairs, igean adheWltt'V- Atýiimançe aird -hi , 9w1lie ilb n thiere are oue~' feel that tlic lage board of local, improvenments mi- lismited to threée litindred and iç v tbv bar a tS îîetîg, (-lt Tes1av club nwav hiave.served its period 0fue thorized advertising. for 1th~e pooO th'sizv of fh li îM rni andIi as March 18, 's copie of Trustes 1Ins~a;I~t3twt ~IiiSCt it is belicyved tit f ilfrv tvl tl;i W'E Artis C.-ae iIetitii meth bo d luted l)d i th projt- , tie total- ti at e nibre %v1W" is4- to parake &)f the e , - bgni~& -ai har he ~venor i~-.and' Howard L. 1Fsgg 1 ,81 Asl'itd ave~- T1Me qus9ol ofIÔ \ýlitle ~r i t 11W ~~'<'3' bifican ia'fi er ir,îd~ie ô~g 'JIT94Ime gvinu', 'thl -sIall coitiinue, atîd if it <tues coln- toSt of ivhich is $1,804,950,wl be e- e' " ilct3i tii' 1,',3,' lt - rc-ht-ycôtipl)lte4 ( <wnui' -lùe soit %vas ialied chaill~ of 'the cifn iling club itfrt the orgaia'ti '4tild ject- 'which was 1 first aiujiorzed by tlie portio'n of the Methodist clitrtb wîll serv V- a~ . age tri se by hodn t$ 9T '> Villae bord o locl imroveien3 beoe at f he i b 'ieiiýsa diei~we thcol3 seloolirei There will be aolith twlv blçl oid bahTdt1tdas1t01g----1,makste----ofý i hVldd ~i1ieQuJ 1>1 Boar Geth Aprl 'i t n Fe o ggs vrîw~1'i bc ic ' wiI b urei mtç i a t itra pul H ire (>\l a F o r o'll g tivr th e hor ildditionIl t o r tth o-h h r. Ab t 20 a es f tttio glated clinez fra1tudg affei- Kin-decleoi Ilhe Passioi pla W1 ae er-e,( o Fo urt»w butlding Reas ipe Se< c rsez 2,he Aesr o whicl anotlbe sooni -'on gitrlstIî e She utosi; lv'-ihired3lf teTu fli Laktee Shroit rel Addeine to permi flic' n additoe tot- 2,0 aarge if attentio wis ll e oti grab baig filud tl thed cThe assi ~o-no lawly hve erlectionQ of urtieblding The pe- ii comptwrkis lftheum tatiory 'ii be- wor frie.o nt the xKclttl n ç44 oik(n" aoriof s-c s an4t-iial ex fointelac -ws eerre te' spiiiet ilzolg bon. erednd othe f elak-ee-:l ans ais- Lue. gran hape grou of boi ot'l af. u lotayv~s n m bu W iso oioedo'LodC y~s o~-svr l ofnded wed frosx» il vîsitors~ ~~~~ma a oligdrmk tt-î.oaigs' vhil ,ageor. afuerg.pcue on; Robesd Stmiar, 'rite lotrfean, J.lotese tio fte aee mitend - - ade stc. diret fr ont the iiohtiansom %f Fhe pertsato thir ear D.' tocmraie ami'FeJ Nvewey.i of branch. ofsee wihe lid.orve.Tti s Ilvs ies roiiymig irls odf thebeocuteo;î,-s, andl i3cusred le9ctre on ste fotLtrlanu to th tit Is adeint flec ar eu draige clthrcl ývi hia ugass;'g iiis- the te-bec aws sit hos f rô oiyOealy ot fLarl h peiii iitork, j-ift reu~ionstio prQiî :d& husod ait os, 'hivel mlith auits cndv o ,'ýcilmr o 'he adn scelles an abeueo.t e ply'a eerdtoaseilznn con eirgidnrt 'tof Lake. avnue -:, 3 ' aproh, and 'aperou o os wi-4ui ofl coplo a-veinecbaot h miso "'poe of Lly Ç. -s poiin ame t atral hude de ront t1is *papers ta.blii 'dotbs ai thwe orang v rillage of Obri1ieati pien ares o obr Sodad Fak of i J. iterseffctin ft- st-o j ando the wa t-Q ade t-her. rotheriI boushe il Uic v sorte of hgo fornit ears this argiDlead .J N y btI ict fr the o wiers Tist 't- Tea -' Roonei-, " opiievev ftnîî ami euer o li la,- -bstrylieratrc a-ý w lier t-b)e v$mos wn tow Nfr. Frai ost ube lis, ofan a educational suffiiemnt o4 $to twt. andi cultural nature. Tickets for I" lic3m~Jn poceiiigs -'er e lit forttile Wit '331 ti.a Co3 iiiti proccvd lecti3 1Ia3 e O t ii d 1 h llga 333iltii ',,3'33 liai bu i ii-r'iiig(,(l 3333 Birr '. .50 M'-il -3 Ille,~ W3'ii "'3ed s v r 1 n m li g o 44~~~~~~h site for the3- stto when ail efforts 3 '33',~~ 33 3 fo'r tlie dim' ers N33'<3,3 Ni3333e ' rved 488 it3 6:3 o'lo e;-l 3v '3i ici-s t iiti it lg l a tf fa3ed Th trac -trlae was