Q4 -S-LM .4-- - - -4 -\ . OpetD 4 y (x p Weotsdy ad Sapt444 A.. 4. ýM ilp' frlel iWIIeý Chita cec 4t4tt 4y b rab ro e'o - ucàe t() t i~i , ovek aft r spniiie a -,v) aHUR Th vote nte Op'4iy Il 1;RVIE ,~ AND VIIT THE 44444 OM i f4Tu~Club suggests4'~ tha 4$' at- 4.44~ten $44 44.4 civi 44 . 444 4 44 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n Vote nex 44 .4 4 4s 44444 4 44 4PA Api 8.4 4 4T O I E OU 'A ERTISE'S'44 4 4 4R jef4e - of -4i ii 4 -- - - - ark 444ilii f tie C ic go a bel aso ia4i prsie ove ll4 44 4~~~~~~jji i m il fli 44ai( 44 $4 4 4I4444 44..444 444444 4-ii 44.)f 1\1e(I4i4a44 A tlieti 4444) 444. 444 4 4 4rr4y44 Nlrl 22,444$44 whi44 li 4.4 4 ;4e G el lete wome of'l*ag- vr 4.444~~~~~~~~~44~l 7004 sq444.44% loio)llel gatliered4.444~4 for44444444444.44.4 4.444i Iili.4()1 1;(4lc 4S444.444 $,.44444 iitdel fwoie a o4iw trt VrI S 44m 44.44 mie of;444 4444 4 4444Ii ti4444 i..44LtC of d1tigy i'. 14 G 1reek 4 let- 4 te (r4k -liei Womeftiicl fCIn4~Q th rltl- 4 $4 i pMrt4gri4n> and~$V loecie aiff pi CARES4y 4an wh44ee44n~j < 4444~ EA IN cl 4 . Iit a tli q'iie oii %el l ý Hart Oil4 44.t asue th ta4 Pai4le Mrst.r f~ »~~di 4}I u~ tue in4 you4 hoe woe esll 44 -is, ZoeCollier and1 L1<nuar ½$ cgily a pre s*te theq addi liture l*.; Warrick of '$valston.~ Mr,. Va4x bours wLk th l.,*Mmi ooper-Çole -and tGeleievee ForIbes 4 f~«rti~on of HartIf.eat a0ot4si A wo Herick, former Easoin~wr Man 9 rne may be given to alstlto n the hionor. roll. toik rathei' than in the fatigung ef- j4fortu of building or '%epn up" the. - SepIc. Doain 4. fo tom. Th sipl setn o one ve Ho~use Rui»nuag .Sale ni.utly loc-s.wd thermostat controls Doinatioil, of ail kinds arc 1)eýing soti'- ~ .J.4itud fo r the rumniiiage s~ale wliicli is t4o and maineain constant, ev.p homec ...hc n cnst iii 3 o teup~fti~4t Il*t e8 wi e fi tîe iu t o f th 11 ro c ouse f( r Con1, 4 - - - ~'~" ~anston Thie sale b i e lield in a vcNi S tandaard by Under-wrters' LaIbora- storei 01() Gros e stcet, F~van Sýton tories. nei «'Hart" is prece*sioft built Friends of Grovc litise hit, b cl re- -made by amanuLfact-uçr with ye.re rqus tu keep thec sale Il mlnd amd. of experience, ln factory and field. erayt il)til(ig\-l 1erd- fron cofs W4in4k coast jweswlep ohe the a4-n4444e of th ar itBrnr rdicn 4444444 depndbilty an r urabil44444 44444.4~~.1 1( 4;11 ag 'l Il 4i4 4ý44 ;4, 444 4 44 , 44 4 4 4 44444444.444 44art.. Oi 4et Phone, wr 4$44444.44.4~~~~~~~il)I foi, 44-44 4.4444.444 4444.4$4 ~ 44 ii44 it 'ii - 4il 444,444444414o or4.444444 44l 4444 Io4l 4d>a11 ty -.~-~4~444444 4444444 Frimici l444.ta 4av4.d otlic welfare.444 444-4444444444444~~~~~~~~~~~an 444ýi agciiciç4 4 44444 444 4 44- 4~41 444444.4444n . ()ii' tlie44 2i-o j44 T4 444 4 4 V4. à4~ -~44 --444 444 4444 4 444.44.44.44~4 4.~4 44 4 4 4 4 4444~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1f'4.4444.44.4.44 4444444.4 -4 44 4~~~~~~~o ù ' î44 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444 44 4444444444~ -4~V 4-~~444444444444.444~44- 4444 4444.444.4 44 4444~,44444~444 44444444 -- 4 44 44 .ni