t3 :30 o&clock.., Ftidtonh ll.te trck m 't F oiniRobinson, the Ill~ e tt.;cr\,e as starter for the s\iimrniing - 15 e~vents and Orioni Stltevllle, wretliI1g 2LIKE "EGYPTIAN *4ELLEN oach, will handle that sport. '4 h recitêxtI 1w Raoi Gun11 New Trier, N. U. Frosh mYA~TO'T'<'h1~T bourg, bas been centli;astic;tl I eIpt Potpne Vèe ~ SHQ?.-ORRN<TON VE. a CHERCMS.teîC<1 t1V)t. 'l'li Te dbate between New ,,Trier H1-lg _________________________________________________________________ -chool I and a Northwesteiii tnwyersitv S nighit of last wveek; was pôstponecl a week because of tu;e il'hcss of one oi %d~ the New Trier* speakers. It vasplanned