444 r îr r r r - 'Wr r rrr - One~ wil: beli frthér - %-.st d one fssors the south . ad- Af4 ths rerng have ben ro bord of rsesr n ei n re renaie of, --r ag nie. torý -4-rrr 9-r e W t rh.. w . T e ctnnsi rnittedai~ to r-frn,ù ot i INveii Huchsc-. rýa-rfi-1 fome S-i Herer Hiks r-kfrd se, rr iàe Wils ii Carr Hariso B. Chcg Tii rnTrs coptv andr re br of the-~' ualtio ii association opened~~ on Thusa.Fedruary 20. Twenty thousafid dollars in casl iI -- -- he given to'the -winners of- this -inter- na.tioiial contest, -whicrh -is sponsored - t~ ei uIih m is io tby the Photographers' Association- of T h s 1htons Anierica. T7here wilI be 444 -awards iii - - --- ll., B. J. Burns of the Bernie st-udio, Eugec L. Raiy and joseph D.Tolff IN* THIS COUNT'RY, anew type of tion. At the same time, better .rec- represent the association. i o en r It is pointed out that tis i18 iiiaini engraed acv rswr made frspeed an.cc - beauty contest nor a conipetition in.-r - htgahcsill Tche aie-carn 1 of ilhzation of better opportunity for racy in service. - - of the srubject s IIb th baiso-- -- Judging, although the 1 adges mnust- - r- the averarge rnan,ýcomfort a4rç-jo - This Ameriçan rdevelmpflt, of tnecessarily depenid oh plhotographis for- ther oinons - rvenicct b miess entrprise -and instantaneous. commnunication, Of The j-udges are Mary Robe rts Rinie.- - * L L 1 t fI. i-- hart, fainôns novetîst; FawxeJ-urtrger standards tha.t enricia th~e fast, far-reachin'g speech~, beloflg8 one of the nation's best short story al ieo lthtotef',btotemny -r writers; anrd'Charles 'Aylett ôf Toron- daU 1 f P fal h people. no, to Ith fW, u oteza -o oe jphotograph ar~$ts ,NIo To ýidfrti nwa te I is tr ain ofthe elSse prsdei ofr the~r association. r~rrr-rr4r - - rrrrrB ll-r-e , n 92 ex en c mor to pe mi --c pe r -alt torrrrr-rr.~,-rrr>rrr r-rr rhcao N-r- h Westrn WrV~~4r-4r.- rr-491 -Yr- r r-r r r r < - - > -r-r 4 4-~r r 4--44-4 r--r44«rre r r - r . rr-r-r-rrrr-rrr - ---Te;4 44 r- r- '44 W -5 r-rrrr ~ rr~,4r-.r 4r ,4 r.4rr-- r r rrr-r r - -- >--'4 -r '%-r ,r - r-r~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ rFrI'..i4-r-S - r > . r r» - Wrrr.."r r- r-rr -rrr r