planas c as high as $5, or,$10 1 wll i A a nere icsweki dllsae o be stubmitted. and these NvilI be used cip work well done that keeps Ec eki ilsv o fur those who wan.t and can afford thca O oe sa's ehyhours of mnial 1abor. Then j ~more expensive scheres of tphaloahmnetingft.btiswe yucair~4ta PBut 'he dollar gardlen will he a Most new f rm yea,r ta year.Pr swhnyucn-ra a fihe show. ad~uainlfaueo ticularly you wilI note , this new detective story, do that Pictures of Chicago's worst back- aimotg North Soreplaces., bit of shopping. you have vard -will. be distributed among h ...L-- Sho r o