t 1.t r'etrepor-)Itng ai0wÇ on the6~ 2,7.3 accordfllg to the~ building >suile deprtiient of SI W.~ Straus and coinThe fi 'do trs. foi : a4~44 si> i i44 k. ver,à,,ël sag1ntPecnbr 411 a ans all hik Iasf~~~~~4 total, foi\\.I 4141 41iet1e, coe andWinneta N tizIi1c4Ilte wm; the i 1,3845 l e 11441114 -ýC s,41ý c iie 414 ~ ~ ~ ~ wëre 4- il4 gî -fi (if11 1 4 a~s Lake&1 Foils land1 ~3u 544 per- cent, 124 perce4 th5e C-cptîini, 4 tracted Il em i-dal of I i l(1 ll iinMav. 141tc a1 4 C01,17 for 3w 19_11),-'~ percent Iii p;.this4 ove vcar il-414 4 4-1 11.1 4 1W>of last vr. e of Gl :(Iencoü andx ga1Iýci ~1 n Kenlwotl1 o riu o41n gain on4 a4îk> e11114 4-..re reprt coiartv The fol4 075. er,4hiiilworti1daiua Jaruar 1929, $63000 1930, GVlne--J<a-Jii- ' non luary 1930>, $90,850; ja'nuary 1929, $99,- 4 400. 41Wilmette flits New Low Mark During Past Mont h flhc ew low level (uIll sank toa Il)30., OnIy thirce nionth of Frhriiry 414 Buniding W\ilnette's building perit Il3~ e of ings<~414- record '4 41114444114 41 peil454 ri liaYJ beei th total~4 for )r ir the , 5 ~ '4141l 41414141.>. 414114t44 1414414 entire14,.n ,4l>a4,114411>>44114414 illon441 y 414p 414 it 441441411414 r441n cl wh alt and~--~411 for<41141;;4444444 ate esti 4ll 41144414 1414141141414141g4permit54-t .41>441ýtt $1,65041,. a1 s-cil 4144 f-144114 ry 1, ~4 41iu 44 414 41 1