mm-" "p grei.owo ô e, W oo Orvwge Ande wht w-h-ooe Gïrls ree,:Sï tihn, a~~i Woo êt C -to LTrnréd Flckwe Cch y Foc att Èc.c-.d z' é sts'-.- ar~c~ -erl as etcashlfado Sp cfiP ie nég, tmro Chis ~ ~ linen long hnteeacbs.Qst ~ wht ~ lic ~ wa Ms t*~~raig~ n nrd ~ ~ ~ t tie colo, geený orngeblueand to-arey--tý Be-iandcontnuig unil A new dep knwith a forbo i qur siewihgre f ryisiÈ bask~et tbhat you cari ifinis o bîla colored' handies. ~ dapngdTw ¶19 Fyi~gP 1.$45- One kind, rather narrow, with a long loopýover effect Another, with deeper ô. narrow~ cuifs, toi is $ itfTcolii lorg alm Stili another,inï whicb the lace makes ~ $2PotRosti<ttescuifs, $15. $ Ail of deep ochre color FQr A 1licious roasts -n enougb for steaks, chops and necessary. bi.ozmwets. Colored baridie. Ld's-firs Flooc - ten-incb size, large Five-quart size, Makes de- bastingPIitd fetv At$-1-t-tee hùg aerspceteo otsae t c r D t 0o dr (0ord»oStocktng:s tatrsi cMefctOe 0 ht2,ultyvlo, -~~ "'t At $3,.25 there are chiffoni ones shaded from dark to lighttories of rose, nmauve, purple, brown, blue and orange. es(aon.i-m focigen geontrca lean oe e- 'c- s - i t' t - t lottbt' tctt' t e' t- t tte,< et-t fi'e~ ' -tt13' U t.'c' e.' ' t"t~ f-t~t-ettC-t"ett 't'C 't'tt' ,t-' " '-"t - ~Ct .e-t~Ç -t, le' V " - ft- t " '