Februa~ 28, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE free throw for nine points. Richard NEW TRIER SOPHOMORES , New Trier and Schuettge, center, was second with · seven points. Fives HONORED IN ASSEMBLY · Waukegan . Split Twin Bill The .New Trier lightweight team, ) . .\ · We DRESSMAKING Students Achieving Honor Roll or Honorable Mention Given Public Acclamation ·' : Members of the sophomore class at New Trier · High school who were on the honor roll during the first semester of the school year or who received honorable mention were given public recognition Thursday of last week at an assembly to which the parents of the honor roll students were invited. An honor roll student is one who has an average above ".B". Honorable mention is given to those students with tioned leadership: 400 Sopbs Enrolled The sophomore class at New 'rrier numbers about four hundred. Of this number twenty-four boys and twentyeight girls were on the honor roll during the first semester, while the honorable mention list for the same period included the names of fifteen boys and ten girls. Names of the honor students were read ilt the assembly last Thursday by A. L. Grinnell and Miss Alma Hurst, sophomore class sponsors. Two sophomore girls, Grace Bartling and Ellen Sager, had "A" averages for the entire first semester's work in every subject. All of the sophomore honor roll students received a certificate of commendation from the school authorities at the assembly last week. Students tl1U :; honored were : Boys Bob Leonard, Jerome Straus, Don Matthews, Charles Vemich, . Milton Vore, Fred Bennett, Stephen Brooks, Arthur VI/eldon , Fred \Vetterer, Paul Williams, Jack DeBe ers. Roger Delauder, Marcus Levy, George Cole, Frank Seyl, Jack Broad, Cameron Brown, Shelley Miner, Walker \Valford, Ed Bristol, John Dernehl, George Everett, Colin Finlayson and Lyman Buff. Girls Helen Green, Frances Kelley, Ann Boyd Linn, Helen Rathb one, Grace Bartling, Jacinta Kampm eier, Martha Ericson, Caroline Preston, Ellen Sager, Elizabeth Balhatchet, Agnes Halley, Virgiuia Koomjian. Caroline Yerkes, Mildred Hemple, Helen Dower, Margaret Ebeling, Elsie Wade, Lucy M urdison, Betty Dostal, Margaret Gould, Beatrice Driver, Betty Hamilton, Flor · ence Olson, Jane Snyder, Margaret Kahler, Jane Dement, Marjorie Leach and Mary ] ane Thomas. Honorable ·Mention Students The students who received honorable mention w~re: Boys-Richard Nelson, Paul Netterstrom, Fred Robinson, Henry Keator, Kenneth King, Tom Sinding, Locke Caruthers. Martin D exter, Ted vVachs, Ed Howard, Lambert Maguire, Edward Mons, Joseph White, Gordon Ray and Frank Williams; girls-Phylli s Bosley, Grace Hirsch berg, Betty Wilson, Helen Holton, Sa.rah Cardy, Frances Payne, Margaret Huddy, Helen Orvis, Jane Schaeffer and Edna Stiles. New Trier High school divided · a doubleheader basketball tilt with W aukegan at the Leslie F. Gates gymnasium last Friday night, the New Trier heavyweights winning 24 to 16 while the light weights lost 33 to 19. Both the Gray and· Green he~vies and the Waukegan lights, by winning last Friday, avenged defeats which they suffered eariler in the season at the hands of the. same teams. In the heavyweight game New Trier led at the end of the first quarter, 6 to 2. The Gray and Green plctyers continued to lead throughout the game, holding an 11 to 7 advantage as the half ended and a 18 to 11 margin at the close of the third quarter. Clayton Paulson, forward, was the leading scorer for New Trier with four .field goals and a ti red after playing three games in eight Remodeling- Altering days, went to pieces in the last quarter of the Waukegan game. Up to that also bape a . time the game was "anybody's game." The Gray and Green led 5 to 3 as the Designing, Fitting and first quarter ended, but Waukegan had jumped into a 12 to 9 lead by half time. Pinning Service In the third quarter each time scored ten points, and the count was 22 to 19 in favor of \Vaukegan as the last quar- · for the patron that) . ter began. In this period New Trier wishes to finish bet ,..... ...... failed to score, while Waukegan added .- ·~ own frocks and { fourteen points to its total. wraps Frank Church, forward, sank three field goals and two free throws to lead the scoring for the New Trier lightCollette Soeurs weights with eight points. His running mate at the for:ward position, Paul Glencoe 1 6 3.. 3 34 Park An. Jones, contributed seven points to the ./. ) New Trier total. The North Shore Talking MachiDe ·Co. Offers--- ICTOR RADIO SUPERIORITY is just as emphatic, Victor Radio value just as great, today as it was six months ago. And its value to you will ·· $298.00 Complete V IO'rOB BADIO BLBOTBOLA. B84 The eom,., tnOcUrra . . lical i~. v.... Rodfo Clft4 rtuf'd d·etlo· e·r··gl ... mtateh,_. turtf'llt.i"' ,.. en.. Jl~. cAM· .. .ao ll'..tn Vteeor..,..,. re,.,._ increase with every day of """'· New Trier Octet Pleases Audience at Sunday Club The octet from the New Trier High school Bl)ys' Glee club that sang at t~e \Vilmettc Sunday Evening club last Sunday received much favorable comtllent. Many who attended the meeting remarked that the boys showed fine training under the direction of Miss \:\/inifred Mickey of the high school i:msic depar tment. The boys who composed the octet were: Brice Stephens, I{ohert Kirtland, Alfred RomiP,". Thomas Elvin, George Bersch, Die:>ert Miller, Olin Sethnes.s and George Jones. Come in and see us about it TODAY! 712 University 4523 .ownership. Our free home demonstration' will give you, without obligation, the most thrilling radio entertainment you have known. Open Evenings North Shore Talking Machine Co. 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