Latest School News . . . of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board Publiahed weekly by the achool . children of \\f ilmette undet supervtsron JUNIOR LIFE WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FEBRUARY 28, 1930 ~1x-B Told by the Pupils YOL. 2. NO. 49 Frida v l<'t:·bruary 14, th e Senior as~em!Jly ~a't J loward, had another Yery inh· t·e~ ting Dnmrosch program. I will try in the following to describe the program :~::; we hen rd it. l'I' I'CUl;~iou in~truments are musical instruments whil'h you strike with the hand~ or a ~tkk to produce sound. There ;ll't· two ki ndl:l of percussion instrumentH. One kind Jlll'rely produces rhythm, such a~ tlw druntl:l and castenets. Th other l\ind produ<'es tone like the bells, xylophone and the kettle drums. The kf'ttle drums are used to produce ioi(IUnds of nature like thunder. They can al~u make diffen' nt rhythm~ . ln BeethoYe n's "~inth ~ymphony,·· he used the ke ttlt' dntml:l tv pruduce both rhythm and l(·ne. Tht> Damrosch orchl·stra played a selection from BcethoYen'l:l "Ninth ::3ymphouy," using the kettle dnuns. The bass drum, the cymbal:-;, and the triangles are very importa.nt instruments. The people in Europe first introduced the cy mbals for· the Turkish March. The bass drum only produces a low, rumbling sound. The triangle ls u:sed for music such as fait·y muc:ic. The orchestra played the Turkish l\larch which uses all three of thc:--e in:--truments in it. Mr\ Damrnsch said the cymbals, triangles, and bells are u~;ed sometimes to d t>!:.'c ribe th flower:-; nodding· to each other at twilight . 'Ve heard selections dt·scribing this. Spain is the country of many darwes. Each Jl,rovinc:e has its own dance as has ~ach city. A l-'panish dance from an opera u:sing the l'n:stenets and tambourirH.· was played. I think it was the mo~t intel'c:st ing of all the Damrosch programs. -Eilene 'V akly, 6A Hnwanl. Six-A Howard Takes Hard Howard Eighth Howard Assembly Luncheon Clubs Cage Game From Room 6B Graders Study Hears Interesting Entertained by Last Tu~' ~day, Fehrunry 1 ' , :we had a g-anw with 6B. took . Tennyson P oenz Damrosch Pro ram . Howard Pupils !Jasketball the basket by tlw windows and we ha~ The eighth grades of Howard :1 \Vedne:-:da:r. F~b;·uary 19, th e eigh_th grade girls of lloward school served ~o1· the Rotary and Optimiioit clubl:l whH.:h yearly hnv<· a JOint dinner and at the liowant s<'lwol. At 11 :15, the girls we nt down to thv cooking ror1m and had tlwir lunch. All wa:-:; gc>ing- well -\vht:n Ellen Jordon al'cidentally liPIHyd her soup over h er skirt and ou tne lloor. This had to be d eaned Ull ·~lllfl J~llen'l:l skirt washeu out aud dried in Hfteen minulel:l. We all thought thi:-; was dotltl ·in good tilllt'. 'Ve then l:ltarted to put the salad on the ta !Jlel:l when we noticed there was Ulll· :short. Th e n.' were l:leventy places aftd seventy :salad:-;, sc> we cvuldn't figure out why they didn't come out even. We finally dt>l'illL·d that the saladl:l we re prolm!Jly mixed at the coruer of the tabl t>, :so w~ star·tl·<l to l:lerve unee more. No Ill ol'e aedaents or mi:stakel:l l't-'l:lUlted so everytl}ing went as lJice a~ it co uld. When the men were through with tlwir dinne1· they were entertained IJy tiltgrades fwm one to ~even and the eig·hth g··ade !Joys, a 1:su. They either played gamel:l, mar~;ht>Cl or · danced. 1.\lrl:l. FI·;u:klwner act·onJpanied them on the piallo. ::3ume of these exen.:i::>es \\'el'L' ,·ery hanl. Wh~n the exercis~s were HniHhL·d , ·we went to uur dal:l:-:es and we thirtl' the duLs eujt1y~d uw pi'Ogram Yery much . -- Viole t i\1 .· Lant·e, I)U J lowartl. and nearly <:aught up to GA and 6A b e~ gan to work as hard as \\'t C (~uld but we Wt'l'e s till ahead at t h t· end ot the game, the ~core was lU to li in GA's . favr~l'. The ftr:-:t ga 1111-' 'n: l)lay ed . wa s With. ~t. J oioit-}lh. Th c tirJ;t 1 score wa::; 10 to 2 111 t.iA's faYor. The next gam we played nas \\'ith lif;. Th e final :-;cor e wa s 10 to li in ti.\':-; fa' l)r, toll. l thinlt th e n ex t g<tlllt.: wt: play is \\'ilh liA i'econd team. .\Jr:-:. Morris , 11Ur ~uL:-:titute, wat <.: h~~d our gatllt·. ~llc \\'a ::; glad that we had won. Our Hl't.:Oll<l l l"':t tll has loioit nnt game IJy tht ~cu re o( IU to II in .6l:'s fa\·or. The next game t! .. \ playt'J was with ::3t. .Ju:-;eph IJy the :-.t·o r t: of -1 tu in ~t. .Jus~ph' s fa, ·ol'. Araxie .Jorjol'iart made twu ba:-:k~·ts and F.:karwr ~per des made three LaHI\t'ls. \\' e :surtly did t ea m wurJ.;:, 1 tlriul<. · - .J·:t\·anor Spen:: des, tiA Howard. - - - · - -- - to tal< e th~ utlwt· otll"'. At first th e game was in G.A's fa vur. Th'11 tiB worl~ed hard rt · Eight-C Stolp Selected as Best in Appreciation llurrah f~or ~C . :\I( ItHla v morning ~Irs. C lark tol:l u s the glad 'nl'WS. Eigl1t-C wa:s dw:-t·tt t o bt· the !Jest l'la~s in music :tp pre(·i:tt il·ll. The l't'W:ll'll is that WL· are to gu in to the ::lte\·ens hotel and hold a l'i<.~s dir ' dt'd by :.\li:::;s Ha!Il:' rty of Evanstun High ~dwul. soJn dimt- iu :.\larch. ).lis:-; UHffeny f'ame (·lit and t·Jok l' httrge of nut· dai's to H:t" what \\'t" knt-w. :\Irs. \ 'l:trk i:-: going· t·· pil-k out :JII <rf the IJest :-:tu<lents tv Utk e in. At lite llll'etiug pla<.:e in ( 'hkagt· th l'l't: \\'ill IJc music in:-:tnt<.:· tor::; frurn all ~~\·1'1 · lhv L ' rtikd Statts. \\' · al'l' abo pruud of ··ur ~elt··ol ~rl'l'he.· tra. Till':'\ "n:: tc· play. .\lr:-:. \ ' i\i<ttl i:-: t o l<ll,t · s~>rn·· \\' ilmdtl' dlildrl'll to :-:hfl\\' thl' ~lt·lody \\' ;ty lltdiH1d t·f' t~· a..Jtirtg· musk. \\' ,. an· h·,pi11g· to fill ).lr:-:. t 'lark's hi~Jt, ·st IH>Jll·:-: ;tt thl:! llt1 ·l'l in g. - Huth Bristol. :-.( · ~tc.Jp. Six-A Howard Loses Cage Title on Second Attempt Th e 6.\. llowartl has hall a l:lUI.'l:essful Vt>ar su far but Ow wur·m turn ed down . · \'\'e won footlmll chHmilion~hip , soLTt' l' championship and alnwst in ua:-;1\t>lltall. \Ve tieu a ganw with t.iB :trHl whl~ ll we played it ag-Hill Wt' lu:-:l 'i to :.!. Th e lineup was: 6H·l 6.\ · l Byron Stolp Assembly Club Elects Officers Tuesday, February 18.l the Byr·on C. Stolp Assembly club elf'ctf'd new offict>r~. Ruth Williams 11resided over the meetIng, as both the pre~id<>nt, Dick Hall, ant1 the vice-president, Da Yid Miller, wert> absent. 'fhe officers eiP<'tl.:'d were: President. Huth William~; Yice-president, David 1\Illler; secretary, Mary Hvld; trea~urer, Jt>anne Fisher. Tuesday at recess the excitement was high. Everybody was running hither and thither, trying to secure votes for the ones they wanted. All last week there had been much discussion as to how the officers should be elected. Several ways had been suggested such as petitions, partie::;, and nominating· from the floor. This last method was agreed upon. Most everybody is plea~ed with the new officers. -Vivian Grigsby, SC Stolp. STUDY BlltDS AND STAllS "'e are all very interested In our science now because Miss Stevens, our science teacher has assigned us to make a nnture book with pictures of birds and ::tnimals and also have something about st:U's. If we want to we may put somethim! about chemistry in it. Miss Stevens said that later in the spring she would tnke us bird hunting so we can f';ee them . In our science class she is telling us about the s.tars and the stories of tlw Big Dipper, Big bear and Little Dipper. They nre y_ery umny aru:J interesting. -Frances Ra!l!J. 6A Howard. ON SICK LIST Mis!'l Pen-ing stayed at home l\1ondny, February 18, so we had a substitute. 1\1 iss Da,;is went home in the middle of the morning because she did not feel w <>ll and Mrs. Clark could not take the Bo~·s' Glee club because she had a headal'lw. \Ve hope no one else will get si<'k and those who are already sick get well. -Jane Horsting, 7C Stolp. liEN (i)l}: J-~1' PLAYERS Hl~R·: The play. "The Twelfth Night" by Shakespeare Is coming to New Trier High ~chool. MarQh 5. lt wlll be put (Jn by the Ben Greet players. This group of players have been favorites In giving Sha~spearean plays, The show will start at 2 :30 o'clock. Bob Brumbu ug·lt Frank Kot'ttan La wt·enct' llaugsnt ·s:-: Ueralcl ~pirrn~r \'ISIT .\IISS J . .\USO\ Donald Hermausorr 1-:flwirr Colt'"TO\'t· l.:t:-:l \\'l:'dltes<lay, .Ff:'Lruary 1:!, ..\Trs . l'lark Kirwan Billy A~1halt ).la:-.on and four pupil:-: u[ the til: \n ·n t llarlow 'l'riplt:>tt llany Knuner tu :-:t·t· . \li:-.:-; !.arson. Slw ha s b :· t·n lnitl -Euwi11 (. 'olegTo\·t>, tiA Howard. up in lwd with a bn>lq· n leg· for aiJ(,\It :-;ix we··l;~. \\'e tvok her· :-:urnt· tulips and :-;ortH· :-wePt peas Hlld somt" hard candit:s ill medil-int · IJottleioi with pr >~(; 1'i}Jtit~ll s 1111 tht·m. · We )Hit some ja\\' hreakt·r:-; in a Valentine's Day in the afternoon Yir- bottle that said, '·Do ll()t :-:wallow whole.'" Kinia Lee Fiske, a girl in our room, pre- Lw.;t Friday .Mr~. ~a s~·n too){ ~li ss Larsented a Valentine play called "St. Yalen- son to h~l' home in Aurora, J II. Th e four tine's Eve." The piny was cleverly aded <.:hildrf:'n \\'ho went wen:· Jane Hr;tttdt, Dorothy J-Jill... Cal'! Fnlllkt-11 and J ~olJ· · rt by the following cast: \\>.!! all hope }.Iiss Lar~~,rt will Cupid es::;, Lucill e Watson; Cuphl, Bob!Jy Knepper. MacM:oran; Pickauo, Helena Mic.:kt>y; he Lack soon. -Hobert Knepper, GD Howard. Pic'kaninny, Lloyd Ilillsherg; Plopsy, Harry Kramer; Lopsy, Jean Gordon; St. ,.ISIT ART IXS'l'ITU'l' ..E Valentiue, Eilell<' \V eal~ly; Colonel Lady, The SB Howard went to the Art instiMarjorie Staubitz, and Colonel l\lan, Elmer Stone. lutL: Tuesday, FeLruary 25. 'Ve u~ually However the cast forgot their parts in [;(J twice a year which is always a depla ces. After tht.> play we received ou1· lig-ht. We had a lot of fun the last time valentines and had a party. we went. lt a)W<lYS is nice to learn a little about llicture!:' you don't know. lt is -·Allan Stahl, 6A. Howard. such fun going clown. 'Ve usually have a HOW 1 \ ltU DOWNS S'r. ,JOS EJ>JI prh·ate car. Wt all voted that we should Th ursclay, February 20, 7 A llo\va rcJ go on the Chicago, North Shore and !!'iris played a baRkethall game with Milwapkee instead of the "L." ::lomt> of seventh grade of St. Joseph. 'l'he St. the children stayed down town but they .Joseph team had Rix J)layet·s. Howard had to bt·ing a note from their parents . had fiye lllayers. Howard's lineup was: The children who <:ouldn't ~o Tuesday l~leanor Steen, captain and right forward: \\'ill go with 8A when eYer they go. Gt:'t·:ll<litH' Bttnc.b, center, · forward: Jean -Huth Pavelicek, SB Howard. Perl'ill, right guard; Fran\'i!'; Haskins, lefl g"tw t'd: Lillian Hoar, guanl. St. HOWARD PL:\.YS ST. JOSEP}[ Joseph'~ lineup wns Fnuwis Hchmidl, La~t Tuesday 6A Howard played a Yery forward ; Doris Stanco, forward, nose thrilling game with St. Joseph. The Tosrani, forward: Mnry White, g·uarrl; score was 2 to 10 in faYor of 6A. Eleanor Loretta. St(;'ffens, ~uard; Lonainf' Walk- Speredes ma(le all our baskets. She's ey. guat·d. Howard W<'n hy six point:-;. a prett.r good player I think. The lineThe score was St. Josf'ph 11, Howard 17. up was as follu1vs: standing center, Mar-GL~nlldine Bunch, 7A Hownr(l. garet Schwall; running- center, Helena Mickey~ right forward, Eleaner Speredes · Sf'O'fTIF~ IS GOOD I·AL left forward, Araxie Jorjorian; right \\·l. have a dog whose name is Scottie. g·uard, Helen Lind~ .. rom ; left guard He is a Sealyham. His hair is wiry. We Verna Arcl'l.J.'l.nbault. We will play a game found him in Deerfield. Scottie's favor- with 6 B Howard Tuesday, February 25. ite trick is to jump the !'Ope. He has -Helen Lindstrom, 6A Howard. many funny tricks. The one of the. many l like best is to play "war" with LOSE CAGE GAME us. Whim we are playing war and some The 6B girls lost their second basketone is to be shot he stands next to ball game. They played 6A-II and at the them and waits ti!l you jump up and play end of the third quarter 6A was 10 and again. He loves t.o chase squirrels. We 6B. 0. The final score was 10 to 6, GA's enjoy hn ving him very much. favor. -Dorothy Holmes, 6B Howard. --J'errine Fromm, Howard RB. Lee Fiske Gives Valentine Play for Pupils at Howard studving the . poem, "Garath and Ly rwtte ," written by Alfred Lord Tenn ySf·n. It is about a young man, wh, ·:-:t· rather is King Lot, who rose up again :-:t King- .-\.t·thur in the ~a ron's war. . J I i:-. mothet· is Queen Belhcent, who ohJ!'I' t. to Gareth's wishes to go to King Arthu ! ·,.. crntl't where his brothers, Gawain a rtd .\loclred, arc. . (;a wain i:s a good knight and lias (ltllll' m:t~tY lmightly deeds, but Modred is " ~u!.J.,r lo1ig-ht who hasn't dont· "·"· l<nig·htly dt· ds. Gareth's enthu!-iia~m f11r guing to King Arthur's court m:-tkt·s !1 is nwtht"t' :--ad. Finally after much perstlasion :::ht- gjves him permission to go IHtl he has to dress as a kitchen kna n~ art d sen·e this way for twelve months and a dn~·. not telling bis name to evcrr llw King. {lu t·e n J3<·1licent thinks that h<·r :-111t wt.ulcl rather stay home than to go a s a J21ain common kitchen knave, lnll nareth says he'll go dressed en·n a s a kitchen lmave. 'Vhile his mother is sJt·,·p ing· ht- <"ails the two men who atte ncJ,·rl UJH>II him since his birth and they ~tart 11ut fot· King Arthur's court. .:\s 'th~ y 1 -:t near· the city of King,: Arthur th{'v see the spires and then half tlw l>uiidings and then all disappears. Th1· first ~t'n· ant f>ays the city is bewitl'iwd ancl the st:"cond servant agret's with him Lut <.~areth laughs at them. 'l'he rea son. a:-: w e lmow, is that the mist rosf:' and fell <:a u!-iing the city to be seen and tlwn not t11 IJe seen. As they near th e g-ate o[ the l'itY the servants say that tlrt' figurt ·s car\·ed in stone on the wall:-; art· IIHJ\'ing. t:arcth stares at the fig-un ·s l'arn· <l in stone and to him they st·!·m t ~, be tlH·ving-, also. Just then an old lllan ,.,,nH· ~ "lll fnm1 under the gate and a:-:1\ :-: \\'ho tht·~· ~~~Gareth replies tlw~· an· tillt ·t·s 11[ the soil. Then the old man Jllllcl\ H them. Gareth, angt:red, t t> lb the ll)an h e O.Ql;;ht to be wiser than he ~s . seL·ing· that his beard is tall'!' than h t· 1s. Th e (llcl man then tells Gareth th:tt lu· mrwk:-: him bec~<>e Gareth mocks hint in tdling· him that he is a tiller of th~' !'11il. lll:' goes back to the gate anti Gan: th gues forward into the city. 'fhi :-; is as fa 1· as \Ve have read and we enjoy it very much. · . -.:\largr~::tte Reynolds, 8B Howard. · · I Wilmette Pewees Win 2 Cage Games, Lose 1 Th e \Yilmettf' Pewees have operwd tlwit· basketball season. They ha\'t' playt>d tht·ee gamE-s. Their first ganw was Illayed with Haven school of Jt:van:-:ton, which Haven won, 20 to ] :t Their !';econd game was played with Kenil \\'(.tth, which Wilmette won, 7 t(J ~. Their third game was with Nichols, Evanl'ton, which Nichols won, 14 to 10. Tlw first team lineup is as followH: Georg<> Maxwell, center; Bob Hermanson, right forward; Phil Hoelz, left forward ; George Green, right guard; Reginal<l Urt-f-n, left forward. - Bob Hermanson, SA Howard. JlL l:N'fY OF EXCITEMENT LaRt night I went to bed and soon fell nslee1J. About the middle of the nig·ht, our doorbell rang. There was !'Otnehf1dy pounding on the door. My father nnswered the door. There was a woman. \Vhen he opened the door a flame caug·ht his eye and it was a car burning. The ladv Raid that it was her car. My father c:'llled the fire engine. They said that they would be right there. Th en the lady called my dad and said it was out. My father called the fire barn an(l told them 'n ot to come. Then I went to bed ·e xcited. -Carl Franken, 6B Howard. ~rAKING ART BOOKS The 6A and 6B of Howard school are making art books. We bought pictures at the first of the year and now we are mounting and making covers for them. The 6A are heading theirs "Ancient Art," which is appropriate for the occasioll. Miss Larson is still si~k so she sent some Greek designs to use so we could pick a design for our books. They are going to be very pretty when we are through with them. -Mary Louise Schaeffer, 6A Howard.