. February 28, 1930 WILMETTE LIF .J: 15 86 STOLP PUPILS MAKE HONOR ROll FOR .-ONTH Forty-One Eighth Graders and F orty-.Five Seventh Grade Children Liated . The Stolp school honor roll for the month ending Tuesday, February 25, W!lS announced this week. Forty-one eighth graders and forty-five seventh graders are listed as honor pupils for this period. Ruth Anderson of the eighth grade and Anna Marie Booz and Eleanor Williams of the seventh grade received a grade· of "E" in every subject, the "E" standing for "excellent." Twelve eighth graders and nine seventh graders ? :-e on the high honor roll for the mo.1th, having no grade below "VG" (very good) and no tardy marks. 41 Eighth Graden Pupils thus ho.nored are: Eighth grade-Lenora Kritchever, Everette Warshawsky, Mary Alice Hayes, ELanor Shapiro, Betty Smith, Florentine Strube, Greta von Reinsperg, Ruth Anderson, Phyllis Carleton, Alice Freeman, Alice Ebeling and Betty Patenski; seventh grade-Annamarie Booz, Eleanor Williams, Julia CarroliJ Dorothy Holway, Florence Hanson, Jeane Fisher, Marilyn Kehl, Evelyn Youngquist ~nd Phyllis Richardson. 'l'wenty-nine pupils in the eight); grade and thirty-six · in the seventh grade attained honor roll distinction, To win this honor a pupil must have "VG" in social adaptation, no grade below "G" and no tardy marks. Following are the honor roll pupils : . Eighth Grade June Mathews, Jeannette Peard, Marjorie Hecht, Norton Potter, James Donohue, Warren Young, Ruth Williams, Beverly Bruns, Marian Cracraft, Foster Gilgis, Mary Hvid, Janet Mahercy, Esther Morgan, La Verne Popp, Mildred Waugh: Ruth Sanderson, Betty Schmidt, Ruth Solomon, Harriet Taylor, Richard Preston, Leanna Orr, Frances McNulty, Katherine Idler, Dick Hall, Eleanor Ricks, Peggy McCabe, Joan Guthridge, Sheldon Fox and John Beam. Seventh Grade Dick Julian, James Koegel, Betty Bowes, Jane Blaylock, Anne Bayliss, Beverly Baird, Lois Wolfe, Florence Read, David Miller, Emil Anderson, Jeanie Bach, Jeanie Kuhl, Judith Ross, Blythe Akeley, Helen Born, Barbara Betts, Jean Brown, Barbara Wiley, Reeva Golden, Mary Jane Donohue, James Christiansen, Virginia Ann Snorf, Mary Jane Lewis, Josephine Balhatchet, Mary Ella Waidner, Mary Clark Weber, Jean Ann Moulding, Jean Audrey Rehfeld, Antoinette Russo, Marjorie Temple, Beryl Tolen, Mary Speer, Donald Anderson, Eleanor Olson, Marguerite Parshall and Betty Marks. In Our Evanston Shop · ·· IIIVICI and ALL-OCCASION · COATS, IPOITSa·cl DIISSIIR MOD ILl. IIZ!S 30 to .., nt has to offer you in our New Department for Women's and College Girls' Coats. ..· If you have a thrifty nature you may discover that the difference in price can be appUed on a new frock or suit ·.· Every coat is a genuine Berkshire, renowned for ftne needling, all-silk lining guaranteed for a whole year, newest styles, loveliest fabrics ··· and furthermore, if any alterations happen to be necessary, ALL ALTERATIONS FREEl Coats $39.50 to $150. At $59.50, some with lur eolian. No MATTER where you are planning to buy your Spring Coat, see what The Hub ENTERTAINED WHILE HERE Mrs. Fred R. Borgfeldt, 1215 Gregory ~venue, has as her house guests this week . her two nieces, Miss Margaret Hoffman and Miss Grace Hoffman of Muskegon, Mich. She was hostess at a dinner party in their honor on Monday of this week. The Misses Hoffman's other aunt, Mrs. Paul Reinsen, 385 Ridge avenue, Winnetka, entertained at a dinner party in their honor on Tuesday. The guests will Jeave the latter part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap, 535 vVarwick road, Kenilworth, spent last weeks as guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Samud Comely, in Sewickley, a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa. Last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Comely entertai11t-d at a largl! dinner party for Mr. and Mrs. Cresap. · State and Jackson CHICAGO E"a·sto· Silo/' Ofte· T·estlay, T,,,.stlaJ a·tl Sat·rday E"·fli·ts Orrington and Church EVANSTON