1(1 , I WILMETTE LIFE February 28, 1930 Fe Students Injured as Car Crashes Into Deep Ditch Four New Trier High school students, one each from Wilmette and Winnetka and two from Glencoe, m~t with a serious automobile accident Sunday morning a little after 12 o'clock, when their car crashed into a ditch on the west side of Hibbard road at Ash street. Miss Jean Henning, ·16, of 45g Linden avenue, · \Vinnetka, suffered a fractured leg and was removed to the Evanston hospital. The dri,·er of the ca,r, Martin \Vol£, Jr., 17, of 1352 Chestnut street, Wilmette. and his two other companions, \Viltiam and Miss Sue .Turney, the former 17 and the latter 16 years of age, both of 692 Bluff road, ·GI~ncoe, received only minor injuries, and after receiving medical attention hy Dr. Frank E. Peters of 458 \\'innetka avenue were able to return to their homes. \Volff was under the impression. i1: i::; said, that he was traveling west on \\'illow road. The latter is a through street. hut · Ash · street terminates at Hibbard road, on the west sidt of which is a deep ditch. A fog pre,·ailing at the time, obscured the driver's vision. I; 1. ~- : ! t ' . I ·: i : t: .. !SHORT CUTS ; I : . REGARDLESS of the CLAIMS which are often MADE for preparations of VARIOUS kinds there ARE no short cuts to HEALTH. You cannot HOPE to take a weakened, RUN-DOWN or inefficient BODY and bring it to ROBUST health by the AID of ·make-shift MEDICINES. To become WELL requires patience, PROPER living. and CORRECT, capable medical ADVICE and treatment. IT is unjust even to YOURSELF to try the ALLEGED short cuts. SEE your doctor and FOLLOW his advice. THAT is your best MEANS of becoming well. AND whenever medicine ts PRESCRIBED have the PRESCRIPTION filled at a DRUG store where such WORK is of first CONSIDERATION. MORAL: Sometimes long way around ts shortest road home. the the JOB'S DAUGHTERS MEET Job's Daughters will have. a movie and vaudeville program on Friday evening, March 21, at 8:15 o'clock The program will be given at the \Vilmette Masonic Temple. Th~ public is invited. \fiss Fern Lathrop of 826 Humbo;dt o.venue, Winnetka, and Miss Lydia Ringel and Mrs. Ruth Chambers . of 101:6 Linden avenue, Wilme~te, left Sunday for Norfolk, Neb., where thP.y ·~ang a group of songs for the North \Vesteru Railroad club. The girls have <lcquired a reputation and arc known a ~ the C. and N. \V. ·R. R. trio. Rid Yom Nose and Throat of Germs with The joint meeting of Wilmette and Evanston Optimists, held at the Sh~w nee Country club Wednesday evenmg, Taxpayers of New Trier township February 19, in honor of Russel F. are urged to fill out at once and return Meyer, secreta:y and treas~re~ of Opthe real estate memorandum blanks timist Intet"nattOnaJ, and D1strtct Govand authorization blanks mailed to ernor Frank Scharlott, proved to be them by the North Shore Citizens association, the organization formed by an interesting one. Sid Geal of the Evanston club led the New Trier tax committee following the mass meeting of taxpayers at the . singing during the dinner hour. K ew Trier High school on February Thomas Elvin sang two vocal solos . . Holland Flahavan, president of the18. The association's office is in Room Chicagg Optimist club, introduced the 7 at 1137 Central avenue, Wilmette. 'l'he township tax committee advises district governor, Mr. Scharlott. who property owners to fill out thes~ b1an~s gave a report o~ the act.ivit~es and acand mail them to that address Immedi- complishments m the d1stnct to date ately. _ without waiting to get their val- and told of what he hoped would be uations, if they have not already se- accomplished before the district meetcured them. 'fhe New Trier tax books ing at Peoria . on May 3. were returned by the Board of AssesDr. George P. Magill, a past presisors to the work rooms for auditing dent of the Wilmette Optimist club, inpurposes last week. They are expected troduced Mr. Meyer, who gave a talk t(j be delivered to the Board of Review o·n his duties as secretary and treasurer within a week or ten days, after which of Optimist International, an office time they .will again be open to the which he has held for two years. Mr. public. Additional real estate memo- Meyer stated that his office was the· randum blanks which the North Shore clearing house for all the activities of Citizens association is asking New the local Optimist c~ubs. In· speaking Trier taxpayers to fill out and mail of the slogan of the org~nization, to the association's office may be ob- which is "Friend of the Boy," he retained at that office, 'a t the First Na- marked that the International Boys' tional bank in Wilmette, or at the local Work council recognized the work offices of WILMETTt: LrtF., WINNETKA done among the boys by Optimist InTALK and GLENcoe News. ternational as more constructive than The New Trier tax committee advises that done by any other similar organtaxpayers that aithough the tax books ization. are in the hands of the auditors, the Besides the international and district valuation figures may be obtained by officials, several presidents and past calling at Room 312 in the County presidents of clubs in the Chicago building, where the clerks will be ghd district attended the combined meetto give out information contained on ing of the Wilmette · and Evanston the file cards. The committee states clubs. These local officials included: for the benefit of those who have not Dr. D. \V. Rapp, president of the Wil·secured their valuations that they will mette Optimist club; Dr. 0. E. Andres, be notified of the definite date when acting president of ~he Evanston club; the books are turned over to the Holland Flahaven, president of the Board of Review and that there will be Chicago club; Dr. George D. Upson, ample time after that date to get the John Davies, and Dr. George P. Mavaluation figurrs. gill, past presidents of the Wilmette club, and the Rev. Carl A. Naumann, Maurice Bosley, 528 \Varwick road, past president of the Evanston club. Officers of the \Vilmette club, in adKenilworth, has gone to California .)11 dition to Dr. Rapp, the president, are: :1 short trip. Ed\.Yard Petry, vice-president; Edmund Kerr, secretary; Dick Burns, treasurer, and C:larence Braun, sergeant-at-arms. Citizens' Ass'n Urges Taxpayers to Send in Real Estate Memos Now Wilmette, Evanston Optimists Entertain National Officials J \' ~ ~~~J~I~A~~~~f ~lib CentY'al fREE MAKING St 6Teel'\leaf 7177 Miss Lois 'tenore Bailey, \Vinnetka. Donald ]. Dick of \Vinnetka, and Mis~ l. . aura M. Kurz of \Vilmette spent last v:eck-end at the University of Illinois, where they atte.!.!!,led the Military ball and the Beta P si fraternity dance. I -~ Mi 31 Solution 69 Cents Pint Size Harmful germs in the throat and nose breed colds and other troubles. Keep these passages clean. Have a sweet breath. Rinse the mouth and gargle with soothing, prophylactic Mi31. Also use Mi31 in a Kantleek Atomizer to clear out nasal passages. Obtainable only at Rexall Stores. LOOK YOUR LOVELIEST Hair Cutting, Finger Waving, By John Goldring . . . , .. , , ..........·· , Marcelling, Manicuring 75C Our modest but up-to-datt comfortable parlor permits us to give you a guaranteed permanent wave, a marcel, a shampoo, a facial and a manicure. Eugene Realistic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · MONEY BACK GUARANTEE tenuine materials used. ss so o.l, :.,· . _. _._ -~~ EVANSTON BEAUTY SHOP ·-----· ----~ 615 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON Univ. 0967 Ceatral aad Wilmette AYeDuea Central-Wilmette AYeDuea Phoaes: Wilmette 28 ud 21 Plaoae. Wilmette Z8 aad Zl