,· February 28, 1930 WILMETTE· LIFE 7 YORK TO SPEAK HERE Wilmette. Post 46 of American Legion Sponsors Appearance of World War Hero at New Trier March 8 Centra/t.J5auret . P. T. A. Notes · .~· · ~ I I I I Sergt. Alvin C. York, who has been In a ioint meeting of. ·the Par~~tcalled the greatest of all heroes of the Teacher association and the League of (Formet·ly of Kashian Bros.) World war, will speak at New Trier Women Voters the parents were given High school on Saturday, March 8, a most interesting program. under the auspices of Wilmette Post The Central-Laurel association preAnnounces the opening of his No. 46, American Legion. Sergeant sented a play written by the president, York was awarded the Congressional Mrs·. ·W. A. Kendrick, and presented NEW ORIENTAL RUG STORE Medal of Honor, the Legion of Honor by Mrs. E. H. Freeman, Mrs. ]. J. the Medal Militaire, .and many othe; Johnson, Mrs.· Harvey Craig, Mrs. American and Allied decorations. His ]. H. Stackhouse, Mrs. C. T. Frykman 1157 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette - Phone 919 appearance at the high school is ex-· and Mrs. Philip Hill. The scene wa~ pecte9 to attract a large c.rowd. a mother's beauty shop where the and The citation explaining why Ser- three customers represented three geant York was granted the Congres- kinds of homes, the worthy, the unINVITES YOU TO THE OPENING SALE sional Medal of Honor says: "Alvin worthy, and the drifting home, illusC. York, corporal, Company G, 328th trating the thought that the.. worthInfantry, 82nd Division. For conspic- while home is the one where parents Starting ~1 arch 3 uous gallantry and intrepidity above are interested in their children, and and beyond the call of duty in action the family are having their good times with the enemy near Chatel-Cheherry, together. France, October 8, '1918. ~fter his platoon had suffered heavy casualties Mrs. A. M. Speer, 606 Laurel aveOne-third discount on all purchases, and three other non-commissioned of- nue, with Mrs. E. H. Freeman, assistficers had become casualties, Corporal ing, gave a very delightful and inand twenty-five percent discount on all York assumed command. Fearlessly teresting tea on Tuesday; February 18, leading seven men, be charged with to the m<?thers of Mrs. Julian's sixth. cleaning and repairing orders. great daring, a machine-gun nest' which grade p~ptls. There were twenty preswas po~ring deadly and incessant fire . ent.. Mtss Brov:'n, teac_her of art a~d upon hts platoon. In this heroic feat mustc, gave an mterestmg talk, as d1d the ~nachine-gun nest- was taken, to- Miss Johannson, teacher of English. gether with four officers and 128 men My best references are the satisfied patrons whom I and several guns. Residence at en- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE "Christ Jesus" will be the subject of listment: Pall Mall, Tenn." have been serving /or the past twenty yea. rs At the close of the \Norld war Ser- the lesson-sermon at the First Church o.f Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette, Sungeant York was taken over France as a gue st of the American Expeditionary day morning. March 2, at 11 o'clock. force s. Upon his return to America Sundav school convenes at 9:45 o'clock. members of the New York Stock Exchange carried him to the floor of the exchange, and business was suspended Dry in hi~ honor, but he has always refu sed to commercialize his fame for personal glory. 'WU $14.85 Instead he has asked that the gratiDuette is the first safe, ' easy tude of the nation be directed toward method of dry cleaning in · the home the promotion of his one ambition-to and it's also an effi,ient, practical washbring education and enlightment to his ing machine. No longer need you run people of the Tennessee mountains. the risk of fire and explosion with inHe refused a fortune offered to him flammable cleaning fluids " in the home. by motion picture and vaudeville conThe Duette dry cleans like new, and uses cerns who wanted him to exploit his the .harmless. non-explosive Duette Dry fame. .. CM. Kashian The Duette Cleaning and Washing Maebine $9.15 THE Miner Coburn to Feature Library Children's Hour Coburn of Wilmette will tell stories at the children's story hour this S~tttrday morning, March I, at tl?e W1lmette Public library at 10:30 l , clock. For the past five years Mr. ' Coburn has been with the Coffer-Millrr Play.ers. The. company has been pres~ntmg dasstc comedies at universit:es, colleges, normal schools and thr larger high schools throughout the country. Children who attend the story hour this Saturday are promised a real t:eat,. Mi.;s Winifred Bright, children's hbranan, states. Mr. Coburn's ability as an actor and a comedian is well known, and he is expected to be one of the most popular story tellers on the children's story hour program this ~eason. ~finer Cleaning Fluid. While Naluable for every . washing purpose, you'll find the Duette especially ide;tl for washing out dainty silks and laces, chiffon bose, rayon, Celanese, all those things you prefer to care for yourself. Duette Cleaner per gal., $1.75 Bondex Waterprool Cement Paint BONDEX is a decorative material designed especially for use on Stucco. Concrete, Brick, Stone and other masonry wall surfaces; While described as a Waterproof Cement Paint, it is much more than a Paint. for it imparts color, waterproofs and preserva in one operation. It comes in the form of a dry powder and is made rudy for use by mixing with cold water. It is furnished in White and Tints. which may be intermixed to produce an endless variety· of shades. BONDEX is applied with a brush or spray. BONDEX bonds with the surface and forms an integral part of the wall itself. It has been styled "The Paint Eternal." Cellu·Toae right off. The Modern Wall Finish BEAUTIFUL SANITARY ECONOMICAL Presents Piano Pupils in Recital on Saturday M:s. Helen Philleo Weston is pre~. entmg St;me of her piano students in recital Saturday afternoon, March 1. at her home, 635 Pleasant avenue Kenilworth. ' GIVE CARD PARTIES Two card parties will be held at the St. Joseph school hall on Tuesdav March 4, one in the afternoon and another in the evening. The parties will be given by St. Mary's society. Dales Knapp, 633 Foster avenue, has been called to Texas on business, and expects to return the first part of next week. Beautiful because of its delicate tints and subdued lustre. Sanitary because dust and dirt do not adhere to its smooth non-porus surface. Economi,cal because finger prints, pencil and crayon marks, ink spots, grease and smoke, all wa1b Repeated washing doesn't hurt it a bit-the same attractive semi-gloss finish shines out anew each time. Ideal for kitchen, ba£hroom, bedrooms-walls and woodworkCello-Tone will transform the darkest, dreariest house into a colorful, livable home. Let us show you colors and '~11 you more about it. MILLEN BARDWARE COMPANY 1219 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 30~0 I'