Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1930, p. 61

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February 14, 1930. 86 FOR RENT-ROOMS W ILMETTE LIFE FOB 8.ALE-HOU8E8 FOR RENT-ONE OR TWO ROOMS and kitchen entirely for your own use a s we take our meals out. 'Address Winnetka Talk A-173. 66LTN~1-ltc ~ICEL Y FURNISHED LARGE ROOM. One block all transportation. Very reasonable. 905 Burr Ave., Winnetka 654. 66LTN21-ltp Phone Your Wliat·Ads in _ the Bveaiq Phone. Wil. 4300 CHOICE BRICK HOME. S. E. WINNJDT.. ka. Near lake, schools, transp. : larp lot, 'I nne. : 3 baths, brealdut rm. ; attached gar. Frigidaire, Incinerator, automatic beat and water. Splendid terms. Owner will show by appt. W rite Life A-UG '17LTN17-tfc XI CEL Y F URN. RM., LADY OR MARried couple. Glencoe 976. 66LTN21-ltp 2 RINGLE OR CONNECTING ROOMS with or without meals. Gentlemen or m:trried couple preferred. Ph . Wilmette 1184. 66LTN21 -lt<' OWNER NOW BUILDING LARGER house desires to sell bungalow on Asbury Avenue, Hubbard Woods. Near sohool and transportation. Large living room, two bedrooms and sleeping porch, garage, oil burner, copper weather stripped. Priced for quick sale. Call Winnetka 1093, or see your broker. 77LT20-2tc WINNETKA 2 splendid homes. Large lots. Excellent locations. Might rent. Address Winnetka Talk A-168. 77LTN21-ltp ROOM FOR RENT, SINGLE OR co uple, $4 per wk. Ph. Wilmette 62 3. 66L21-ltp FOR RENT-FURN. ROOM, 1 BLK. from bu sin ess and transp. B oard if desired. R easona ble. Ph. Wilmette 234:i. 6~~2t-lt c ATTR ACTIVE ROOM WIT H USE KlTehe n, livin g room. Glencoe 1646. e ves. 66LTN21-ltp Our classified advertising department is prepared to accept advertisements for the current issue of WILMETTE LIFB every evening until 9 P. M. WEDNESDAY 61 MOST ATTI!.ACTIVE NEW 10 ROOM BRICK AND FRAME EARLY AMERICAN COLONIAL 10 foot center hall with beautiful stair. Living room 18x28, Colonial dining room 18xl8, breakfast room. tile sunparlor. 5 spacious bedrooms, 3 baths, on 2nd floo r, la rge recreation room in basem ent, oil heat, 2 car attached garage. Lot 90x200, beautifully wooded. A wonderful home a nd sple ndid buy at $55,000. Terms. FOR RENT-APARTlUENTS ~olMioJJ©]hum~\t©ml&C©o REALTORS :1 40 Lind en Ave. Ph. Wllmette 68 77L21-ltc EVANSTON A.P ARTMENTS 67 }' OR REN'f-AP AR'l'l\IENTS 89 FOR ·R ENT-HOUSES CALI. OR HAVE US SEND YOU OU H COMPLETE LIS'l' OF APTS. & H SES. 528 Lee St., 2 rms. and Inadr. ... $ 60.00 904 Elmwood Ave. , 3 rms. & sunpr 60.00 2114 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. .... . . 70.00 1307 Oak Ave., 3 rm s . & inadr. . . . 70.00 947 Chica go Ave. , 3 rms. & inador 70.00 :2206 S he rman Aw., 3 rms. ... . ... 70.00 518 L ee St., 4 rms. & ina dor ... 75.00 S::\IALL HSKP. A PARTME NT, FURN. or unfurn. Large .vorch, oil heat, in 1114 Ma ple Ave .. 4 rm s. & in a dor go. oo s t a nt hot wa ter. Gara ge optional. R ef1317 Oak Ave., 4 rm s. & in a dor . 82.50 e r ences. Ph. Wilmette 204. 67L21-ltp 1621 Ridge Ave., 4 rm s. & s unpr. . . 90.09 2108 Sherman Ave., 4 rms., (2 bedrms.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.00 11 25 Davis St. , 4 rm s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.00 NILES CENTER 2210 Sherman Ave., 4 rms. , room apartments $60 and up, large, .... ( 2 bedrms.) 92. 50 ·-6-6 light, modern. Near Dempster "L" :?020 Sherman Ave., 5 rm s . ... . .. . 80.00 terminal station and North Shore elec. 800 Seward St., 5 rms. & s unpr . . . . 85. 00 29 minutes to loop. 845 Ridge Ave., 5 rms . & s unpr . . . 105. 00 1033 Dempster St. , 5 rmH. ... . .. 110.00 2000 Harrison St. , 5 rml'. (2 b a th s) 140.00 at Bronx Ave. 1812 She rman Ave., 6 rms. ( 2 b at hs) 12!1. 00 Dempster Street Phone Niles Center 93 1609 Ridge Ave., 6 rm s . & sunpr . . 150.00 67LTN36-tfc 17a. OO 25 19 Central . St., 6 nn s. & ga r . 1573 Ridge Ave., 6 rms . .. 175.00 2516 Prairie Ave., 6 rms. . . 175.00 1625 Ridge Ave .. 7 rm s. & s unpr . . . 175. 00 6 ROOM FLAT WITH BATH, NEAR 1ST FLOOR, 4 RMS., 2 LARGE CLOStra nsporta tion, schools, churches. 132 et s, large pantry. $2 5 a mo. · Corne r P a rk Ave., Ph. \Vihnett e 4227. Happ and Harding rds. Get key up67L21-ltp stairs, or write owne r, Frank Selzer, ---------------2510 Simpson, Evanston. 69LTN21-ltp A PT. F OR R E~T: 4 ROOMS AND bath including gara g·e space. 515 ~8 FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICES Oakda le Avenue, Glencoe. $45.00. 67LTN21-ltc D iversey 61 :33. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE ~ U BSTANTIAL Small Stores, Offi_ ces FOR SALE-HOUSES NORTHWEST 10 ROOM BRICK RESIctence, large living room, dining room a nd sun rq_om ; 7 bedrooms, 4 tile baths with shower s. One quarter acre of wooded lawn beautifully landscaped. P rice $45,000. GEORGE F . GONSALVES, 746 ELM ST., Winnetka 62. 725 Elm St. 73LTN13-tfc SMITH & GOSS, INC. REALTORS Ph . Winnetka 142 77LTN21-ltc KEl"IL WORTH 77 THE BRONX M. ]. FAHERTY DESIGNED BY CHI CAGO'S BEST RESSPAN ISH STYLE STUCCO idential arc hit e ~t. This house contains with tile roof, having la rge living r oom, 9 rooms, 3 baths, a nd is complete in dining room, kitch en, maid's room a nd every poss ible detail. The owner is bath on 1st floorse rious about selling. The lot il'l larg(\ with a nd within 2 blocks of lake. Price ,$58 ,000. 4 large bedrooms and 2 til e baths on 2nd floor. 2 car attached heated garage. Corner lot 80x171. Price $40,000. ·rerms. GLENCOE §mm<fuJr\1: & (G©ll®®S' llllllCCo U ni ve rs ity 02, :: 67LTN 21-1tc 1564 Sherman Ave. EVAN S TO~ SUBLEASE 5 ROOl\I AP ARTl\lEXT l N H ubba rd Woods until Oc t1 1 her l f' t. All la.rge, s unny room s. Bes t north of Evan st on. Address \Vinn e tka Ta lk A-174. 67LTK21-lt r .J C'S T D R ING F'I~JSll ED ~ FRE N CH Prnyinci a l s trictly fir eproof apartm ent building- at Sherid a n Ro:t d :tncl Park A venue, 2 blocks N. E. of main sta tion. Overlooks fine residenti n.l di s trict. Large, beautifully furni ~h ed main r ecel)ti ~1 11 rooms; elevator service. Ther e are ""'fl nly 14 ultra modern 2, 3 and 4 room apartments in this builcling, with eleC' tric r efrigeration and all latest m echa ni<"al devices to make ,·o ur hom e (' omJ f ortable. INSPECT THEM BEFORE THEY ARE ALL RENTED JMl \lllI!'I!'liD,Y &, JI'®Il'Il"f REALTORs Centml and Sheridan Glencoe 702 77LTN21-ltc FOR SALE- BRA ND NEW BRICK RES. ----------------642 Elder L a ne. Winnetk a , near Ridge 2, 3, 4, o and 6 ROOMS Ave. 6 bedrooms . 3 baths , l'arge recreaHere in Wilmette's most convenient and tion r oom. all spacious rooms. t«cluslve loca:tton, you wm find well77L'l'N21-ltc arrar.ged apartments. All apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample BEFORE YOU BUY closet space. Schools, churches, and ON THE NORTH SHORE INSPECT shopping facllltles within immediate THE FOLLOWING OFFERINGS : access. See these apartments today. In Evanston : 3 houses. 9 rooms and 3 SMALL CHILDREN IN A FAMILY Agent on premises. baths, $33,000 to $46,500; 8 rooms, 2 Necess itate a partic ul a r room arrangebaths, $29,500; 6 rooms, 1 bath $21,000. me nt for maximum comfort and con& venience. This hou se was built with In Kenilworth: 2 houses, 9 rooms and REALTORS that in mind. Mas ter bedroom has con3 baths, $34,000 and $35,000. t24 Linden Ave. Wil. 460 necting nurse ry, bath lounge and drel'lSft7T.TN1-tf r In Glencoe : 2 houses, 9 rooms and ing r oom. Three additional bedrooms 3 baths $36,000 and $39,500. nflll 2 baths. Usual first floor room s. GR FOR RENT-FUUN. A PTS. In Highland Park: 1 house, 9 rooms and ---------------3 baths, $35,000. Renovated house- · Situated in a restrjct ed neighborhood, the natural beauty, conve ni ence and lacl< BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 4 ROO:\I (frame) 9 rooms and 2 baths, $16,000. of traffic in the community mal<e it apt. Immediate occupa ncy. Call after These houses are honestly built, properly e~ pe cially desirable. 6 p. m. Ph. Winn etka 2589 · 6RL/I'N 21-tfn financed and fairly priced. You wlll Brick co nstruc tion, oil burne r, landscaped FOR RENT-HOUSES find them of pleasing designs, finished 69 in good taste and with unusually spa90 foo t lot. Owne r must sell. Will -R-- -l\_l_H_O_U_S_E_ · ,-A-L_L_C_O_N_V_E_·_N_I_E_N_C _E·.. -S. cious rooms. A call or a letter wlll co n ~ ider reasonabl e offer. 7 00 bring you full written particulars. Phone Glencoe 1554 or Highland Park 2 car garage. t!J2g l3irchwood. Ph. c. A. HEMPHILL Wil. 2934. 69LT21-lte 3040 for further det\).ils. Designer Contractor BUNGALOW, 3 ROOMS, BATH, Bullder sleeping porch. ~ 60 . Immediate pos- 2944 Grant Street, Evanston, Green. 4573 se.,ion. Winnetka 75 2. 69LTN21-Jtc 77LTN 21-ltp, 1071 Skokie Ridge Drive, Glencoe 77LTN21-ltc 337. Park Ave. LINDEN CREST APTS. \VILMETTE WALTER P. SMITH & CO. REALTORS Wif~(G mllllf® R~. & (Q)lflf 122 Sherid a n K enilworth 228 77LT21-ltc QUINLAN TYSON, INC. Road 67LTN21-1k FOR RENT-5 IlM. FLAT, BATH, H. W. heat, $55 including heat and garage. 2300 Thornwood Ave., Wil. Ph. Glenview 37-M2. 67LTN21-ltp APARTl\fENTS NEW BOAL BUILDING SOUTH AND EAST EXPOSURES RENTAL $75 to $85 SMITH & GOSS, INC. 725 Elm St. AGENTS Winnetka 142 67LTN21-1tc- IN EAST . WILMET'rE, MODERN 8 room. 5 bedroom, 2 bath, house with oil burner and natural fir eplace. BeauWINNETKA tifully landscaped lot 50xl94. PriceBeautiful Spanish h o m e attractively I LERE IS A R~MARKABL Y ATTRACsituated amid 11h acres of landscaped tive 9 rm. resid., in the nicest part of and gardened grounds. URusually spaEast Kenilworth with 6 bedrins.. 3 baths. cious interior arrangement. Garage oil burner, 2 car garage, on a lot unfor two motors. Sublease; wllllng to usually large even for this Rpacious sacrlftce. For complete details and insuburb. Splenoid condition and includes spection a_ p pointment phone carpets and frigidaire. Price $45,000. Ph. Kenilworth 228 122 Sheridan Rd. & 77L21-ltc Greenleaf 1855 528 Davis St. 69LTN21-ltc WiiNNETKA HOME, NEAR TRANSP. RF.ALTORR ---------------and school, 3 blks. from lake. 1h acre ground, brick colonial, 10 rms. 3 baths, 930 Spanish Court Opp. Teatro del Lago 4 RM. BUNGALOW, ALL CONVENWILMETTE 2920 hot water oil heat. Winnetka 3109. Iences, ready for occupancy Feb. 21st. 77LTN21-ltp 77LTN21-ltc Wilmette 893 Y 2. 69LTN21-ltp Sublease Opportunity 77 Indian Hill Road OUTSTANDING BARGAIN $17,000 JMI~(Gmlllir® & (Q)lflf BAIRD WARNER

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