Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1930, p. 60

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60 WILMETTE LIFE INTERIOR DECORATING February 14, 1930 80 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE COOKING, S E R VI N G LUNCHEONS. dinners, care of chlldren. Winnetka 1920. 60LTN17-tfc : CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PICTURE FRA11ING otice-Classifted ad \'ertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusi\'e whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are reguiar sub~crlbE.-rs to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK o1· GLENCOE NEWS. cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. 30 cents a line in all three papers. 1\IINIMUM CHARGE 90 cents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. General N Rates-15 BRASOR ART STORE 1312 CHICAGO AVE. UNIV. 9179 COOKING, SERVING LUNCHEONS, 27LTN6-t!c Dinners. Care of children . Ph. Glencoe 1588. 60LTN21-ltp J,OANS 30 EXPERT TYPIST WILL DO WORK AT own home. Will call for and return. Phone Highland Park 3551 or write Talk A-165. 60LTN21-ltp Charles H. Brethold 1st and 2nd mortgages Insurance WINNETKA WHITE GIRL WITH reference w~nts pos. as nursemaid. 60LTN21-ltp Tel. Northbrook 157. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS day work, hand ironing or cleaning. Ph. Wilmette 3509. 60LTN43-tfp EXPERIENCED MAID WANTS SITUAtion with small family. Tel. Univ. 10257. 60LTN21-ltp WANTED-DAY WORK, etc. Call Winnetka 2882. CLEANING, 60LT~21-ltp Deadline for I nsertions-Classifted cepted up advertisements will be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers: Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINN:ETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 545 Main St., Wilmette Tel. 66 30Ll7-t!c We Are in the Market for First 11ortgage Loatis On North Shore homes, apartments, bungalows, etc. Lowest rates. Quiclc service. HOKANSON & JENKS 513 Davis St. ·Greenleaf 1617 30LTN21-ltc EXPERIENCED LA UNDRESS ; UNderstand all machines and mangles; reFOR SALE-OIL PAINTINGS BY BIRKliable; north shore refer. Kenwood 8598. ett Foster, Dunthorne and Tripp. Price ~~=~=~~~~=~=~=~~ 60LTN21-ltp $1,000, $750 and $500 respectively or any WATCHES reasonable offer. Write Life A-171. WANTED-DAY WORK BY YOUNG 2LT21-ltp WANTED-CONTRACTOR TO TAKE woman cooking and cleaning. Ph. Glenmy present home in exchange for erectcoe 770. 60LTN21-2tp ing a new moderately priced home on f I'OR SALE-AUTOS vacant property. Both located in WinGRANDF:ATHER C L 0 C K S , HALI.. RELIABLE COLORED WOMAN, GOOD netka. Address Wilmette Life A-166. . 11LTN21-ltp clocks, cuclwo clocks, mantel chim(~ cook or general housework. Good ref. clocks and alarm clocks. Carefully and Ph. University 10257. 60LTN21-1tp reasonably repaired. Clocks called for 17 DRESSMAKING and delivered. · EXP. LADY'S MAID, VERY GOOD sewer wants position, will take as well, P1~~EtJ:Y combination with other work. L. Violet, EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD BUY. PAINT, 1425 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. GLENCOE 1634 1165 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6 tires, mechani<'al condition, 1st class. COLLETTE SOEURS 60LT21-ltp Many thousand miles of economical ~=~=~=~=~~~1~7~L~T~N~2~0~-t~fc 34LTN19-tfc transportn tion . ' EXP. LAUNDRESS \VANTS DAY WORI( GARDENING 20 cleaning. N. S. ref. Call Glencoe 243. TRI<~ES TAKEN DOWlN AND CUT UP · 60LTN21-lte FOR A l"EW DAYS ONLY WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER for firewood. Call Winnetka 1793. 20LTN21-tfc Has the watch or ring that you would EXPD. LAUNDRESS WANTS · w onK like to buy- choicest assortment-modMon., Thurs., and Saturday. \\Tinn . et·n desig-ns-rea~o naule prices. Just the INSTRUCTION rt'f. Kenwood 7589. 60LTN21-2tp place to buy that gift of gifts- A 1~15 SIIEH.MAN AVE. Valentine. Also specializing · in clock GllADUATE NURSE WITH PLEASAXT Uni\'ersity 0782 E\·anston and watch repairing. Work guaranteed. homf' <'arN; for con\'alescent or eld rl \' OPPOSITE Dl~::\Tf'STEH ST. "L" STA. 1139 Greenleaf Ave. Ph. W'ilmettf' 4516. peonle. Ph. Wilmette 42!>9. · 4 LTN21-ltc BEGINNERS OR ADVANCED PUPILS. 34LTN19-tfe Will also teach orchestration, accom60LTN21-3tc paniment, harmony, and up to date jazz, piano solos. T e n years professional work. 88 PAINTING & DECORATING EXPEHlEN'CED V\T H T T 1~ WOl\IA~ S.Al~E Will guarantee results. Price reasonable. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - wants laundry or cleaning \Vednt"sdays, Oakland All-Amf'rit'an ~ ' dan. 192S $4::15 GEORGE D. MOilLE call Wilnwtte 3804. 60L21-ltp Painting-, Paper Hanging Chevrolet Coach, l!l2i ........ $165 629 Park Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2345 and Artistic Decorating. Studebake r Hig--~ix Club Co upe .. . $290 25LTN20-2tp \VANTED-DA Y'S \VORK CLEANTNr: ARL FRANKELL Greater 1 lud!"on Town Sedan D e mon or laundry, A-1 ref. Ph. Drexe l 136i. 1506 Wilme tte Ave. Ph. \Vilm <'tte 3104 stator (('u~tom nuilt) , 19:10 $1,095 60LTN21-ltp 3SLTN20-tfe Essex l oavh, 1fl:!!l .... $·125 OSCAR JACOBSON FLOORS RESURFACED AND REFIN- GTRL-HELP WITH IISWK. AN'D Gli'i Davis St., Evanston Gr. 450G ished like new. No dirt or muss. Reacooking·, no wash ., g·ood t't' f. Ph. \Vil25LTN20-2tc sonable prices. Phone Winnetka 1433. nwtte ~2i!) between 10 a. m. ancl 4 p. m . PNTY. 0720 ----------------38LTN12-tfc 60LT21-1tp JANE 'T'RIGGS, n. A. WELLESLEY, 'l'utoring in gTn mmar and high school 41 RADIOS GOOD f'LEAN'RR \YANTS FRT. A~D (Q) \t@ o ~nt. Ph. Grlf. 7186. 60LT21-1tp subjects. Ph . \Vilmette 3588. ----------------25LTN21-1tc MOOS RADIO SERVICE II~LINOIS 61 f";ITUATION 'lV ANTED-)lALE 620 GROVE STREET, EVANST('~ EDITH RAY YOUNG 'W ILL ACCEPT A Expert Radio Service $1.00 few more pupils in her new classes in Day Night EXPEHT8NC'BD 1\fAN \YAXTS HOrSEthe Curtiss l'iano System. 50c a lesson. 4LTN21-ltc cleaning etc. \Vindow washing- a spePh. Greenlf'af 685~ Private instruetion also given. Studio, Ph. University 0944 42LTN18-4lp cialty. Call Charles, Univ. 8819. 113:! Central A \ 'C. , \Vilmette 3651. FOR ~ALE- - :i PASS. 1\JASTf>:H BUICK 61LTN21-1tp 25L21-ltp sedan. p('rf('et cond. Privately owned, SERVICE BUREAU 44 HANDY MAN \VANTS ODD JOBS 15,000 :tdual mill·H~H·, real sacrifice. LESSONS IN AUCTION AND CONaround house. Phone \Vinnetka 2643. Call Olt·nt·oe 4R . 4LTN21-1tc tract bridg-e for beginners. Specially CARPENTRY, ALI... KI~nS : RB:\IOD61L1'N21-1 tc desirous o( teaching young people ln eling or new. Free estimates. Best groups. Charge~ moderate. Write Talk references. Phone Sheldrake 10129. EXP. ClfAUFFEUR, HOUSEMAN, AND 44LTN21-ltp A-170. 25L·T N21-ltc IN USED CARS garden work. Best ref. Winnetka 2764. 61LTN20-tfc PIANO LESSONS, SYNCOPATION, LEFJ 90 GENERAL REPAIRS Sims Method. Write Wilmette Life T~ 1\TANY MAKES 25 LTN 2l-ltc SCREENS BUILT OR REPAIRED, EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS DECOA- 1 69. rating, painting, and odd jobs. Best "~ash furniture repairing and carpenter work. references. Winnetka 2764. INTEUIOR DECORATING H. Schuchard, Ph. Wilmeth: 3534. 61LTN20-tfc 501..21-ltc TODAY' S BEST BUYS EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS WIN1927 Nash Adva ne t· sedan, perf. . . . $485 dow washing, garden and house work. LOS'l' & FOUND 1929 Nash 'l'win ignition 6 "400" .. . $750 Best of refs. Tel. Winnetka 2764. 1929 Ford sedan, lat<' ........ $38;) 61LTN8-tfc FOUND - DOG, SPANIEL, BROWN DO THEY EXPRESS YOUR with white spot on breast. Male. KenINDIVIDUALITY? DO THEY A~STON ilworth Police Dep't. 55I.JT21-ltc SIT. WTD. EXP. CHAUFFEUR HARMONIZE PERFECTLY D . K. VOGEDING, PRES. houseman with best N. S. ref. Go hom~ WITH YOUR COLOR 103~ Da\'ls St., cor. Oak Ave. LOST SATURDAY-GLASSES IN CASE, nights. Ph. Winnetka 271. 61LTN21-ltp SCHEME? 1735 Benson A vc., cor. Clarlc St. change purse \\'ith keys. Liberal reALAN GOODRICH shades are designed 4L21-1tc ward. Wilmette 3031. 55L21-1tc SIT. WTD. AS CHAUFFEUR AND by Interior decorators. They create an ·houseman. Best N. S. ref. 2 yrs. last environment that Is liveable as wen aR AUTO REPAIRING place. Ph. University 6917. HELP W ANTED-FE~IALE · Interesting and cost no more than r,6 61LT21-ltp ordinary shades. ----------------IT WILL PAY YOU TO CONSULT ME We wire vases and design shades to WANTED-WHITE MAID FOR WORK on any repair work on your car. Will EXPERT S WED I S H CHAUFFEUR match. mornings. Phone Winnetka 1639. work In your own garage If you prefer. wants driving by hour, day or week. 56LTN21-1tc 15 years' experience on all makes. SatAlso hou~ework. Winnetka refs. Tel. Isfaction guaranteed. Prices reasonWHITE. MUST LIKE CHILDREN. Winnetka 938. 61LTN21-1tp able. F. H. Hostnick, Glencoe 1161. 632 Church St. Evanston Refers. Own room. Phone Winnetka aa 5L21-ltp 27LTN21-ltc 2171. 56LTN21-1tc 9 "' SIT. WTD.-I[ALE & FEMALE J AU.T COLLECTIONS 11 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING ATTENTION CONTRACTORS Clock Repairing f 1r ~lllllkllnllil §cecdl~IID $770 Dressmaking Ren1odeling $770 H. GREENBAUM PIANO LESSONS FEBRlJARY HA v\r AII AN GUITAR 'fern1s - Trades IHI1ill ~~@ ITll JMI w CC© OF 1R20 Ridge .Avenue Everything - Anything 35 Late l\1odels Gold Bond Guarantee" ARE YOUR T4A 1\1PSHADES DIFFERENT? EV NASH CO. Alan Goodrich Studio - Rua )'our Waat · A d Ia Evaa1ton. too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 families in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. · - ~~~~~~~~~~~ 80 SI'l'UATION WANTED-FEIIALE Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 - SALESWOMAN WTD.-TO REPRESENT electrical appliance house. Excellent opportunity to make money. Dannemarli Electrlc' Co., 1151 Wilmette Ave., Wil- COL. COUPLE-CHAUFFEUR, HOUSEmette. . 60LTN21-ltc mll,n and cook. Ref. Highland Park 103. 62LTN21-ltp LAUNDRESS, BUNDLE AND FAMILY washing. Call and del. Clothes dried SIT. ·wANTED BY RELIABLE AND outside, special attention given to silks exper. col. couple. Woman, cook; man, and woolens, 15 years, N. S. ref. Ph. ho,pse]Tlan and chauffeur. Phone WinWilmette 2623. 60LT20-2tc netka 1667. 62LTN21-ltc PARTIES OF ANY KIND BY THE hour. Swiss butler and wife can serve and help cook. Ref. Ph. Glencoe 711. 62LT21-ltp

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