Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1930, p. 56

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WILMETTE LIFE NOTICE VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, JIJLINOIS GENERAL NUMBER iJI71'; February 14, 1930 Lot One (1) In James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth: · All of said tracts numbered from 27 to H inclusive, being in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth, being a subdivision of eight (8) acres of land in the Northeast quarter of Section Twentyeight (28).. Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Recorder of Cook County, Illinois, · on the twenty-fourth day of October, A. D. 1891, in Book 53 of Plats, at Page 21, as Document Number 1557279, and being· within the Village of Kenilworth, County of Cook and State of Illinois. The above descrtbed n_ ortheas terly twenty (20) feet of said lots to be tal<en by condemnation thereof, as aforesaid, and described herein as tracts 2 to 41 inclusive, shall be that part of said respective lots )ying northeasterly o~· a line twenty (20) feet southwesterly or ancl parallel with the northeasterly line of said respective lots, the snld northeaHterly line being the present southwesterly lillt! of said West Railroad Avenue. And also that said West Railroad Av enue as so widened and opened, be im proved from the intersectlon of said West Railroad Avenue, as widened, with the south boundary line of the Village of Kenilworth to the intersection of said West Railroad Avenue, as widened, with the north boundary li[le of said villnge, over the entire length thereof, including street returns, by paving with a one course reinforced concrete pavE! ment tPII (10) inches thicl<, with combined concre te curb and gutter. grading-, excavating- anf1 preparing t.he subgrade, grading-, leveling, hand raking and seeding the parkways, covering pa.rkways with hl~c k loam, grading, leveling and hancl 1:atong parlcing space, removal as exca vn twn . of concrete sidewallc, concrete and bnclc pavement and curb, and concrete platform s for gasoline pumps or oth er purposes within the line of the 1-;a i<l pro posed pavement and comhined curh antl gutter, the proposed walk in th e proposed parkways and parking sp:1ce , . removing buildings and th eh· found.a lion s and fences and other obstruction:;;, .cutting off, moving, resetting and conn eclmg- ~re hydrants at new locations, constructmg concrete manholes and manhole catC'hbasins constructing file or concrete pipe drains' constructing concrete sidewalks, extending sanitary sewer services, moYing shut off boxes on lead water pipe services, and extending said serYices, adjusting- manholes, valve vaults ancl catchbasins, fumishing and setting cast iron covers, maldng connections Of proposed drains to existing manholes, making connections of existing sewers . to proposed drainH and manholes, relocatmg and adjusting electric street . light standards and cableR, furnishing and insta111ng additional light stanfla.rds, lamps, cables and connections, cleaning and protecting said proposed pavement, wallc and Cf!111bined curb and gutter from frost, rn ms, traffic, and hot sun and winds, curing said nropo:;;ed pavement . and curb and gutter, making core tests of the pavement, furnishing and Jllacing limestone screenings in all excavations and trenches under the proposed pavement, · protecting trees to be left in place, a!ld existing improvements from injury, repairing existing improvements where damaged, removing all surplus excavated materia Is and rubbish created by the construction of the proposed improvement, engineering services, and all labor, materials and other expenses necessary to construct said proposed local improvement in a workmanlike manner, n.ll within the Village of Kenilworth, County of Coole and State of Illinois. All of the hereinabove clescribed improvement is more fully shown and set. forth upon certain plates or drawings showing plans, elevations anrl detnilA, and marked "Plate 1," "Plate 2," "Plate 3," ::1 nd "Plate 4," which said platefl are on file in the office of the Village Clerlc, ::~t the Village office of the Vill:lge of Kenilworth, Cook County, Illinois, and which said plates are hereby made a part hereof with the same force and effect n s if the same were set out In words and figures herein. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED, that the President and Board of Trustees uf the Village of Kenilworth, County of Coole and State of Illinois, having ordered that the improvement above described be made, the ordinance for the snme being on ft1e in the office of the Village Cleric of said village, and the saM village having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improvement according to the benefits, and a special assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, General Number 511717, the final hearing thereon wiJJ be held on the eleventh day of March, A. D. 1930, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections In said Court before said day, and m:.y appear ()n the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment In twenty NOTICE OF PROCEEDINGS FOR A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT for the widening and opening of West Railroad Avenue from the intersection of West Railroad A venue with the south boundary line of the Village of Kenilworth up to the Intersection of West Railroad Avenue with the north boundary line of said Village, in the Village of Kenilworth, Cook County, Illinois. IN 'fHE SUPERIOlt COl!RT OF COOK COUN'l'Y, ILLINOIS HKNEUAL :XUI\IUER ltiHli STATE OF ILLINOIS~ COUNTY OF COOK ! ::;s. VlLLAliE OF K~NlLWOHTH, A Municipal Corporation, vs. CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COM PANY, AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST NUMBER 5056, CHICAGO Tl'J'LE AND TRUST COMPANY, AS THUS TEE UNDER TRUST N U M BE R 11351, JULIUS A. BOH.GESON, PETER VERSTRAETE, MARY V E H. S T R A E T E, PETER LUIZZO. HANNAH LUJZZO, CHARLES A~F]{ED THOHSEN, ELIZABETH PAVLIK, HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF FRANK PAVLIK, SENIOR, DECEASED, MARY E. JOYCE, HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF JACOB GLOS, DECEASE~OTTOJ.OTTEN,PAULINE C. OTTEN, JOHN LACE, FIDEL WALSER, CH:RISTINE WALSER, DORLESCA J. GREEN, HAZEL M. GHEEN, ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, EDW AHD L. RAPP, STAN LEY BALASSA, MRS. ARTHUR S. McKENNA, JOE ~UBIAK. GARFIELD HENNEN, A. G. RICHARDS, ROY PAVLIJ{, GEORGI~ PAVLIK, AND ALL WHOM JT MAY CONCERN. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, by order duly entered in the above entitled proceedings, having directed that as to such defendants as are shown by the affidavit tiled in said pmceedlng-s to he non-residents of the State of Illinoi!i, or whose r esid enc es are shown thereby to be unknown, a nd the defendants designated as "All whom It may concern," the Cl erk of said Court cause publication to be mad e in the . WILMETTE LIFE, a secular newspaper published weekly In the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, containing notice of the following matters: Notice is hereby given of the pendency of the above et}titled proceedings institute<] hy the pPtition of the Village of Kenilworth. lJel'f' tnfore file<] in the Superior Court of Cook County, lllinois, designated General Number 511717, in said Court, praying for the a scertainme nt of the just compensation to be made for the pr·ivate prope rty to be taken or damaged for the rna ldng- of the improvement hereinafter described, and for th e ascertainment of what property will b ~~ benefited by the making of said improvement nncl tlw amount of such benefit. Th~ Commissioners duly nppointe<1 by the snid Superior Court of Cook County. . Illinois, to investig-ate and report the just compensntion to be made for the private property to be taken o1· damaged for sn lo Improvement, and also what renl estate will be benefited by :-;aid improvement, and the amount of said benefit to each parcel of land assessed, duly made a special assessment to raise the cost or said Improvement, and filed tht>ir said report and a~-;s e ssment roll in the office of the Cleric of the Supcrim· Court of Cook County, Illinois, on the seventh day of February, A. D. 1930. Thereupon a summonH issued out of said Court against the defendants above named, and the defendants described n~ "All whom It may con<'ern," returnable In ·said Court at the County Court House In the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois. on the eleventh day of March, A. D. 1930. as is by law required, which proceedi_ng is now pending. The total cost of said improvement, as ~hown by the estimate of the President of the Board of Local Jmpro\'ements or the Village of Kenilworth, and the report and assessment roll of said Commissioner!'!, is the sum of One Hundred Sixty-four Thousand, Forty-four Dollar~· and no cents ($164,044 .00), and the totnl amount assessed to the public as b<'nefit~ therein Is no dollars and no ct>nts ($0.00) . Now, unless you, such defendants as are shown by the affidavit filed In said proceedings to be non-residents of th<' State of Illinois, or whose residences are shown thereby to be unknown, and the defendants designated as "All whom It may concern," shall be nnd appear before the said Superior Court of Coolt County, llllnoiR, at the County Court House In the City of Chicago, County or Cook and State of 111inols, on the eleventh day of March, A. D. 1930, and plead, answer or demur to the petitioner's petition, or object to the report and assessment roll of the Commissioners aforesaid, the eame and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confeued. and a judgment entered In accordance with the said report and assessment roll, and the prayer of said petition. The following is a description of said Improvement, .and Includes a description of the lots; blocks, tracts and parcels of land sought to be taken or damaged !or the said improvement: That a local improvement shall be and the same is hereby ordered . to be made in the Village of Kenilworth, Cook County, Illinois, the nature, character, location and description of which are as follows: That a local improvement shall be inade consisting of the widening and opening of West Railroad Avenue, which shall be widened and opened from the intersection of said West Railroad Avenue with the south boundary line of the Village of Kenilworth, up to the intersection of said West Railroad Avenue with the north boundary line of said village and that, for . the purpose thereof, the following described tracts, pieces and parcels of land be acquired by condemnation thereof : TRACT 1: All that part of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28) in Township Fortytwo (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying north of the north line of Kenilworth A venue and west of the southwesterly line of the present \Vest Railroad Avenue, includln~ all rights, If any, in the Rtreets abutting thereon, all within the Village of Kenilworth, County of Cook anq State of Illinois, together with all buildings and other structures located thereof}; TRACT 2. The nor_theasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Seven (7) in Block Five (5) in W est Kenilworth ; together with all buildings and other structures located theron ; TRACT 3: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Six (6) in Block Five ( 5 ) in W est Kenilworth; TRACT 4: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Five (5) in Block Five (5) in \VE-st Kenilwortl:!: · TRACT 5: The north easterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Four (4) in Block Five (5) in \Vest K enilworth; TRACT 6: The northea ~ te rly twenty (20) fee t of Lot ThrE-e (3) in Block Five (5) in We ~ t K enilworth; TRACT 7: The northeasterly twenty ( 20) fee t of Lot Two (2) in Blocl< Five ( 5 ) in \\' N ;t Ke nllwort~; TRACT 8: The northeasterly twe nty Lot On e (1) in Block Five Kt> nilworth; TRACT 9: The northeasterly twenty Lot Seven (7) in Block Four Kenilworth; TRAC1' 10: The northensterly twenty Lot Six (6) in Bloclc Four Kenilworth ; THACT 11: Th e northeasterly twenty Lot Five (5) in Dloclc Four Kenilworth; TRACT 12: The northenste··ly I Wt>nl.y Lot Fom· (4) in Bloclc Four Kenilworth; TRACT 13: The northeastc··Jy twenty Lot Three (3) in llloclc Four Kenilworth~ (20) (a) rcct of in West (20) feet of (4) iu West (20) (4) fl·et or in Wes t (20 ' feel of (4) in West (20) fe(!f. of (4) in West (20) feet. or (4) in Wel:ll 'fRACT 14: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet. of Lot Two (2) in Bloclc Fom· (4) in West Kenilworth; TRACT 15: The northeasterly t.went.y (20) feet of Lot One (1) in BlQclc Four (4) In West Kenilworth; All of the hereinabove described t met~-; numbered from 2 to 15 inclusive, being lu West Kenilworth, a subdivision of part of the Southwest quartet' of the Northeast quarter of f-:ection 1'wenty-Eight (28) in Township Forty-two (42) North. !lange Tl]irteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat t.hm·eof recorded in the office of the Hecorocr of Coole County, IJlinois, on the seventh day of May, A. D. 1890, in Doole -11 of Plats, at Page 10, ns Document Nnmh<' r 1264387 and heing- within the Vllln~c of Kenilworth, County of Coole and St:-~ te nf Illinois. TRACT 16: The · northeasterly t.wcnl.y (20) feet .,r Lot. F.leven (11) in llloclc One (I) of the nesubflivislon of Bloclcs 1 and 2 in said \Vest T{enilworth; THACT 17: The northeasterly t.wcnl.y . (20) feet or IA>t Ten (]0) in Block One (1) of the Resubdlvlslon of Bloclcs 1 and 2 In said West Kenllworth; 'rRACT 18: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Nine (9) in ;Block One (J) or the H.esubdivtsion of Blocks 1 and 2 in said West Kenilworth; TRACT 19: , The northeasterly twenly (20) feel or Lot Eight (8) in Bloclc One (1) of the n.esubdivit>ion of Bloclts 1 nnd 2 in said West Kenilworth: TRACT 20: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of IA>t Seven (7) in Blocle One ( 1) · of the nesubdivisinn of Bloclts 1 and 2 m said West Kenllworth; 'rHACT 21: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Six (6) in B\oclc One (1) of the Hesubdivision of Bloclcs 1 and 2 in ~aid West Kenilworth; TRACT 22: 'fhe northeasterly t.wcnl.y (20) feet t)f. Lot Five (6) In Bloclc One (I) of lhl' Hesubdivislon of Bloclu; 1 and 2 111 s:~id Wel:lt Kenilworth; TRACT 23: The northeasterly t.went.y (20) fcc ~ o( Lot Four ( 4) in Bloclc One (I) of . tlw Resuhdivisinn of Bloclcs 1 and 2 i11 ~:tid West Kenilworth; 'J'RACT 24: The northeasterly twenty (20) reet of Lot 'fhree (:1) in ntoclc One (I) ol' l111 ~ Hel:lubdivision of Dloclts 1 :md ~ in snid W est Kenilworth ; 1'RACT 25: The norlheasterly t.wenly (20) ft ~ (· t. ol' Lot Two (2) in Dlocl{ One (I) or the Resubdivision of Bloclcs 1 and 2 in s:licJ West Keniiworth; 'J~fiACT 26: The northeasterly twenty ·(20) fe e t of Lot One (1) in Block One (J) nf t.he Hesubdivision of Blochs 1 and 2 in saitl W est Kenilworth ; All of the hereinabove described t.l'IH!L::; nurnbcrf' rl from 16 to 26 inclusive, hcing in the Hesubdivlsion of Bloclts 1 and 2 in said West Kenilworth, according- tn t.he Plat thereof recorded in th e offi ce of the Recorder of Coole County, Illinois. on the twenty-third day of May, A. D. 1890, in Book 41 of Plats at Page 11, ns Doculn<'nt Number 1274900, and being withit1 the Village ·of Kenilworth, County of Cool{ and Slate of Illinois. TRACT 27: Th e northeasterly twenl.y (20) feel. of Lot Eighteen (18) in .Tame:-; Hlce Brown '::; Addition to Kenilworth; TRAC'.r 28: Th e northensterly l.wenl.y (20) f(!Ct ,,f Lot Seventeen (17) in .Tames Hice Brown'x Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 29 : The northeasterly twenty (20) feel of Lot Sixteen (Hi) in .Tnmes Hice Drown's Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 30: The northe:lsterly l.wenty (20) feet of Lot Fifteen (15) in .Tn.mes Rice B1·own':> AdcHtion to Kenilworth; TRACT 31: The northeasterly twenty (20) f eet of Lot Fourteen (14) in .T:lmes Rice Brown's Addition to l{enilworth; '£RACT 32: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of r.ot Thirteen (]3) in .Tames Rice Drown's Addition to l{enilworth; TRACT 33: -· The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Twelve (12) in .Tames Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 34: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Eleven (11) in .Tames Rice Brown's Arldition to Kenilworth; TRACT 35: The northensterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Ten (10) in James Rice Brown's Addition tQ Kenilworth; TRACT 36: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Nine (9) in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth ; TRACT 37: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Eight (8) in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 38 .: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Seven (7) in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 39: . The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Six (6) in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 40: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Five (5) in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 41: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Four (4) in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 42: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet d Lot Three (3) in James Rice Brown·s Addition to Kenilworth ; TRACT 43: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of Lot Two (2) In James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth; TRACT 44: The northeasterly twenty (20) feet of

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