2 ' WILMETTE LIFE February 14. 1930 THE BIGGEST LITTLE STORE O!'J THE . NORTH SHORE Don't Forget the Date or Monday and Tuesday, February 17th -18th- Save the Date o a n Store Opens 8:30 · A .M. BED SHEETS good quality sheeting. Sizes 8lx90- 8lx99 Dollar Day each ......... $1.00 PILLOW SLIPS made of good grade tubing. Sizes 42x36-45x36 Dollar Day 4 for $1.00 UNBLEACHED MUSLIN 15c grade, 36."inches wide . . Dollar Day 10 yards ............ $1.00 MANGLE CLOTH, unbleached. 45 inches wide, fme grade. Dollar Day 3 yards ...... $1.00 $ LINEN CRASH TO~ELING with fancy colored border. JOe value. Dollar Day-S yds . ...... . FANCY BATH TOWELS-Values up to 65c. Some slightly soiled. Dollar Day-3 for ............ . COCKTAIL NAPKINS. 9x9 all pure linen, hemstitched with embroidery in comer. Dollar Day --6 for ...................... ·............... . DOOR MATS of cocoa fibre. Just what you will want now spring is coming. Lg. size, Dollar Day, SMOKING STANDS. AU iron smoking stand in attractive design. Dollar Day-each ......... . SMOCKS of broadcloth in colors. $1.50 value. Dollar Day - each .......................... . CHILDREN'S DRESSES. Print fabrics. Sizes 3 to 6-8 to 14. · Many with bloomers. Dollar Day, · 1-00 1-00 1-00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ WOMEN'S COTION PORCH FROCKS. Odd lot, values to $1. 75. Dollar Day-each ............ · COSTUME SLIPS in pink and black. Made of heavy crepe, all sizes. Dollar Day ........... . KAYSER BLOOMERS. Delustered rayon, extra quality. All sizes. Dollar Day-each ........ . MISSES' AND LADIES' RAYON FRENCH PANTIES in novelty trim. Dollar Day-each .. SILK HOSE-full fashion, odd colors and not all sizes. $1.95 value. Pair .................... . GIRLS' PAJAMAS of broadcloth, bright colors. New styles. Dollar Day-at ................. . 1-00 1-00 1-00 1-00 1-00 1-00 BOYS' AND GIRLS' 7/s HOSE with fancy turnover top. ~;~:s ~~ -~~~~~~. ~~- .~~~· -~~~~ ~~ ~~·-~.· . . . 1·00 $ · · $ TOILET TISSUE. Dollar Day 12 roDs for ............................................................... $1.00 · BED BLANKETS cut and bound singles 70x80 just the thing for summer cottages or caJDps. Dollar Day each ................ ~ .................................. $ll.ctct WASH CLOTHS, large size, 15c grade. Dollar Day 12 for ........................... $1.00 RAG RUGS, 24x48, in bit and miss .patte. m, crowfoot border. Dollar Day 2 for ...... $1.00 MOTH CEDAR BAGS, white lined, side opening. Dollar Day 3 for .................. $1.00 Many Odd Lots of Merchandise Reduced for Dollar Day We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Store Hours 8 A.M.6 P.M. or tn's D~=~~es Wilmette Avenue \\1i1mette 589 Wilmette 588 1146--1148